
Hi! I'm up too late tonight so I thought I'd start the check-in. Food wise, did pretty good last week, I joined weight watchers and am trying to find a meeting that works for me. (Pamela, if you read this, please see last weeks thread, thanks for your advice :) )

Workouts were a 4 out of 5. I did 3 Cathe step tapes, treadmill 2X, Bike 4 times, overall worked out 5 days for at least 45 minutes per day. Wed I did 2 1 hour cardio sessions (high energy day). Ok, I confess, no weights last week, but LOTS of cardio.

I am feeling more in control with the food thing now that I'm following weight watchers plan.

How are my weight loss buddies doing?
Hi AmyNicole, sounds like you are doing great. It's nice to feel in control of something, huh? So much is out of our control these days but our body and the way we treat it should be ours to control.

My week was good. My eating a 4.5 and my workouts were good. I just haven't had the energy lately that I had been use to in the past couple of months. I did 3 cardio, 3 weights, and 1 stretch. Still trying to work in more stretching.

I am anxious to weigh again but of course when it comes time to do it I want to put it off. I am crazy. I think it is the lack of chocolate that makes people go crazy. Don't you think?

Can't wait to hear from the rest of you!!! :)
I am on Vacation. I will do a full check in next time.

AMYNICOLE: Great job with cardio.

Steppingup: Great job with food control, 4.5 that's great. It is the hardest thing for me to do regularly is keeping my portions in control. I think eating right is the hardest to master for me.

Keep it up you will be at goal before you know it.

Hi steppingup, sounds like your doing great as well. Your name is Amy right? Your parents had great taste in names- actually my daughter is Amy (nicole is her middle name) when I tried to register under my name (Marci) it was taken. I have always loved that name and I'm glad I got to use it on my daughter. Thanks for the kind words. I know the scale can be hard to stay away from, but I have vowed to put away my scale and weigh in only at weight watchers. It does call my name though.

Nikke, thanks also for the kind works, hope you had fun on your vacations!

As for wieght watchers, I was shocked at my first weight in two weeks ago- of course they weigh you fully dressed with shoes on but I thought I was around 199, turns out I weighted in at 209.2- agg!! But I won't be that weight for long :) Anyway, so I am aiming for the below 200 mark again.

Have great week everyone. I feel great right now, I just did Cathe megastepblast (minus bun blaster section) AND 23 minutes on my recumbent bike.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-11-01 AT 03:06PM (Est)[/font][p]Actually my name is Kelly. I don't know why I forgot to sign my name at the bottom. I always do. Anyway, parents still had good taste in names, don't you think? LOL I know where you are coming from, being over 200. I was over 200 when I started and it was wonderful to get below. Several years ago I would have never thought I would have let myself get that high but it happens. All you can do is tell yourself that starting from right now you're going to get a handle on it and improve. Attitude is everything!!!! :) Keep up the great work and you will be so proud when you reach your goal.

Hi Kelly, yes you parents had good taste in names :) I like my name also. I NEVER would have thought I would be 200 ever. IT kinda shocks and disgusts me but hey, I can't dwell on the past, just getting back to where I was. I was a size 8/10 5 1/2 years ago when I got married, but 2 kids and unhealthy eating later, well you know the story.
Hi Kelly & Amynicole,


I am in the same boat as you. I was a size 10 5.5 years ago and I slowly let 80lbs creep up on me. I always think, why didn't I do something earlier, it would be less to lose.

Well, Can't keep thinking like that. Let's push forward, we made the first step on getting to our goal and that is we are trying. We will succeed. Yes we will have setbacks, but we will succeed by getting back up and keep trying.

I will be thirty next year and I am determined to start a new decade feeling healthy, happy and in control of my life.

Great attitude Nikki, I like that! 30 is a great age, I am 31, and I feel so much more confident now than I did in my 20s. Also, for some reason people tend to take you more seriously. I enjoyed my 20s, but 30 did not bother me one bit. You will be a size 10 on your 30th birthday and think of the sense of accomplishment. Funny thing when I was a 8/10 I always wanted to be thinner, I now look at photos and realized how great I looked. I have vowed that when I get to a 8/10 I will NEVER complain I am fat again!! Besides I need to set a positive role model for my children on body image, especially my daughter Amy.
I thought the exact same thing when I was a 10. I thought I looked fat and wanted to lose 10lbs. Now when I look back at those pictures, I wish I could be that weight again. Isn't it funny what we do to ourselves. This checkin is inspiring.

Thanks again
Congratulations to those who had a great week last week!

Add me to the list of people who thought they were fat
at size 10 and now yearn to be that size again.

I had a slow week last week. Eating was a 4 some days and a
2 on others and working out was a 2 due to the flu.

I haven't lost an ounce and I am very disgusted with my lack of effort and progress. I went to buy a pair of jeans yesterday and it was extremely depressing when I discovered that the 16 was too
tight so I didn't buy anything.

I have been disgusted with myself for the past year and yet
I continue to do the same things to sabatoge myself. If I'm
so tired of this pattern, why don't I DO something differently?????

I have to do better. Have a great week all

I know it is such a big effort to lose weight and nobody understands unless they have been in our fat shoes. I didn't buy any jeans until I got into a size 14 and then just a couple of pairs. The journey is not only a day by day effort but a minute by minute effort. EVERY bite that you put in your mouth you have to ask yourself, is it worth it? Now, I am talking about things you know you shouldn't eat regularly and things that are not on your "diet". You have to ask everytime is it worth the calories to not reach my goal, is it really worth it? What do you want, the fattening food or to be a healthy weight? Ask yourself that question every time you think about straying from your goals and I mean everytime. Is it fair, HECK NO! But you have decided you want a change and you will be so thrilled when you see those changes.

Now after saying that, I feel it is important to allow yourself a treat now and then so you don't feel so deprived and feeling sorry for yourself. I know I do that a lot. It works for me to have a "regular" meal once or twice a month. Not go crazy with it but have something you absolutely love but stop when you start feeling full. Sometimes I think that I want some chocolate so I have a bite, A BITE, and I am satisfied. Now that may not work for you. But find a way that you have a treat but not go totally off the diet wagon.

We do understand you being disgusted with yourself because you are not doing as you think you should. We have probably all been there at one point or another. But try not to waste too much time on this feeling because it is not going to help you with your goal. You need to feel in control and then take that control.

I know I have gone on but I truly want to see each and everyone reach their goals. The feeling of accomplishment is outstanding and soooooooo worth all the days of wanting this and that and knowing you shouldn't eat it. It is very worth it all! So, start everyday like a new beginning and say for that day you are going to eat right and exercise. You can't take back yesterday and you don't know what tomorrow will bring your way but you do have today to deal with your goals. Please, stay as focused as life will allow and keep your eye on the goal....a new healthy you!!!

Kelly, stepping down from her podium...LOL

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-12-01 AT 12:19PM (Est)[/font][p]Kelly,
Thank you so much! I get the feeling you truly DO understand and you nailed exactly how I feel! You stated what I need to do so clearly. I know I need to decide whether the calorie laden food I eat too much of is "worth it". Deep down I know it isn't but I give in so often because I resent...no I HATE :-mad the fact that I am not someone who can eat what I want and be fit and trim. It is so UNFAIR! But I know I just better get over it.:-rollen

Thanks to your encouragement and honesty, I feel a renewed determination to make the right choices. You can get on your podium anytime. Actually up and down from that podium would burn lots of calories, huh?? :-jumpy
weight loss check-in


I agree with crystal, you are so on target with your post and I really got a lot out of it. Please feel free to get up on your "soapbox" anytime - thats what this check-in is all about, support!

O.K., I have to share something, I went to weight watchers today, to a new leader and she was really good. I will be going Tues am. But here is the unbelievable part I lost 4.2 lbs this week, yes thats right 4.2 lbs. I could not believe it! Only 4.6 lbs left until I get under the 200 mark (again).
Way to go!

Good for you, Amynicole! You must be so excited...and proud! One of the things that's so neat about these forums is that when something happens, good or bad, to one of us, we all feel it, too! So, your good news has brightened my day!

Again, great job!!!!
RE: weight loss check-in

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-13-01 AT 03:30PM (Est)[/font][p]That's great Marci. You really are doing well. I know you were really happy to see that. Keep it up!!! :)

RE: weight loss check-in

Thanks Kelli and Val.

Kelli, you reminded me I really should sign my name to my posts, but I always seem to forget!

You know I just spend 45 minutes taping M&M packets to my 4 year olds school valenties, so picture this tons of M&M packets spread across my kitchen table and me. Did I eat one- NO!!!

RE: weight loss check-in

WOW! :-wow You have willpower of steel. I LOVE M&M's! Especially the ones with almonds...yummmmmmmm!


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