Weight Loss checkin 4/8/02


I hope everyone has had a great week. My week was very good until the weekend but still I didn't do too bad. I allow myself some splurges on the weekend. My workouts at the gym are going well and I hope my back will let me continue them.

I have not weighed yet and will not until Friday so I have no news there. I hope to have a dropped a pound or two by then. If I have not I will be greatly disappointed and might just have to reevaluate the splurging on the weekend. When I say splurge it is for one meal on Saturday and one meal on Sunday.

Anyway, how is going with everyone else? Susan are you out there? Are you computer problems resolved?????

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Hi Kelly, :)
It must be a weekend thing! I too did soooooo well all week, then last night, my hubby's pint of "Ben & Jerry's Phish Food" ice cream not just called my name, it screamed for me up the stairs, got me from under the covers, and do you know it wasn't satisfied until I had put away the entire pint! THE ENTIRE 4-SERVING PINT! And what makes it so bad is that I weigh in on Monday mornings, so why I couldn't resist for another 12 hours is beyond me?! I resisted that ice cream for the whole week, went in and out of the freezer numerous times a day, it never even said, "hi" to me, then last night, just a mere 10hrs away from weigh in, it wants to get "friendly" with me!
I lost 2.5lbs and 1 inch last week :)
I can finally say the words I've been waiting to say for a year now......
"The first number on my scale is a 1!" I haven't been in the "1 hundreds" since 1981, and then I weighed in at 199lbs. Since then, I breezed through the 2 hundreds and was almost through the 3's!
But today~I am 197.5lbs :)
And I am the happiest 197.5lb woman on the face of this earth! :)

I was so happy this morning, that instead of doing "heel jacks" on CardioKicks, I regular "jacked" it out every time they did jacks (btw, they do a lot of them in that video~I never really noticed that before when I was "heel jacking!")

But I hope everyone else had a good week as well, and Kelly, I'm sure your splurging will not set you back, remember, it takes 3500 unburned calories to make a lb, and with Cathe, I think we're literally on fire most days! :)

BTW~what was your splurge?
You know that d--n Ben & Jerry's was 1160 calories! I should be ashamed of myself! Plus, I have to replace it today, with my luck, hubby will decide he wants it tonight! There should be a law against a husband leaving totally decadent ice cream like that in the freezer of a woman on the "clean eating edge!" And for a whole week no less!

Congratulations for breaking back into the 1--'s! You've really come a long way, and you should be very proud of yourself. You really belong in a commercial of some sort, you know! A real success story.

My big splurge is birthday/wedding cake, with that sickening sweet icing. Also peanut butter eaten out of a jar with a spoon, and marshmallow creme eaten the same way. Peanut M&M's are big on my list, too. I could go on and on, but won't for now.

Again, Ms Gettin'fit, you have every reason to dance around today!
Hi Everyone,

My week was pretty good and then I had some issues on the weekend like others.

On Saturday, I ate a big chicken parm dinner with our weekend house guests, including linguini, garlic bread and the chicken with lots of melted mozz cheese!

Then I went out with my fiance yesterday to an early dinner and ate linguine with clam sauce which was dripping with olive oil, but dang was it good! After that, I went in to work and one of the attorneys had brought back shortbread cookies from his London vacation! YIKES--they are like pure butter and I had 2 of them!

This must be the PMS kicking in. Anyhow, I only gained .5 pound due to this overindulgence. I was ramming around town doing wedding stuff--trying on dresses, etc., so I did keep active. Well, I am going to have to do IMax or MIC to make up for it!

Donna--congratulations on dropping below 200 lbs. That is soooooo exciting. I got goosebumps reading your message. I'm thrilled for you. I used to eat B&J by the pint also! That was when I could eat anything and not gain an ounce. Boy is that stuff good.

Kelly--I hope Friday's weigh-in goes well for you.

Have a good week everyone.

My week was the pits. Last week I did so good, this week, I stunk. It was my yucky week, and no matter what I ate, I was just Hungry!!!!! I fell off bad this weekend. But, I am back at it. went to the library and purchased a few books on eating, and hopefully I will learn a few things. I got the book Intuitive Eating. I am ready.
Donna: I cannot even tell you how happy I am for you. I was not out of the 100s for two long but I was trilled to get back to them. You deserved that 4-serving Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I LOVE THAT STUFF!!! My spluge Saturday was a boston butt sandwich....greasy pork, yummmmmmy! My splurge on Sunday was fried chicken from KFC. I will see Friday whether I can keep my splurges on the weekend or not.

Linda: Your splurges sound scrumptious. I got hungry just reading about what you ate. How long until the big day? I'm sure you have said before but I forgot. That's one of those symptoms mother's get...forgetfulness!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Congrats on the weight losses!

I had my WW weigh-in Thurs nite and lost 2.2lb, reached my 10% (total of 22lbs.)and fell below 200 for the first time in years. Hurrah!!

But even with that encouragement, my weekend was BAD, I've had a cold so didn't work out for a few days and just wanted to eat comfort foods. Why can't carrots and celery comfort me like chocolate and ice cream do?? At least the Easter candy is gone now.

Oh, well, today is a new day and back on program and to working out.

Best of luck to the rest of you "losers".

Hi guys.....the computer is up and running again. Thanks for asking about me Kelly :).

Just as I was typing this I got a call from my son telling me I am going to be a *********GRANDMA*********I am just over the moon!!!!!!

I was laughing and crying.......imagining my son holding a baby!!!! They are not due until December so there is a lot of waiting to do and I know there are no guarantees.

I was so very saddened to hear of your loss, Donna....and I couldn't tell you at the time because of our computer problems. I continue to pray that God would ease the pain of grief for you and your family.

I was feeling kind of down because I had gained some weight and just can't get a handle on how to eat when I go out......and I go out lots now that I am retired! Somehow hearing this wonderful news has settled me down and I am just bursting with thankfulness to God for my good health and family and all the many blessings He has so graciously given me.

I am going to go do S&H shoulders and legs and later on....if I'm up to it) Rhythmic step (I just love that workout). I may just do Rhythmic step first......I need to DANCE!!!!!! http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/comic19.gif[/img] http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/comic19.gif[/img] http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/comic19.gif[/img] http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/comic19.gif[/img] http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/comic19.gif[/img] http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/comic19.gif[/img]

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif[/img]
Susan: Yipppeee! It's amazing what feelings the thought of a newborn can produce inside of us. I remember before having my son that a crying baby in a restaurant or store drove me to distraction. Now...well, I barely pay any attention to it. Keep up updated on the mom-to-be as she progresses. Congratulations. I'm sorry you have been down but you go do some dancing and you will feel much better. Go dance those calories off. I know just trying to lose weight wears me out mentally. It's always on your mind and colors everything you do! Good luck this week!! Welcome back!!!!!!!

Suzyq: Congratulations on the 2.2 pounds. Keep up the great work you are doing. No carrot has every comforted me like rocky road ice cream, or chocolate pie, or almond M&Ms, or...excuse while I wipe the drool from my chin. :-rollen Hope you are feeling better!!!!

Lori: It is sooooo hard to stay consistently consistent, isn't it. Reading about nutrition always helps me to stay a little more focused. I am hoping you are having a great week. :)

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Susan, Congratulations Grandma!

Donna and the other So-Long 200's Losers - huge congratulations!
As of yesterday, I'm a member toooooo weeeeeeeeee.

I weighed in at 199lbs after years of yo-yoing between 215-210-205. The main thing I've changed is of course the eating -decreased fat and calories. I'm trying to maintain good exercise consistency. No less than 5 workouts per week. I also lost fractions of inches on waist, hips and thighs. My arms won't budge though so I'll have to do something differently. I'm an apple and I'm not sure what's best to slim the upper body.

I'm going for an immaculate week and 197 on the scale Sunday!

Have a good week, Losers!
Susan (suzyq): congrats on your 2.2lbs! :) And for falling below the 200lb mark~WOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Feels great doesn't it?!

Susan (susan54): That is wonderful news! And just think of how lucky your new grandson/daughter will be to have a fit grandma that can keep up with them! Congratulations! :)

Lori: We ALL have eating weeks or weekends that just plain out suck! But hey~life is just too short to pass up EVERY tasty morsel!

Crystal: You go girl! As much as I LOVE Ben & Jerry's (insert Homer Simpson drool here), I loved seeing that "1" more than a lifetimes supply of ice cream! Congrats on your 199lbs, and entering the "1's"

Have a good week everyone :)
I went to WW's last night, and I gained another 3 lbs., that is 5 in the last 2 weeks!! Holy cow. I usually wear my sweats and tennis shoes, and last night I wore my jeans, and black, clunky shoes. That may have had a little to do with it, but still. I do really well on eating for 10 days, then I go to crap for a few days. I read something the Keta wrote the other day that really hit home, "It's not the dieting that is so hard, it is the starting over all the time." That is ME, definitely. I hope to change a little.
Hi Lori,
Don't beat yourself up over this too much. Remember there are many reasons for a weight flux. You could have been holding excess water yesterday, heck, I know this is disgusting, but...
last week I tried weighing myself just before I took a "dump" and then I weighed myself immediately after the "dump", and I was a whole 1lb lighter! So~there can be many reasons for a pound here and a pound there. The important thing is to just keep going, never give up the fight, and remember, "nothing truly worthwhile comes easy!" So we all have these weeks/months at some time or another, and we'll just continue to support each other through them!
Better luck next week girlfriend~that's all!
Donna :)
I feel kind of bad here, the post I meant to write never was done because I got so excited over the phone call from our son!

Congratulations you guys on getting into the 1's! What a great sense of accomplishment you have when get below a marker.

I agree with you Lori, when you said "It's not the dieting that is so hard, it is the starting over all the time." Food is involved in so many things and sometimes I eat something just to be polite or so that someone else won't feel bad because they are giving in to something....I did this with a trifle this week......should have had the nice fruit salad!

My husband just put on a pair of jeans he bought last week and they are too loose in the waste now.......I'm trying to be happy for him. ;-) It is not like he needs to lose much weight either, the pants were a 36 and he could certainly get into some 34's now.

Anyway, I congratulate those who are doing well and empathize with those who have fallen off the wagon like me. We will just have to climb back on there!!!!

Have a good week everyone!

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif[/img]
Congratulations to everyone on all their good news! It is so inspiring and just what I needed to hear. I have 40 pounds to lose for the Air Force and I'm having trouble getting off this plateau....and my weekend splurge was a whole bag of Mint Milano cookies (yup 15 of them!!!! I was so sick)

So, like it or not, I'm starting over again...Right Now!

Hi everyone,

Susan, welcome back - missed your posts.:)

Congratulations to all you losers, especially those who are now in the "1s". That is absolutely great progress. :-jumpy

To everyone else, your comments are really help keep things in perspective. We can't be perfect all the time, so if it happens now and then - great. :-wow

My news is no news - meaning no gain - no loss. Of course I'm using a strategy my daughter suggested. Weigh in on Wednesdays.
This way if you were "off the wagon" on the weekend, you have 2 days to recoup and if you weigh in is good you can binge a little on the weekend. Great advice eh. So it works, I cleaned up the damage done on the weekend and weigh in at exactly the same as last week. lol :-hmmm

I also tried eating the veggies one day, fruit another, but it was the week of easter and hey, it just doesn't work. Stomach growls in public isn't something I want to do.(plus you end up binging) I'm still trying to find what will work for me. I don't want to maintain, I want to lose. And I know it is all about the FOOD intake. :-(

I'd like to try smaller meals and more of them where you always have protein and carbs together. Maybe that'll help eliminate binges.

In 6 weeks my stepson gets married and I was really hoping to drop a few pounds so finding a dress that fits would be easier. I'm one of those pears without much of a chest so you know what happens - in order to fit over the hips, I lose my waist (which I consider my best feature) and then it is sooooooooo baggy up top. I'm starting to stress a little cause the shopping where I live is pretty limiting and time is a ticking. :-mad

Sorry I've rambled on.
I'd like to be a gramma too but I think I'll have to wait a few years. Great news for you Susan.

bye for now. :-shy
I'm strivN2Bfit , Paulette

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