Weight Loss Check In


How is everyone doing?

I ate better than I had been but not as good as I could :).

I decided that I would wear my tighter pants around the house and see if that would put me off eating stuff I shouldn't. I still have chocolate around from Christmas.

Well, I just got Cardio Kicks today and I'm off to preview it and maybe give it a try later. I really should be doing a weight workout today though but life is too short to be rigid in things like this so I'm just going to do what I feel like....but at least I will do something :).

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif[/img]
Well all I can say is that I didn't choose the right time to start a weightloss check-in. This past week was my first week of the Slow & Heavy series. Before that I was using MIS and PS series (but not consistently enough). My diet had been pretty good for the last few weeks but last week was simply horrible. Every time I turned around someone was pushing a valentine cupcake or chocolates. I'm usually fairly disciplined and say "NO" to such treats, but I guess I was having a wimpy week.
I did do well with drinking tons of water and making sure I got my protein in. Better luck to me this next week. The good part of the week was that I really liked the S&H series.

Hi guys, do ya'll mind if I join the weight loss check in??? Where do I sign up? Do you post every day or once a week or what?? Full of questions, aren't I??? I need to lose around 30 lbs, hopefully by June. I'll be starting S&H series next week. (This week I'm having an outpatient procedure, so I have to postpone it.)

Anyhoo, let me know the rules. I like the motivation of a group.

Thanks, Robin.
Hi everyone :)
My week ended up better than I thought, but I missed my mark calorie intake wise. Hubby wined and dined me for 3 nights (thur-sat), romantic huh? NOT!~I think he was having some kind of withdrawal from fried foods, because EVERYTHING he ate was breaded and deep fried, and he enjoyed every bite, and one night I thought I'd have to use that "back fist" move (CTX kickbox)because he had a look in his eyes like he was about to pick the plate up and lick it to sop up the salty, greasy leftovers! Luckily, after 9 years, he completely understands my eye gestures and abandoned the idea!
However, my eating fell apart to the tune of an additional 1900 calories and 48.8g fat, but I was fortunate enough to still lose 2lbs for the week~WoooooooHoooooo!
I really think it was due to CTX. Last week was my first week of it and I think it really shook up my normal routine of lifting slower and heavier.
But this is a new week, so my plan is to stay on target (calorie-wise) and this will be week 2 of a CTX rotation.

p.s. Lisa~I don't know if anyone else was effected like this, but when I did S&H, my appetite increased and I HAD to eat a little more to accommodate that series. It just made me hungrier! Just wanted to pass that on, because I thought I was crazy at first, but that series truly dictated my needs! So for those 4 weeks, I allowed myself the additional calories to fuel myself. :)
I had a fairly good week on my first week of my BFL Challenge. I didn't eat real terrible on my free day either. I did not weigh, I will after 4 weeks. I am going to try and cut out some sugar sources this week, like yogurt. Hope everyone has a great week!!!
Lori S.
I too did not have the best of weeks. For two weeks I had the flu and a cold and it was just exercise getting out of bed to go to the bathroom.

I started exercising again and managed to get the CTX series done for the week. Great for exercising.

But my appetite was out of this world. I just can't seem to get enough to eat and of course am picking all the wrong stuff. Too much chocolate and too much salty stuff. I am going to take it one day at a time and try to eat healthy again.

So Kudos for exercising but big boos for bad food!
My week was actually fairly good. My eating was better but I missed a few workouts because of a busy schedule. I am going to weigh in a week or so. I feel like I have lost a pound or two but of course I'm not sure. I'm going to miss a few workouts this week also because of cleaning house and getting ready for my son's 3rd birthday party.

Susan: I've tried the tighter pants around the house and it does work pretty well. Not very comfortable but I guess that's the idea, huh?

Lisa: Those Valentine treats are hard to pass up. The S&H series made me more hungry too... just like Donna!

Robin: You are very welcome to join our group. Good luck with your weight loss. There really aren't any "rules". We usually check in every Monday and just tell about our week...how well we ate (or didn't) and about our workouts and any pounds lost. Just your basic progress. You can post to this thread all week for added encouragement if needed or of course start another one with a plea for help. We want to encourage one another to make our goals. I hope your recover from your outpatient procedure quickly. :)

Donna: Congrats on the 2 pounds. I can soooooooo relate to your husband wanting to lick the plate because there are a lot of days that I want to do the same. After you have been eating baked and steamed food for so long doesn't fried stuff taste awesome! It usually makes my stomach feel terrible but I enjoy the experience to the fullest the one of two times a year that I actually eat fried stuff.

Lori: I'm glad BFL is working out for you and I hope you have good news to report after 4 weeks. Keep up the good work!!!!!!

Well, it's time to start the day and continue cleaning, cleaning, cleaning, cleaning...well you get the idea!!!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
This eating chocolate every day has really gotten a hold of me. :-( I think I mentioned that my nephew gave me a box of 32 Big Turk chocolate bars :9.......there was a reason behind his madness......... for Christmas. Now it sits down in my workout place.....I thought leaving it there would deter me from eating them.....wrong!!!!!! I figure I should just eat the whole darn box and be done with it. I know I should give it away but I just can't seem to...it was a present.....and they are my favourite. Two very good reasons...don't you think? ;-) Really strong willed aren't I?

Good luck in cutting out some sugar sources. Totally giving up sugar would cause me great stress I think, but I sure would like to cut down.....a lot! I like the idea of just forcing myself to do something else when the urge to eat a no-no come on strong. I must make myself up a list of doable things....things I like to do that will get me involved quickly and take my mind off the no-no (Big Turk chocolate bars). The idea of really giving the house a great cleaning comes to mind here, thanks Kelly! I'll think of you cleaning away for the birthday bash while I'm at it too! At least for all our work we will have something to show for it.

Has anyone looked at the site called Flylady? It is for decluttering your house and it gives you ways to accomplish this that are not overwhelming. Lots of good stuff there!

I didn't end up doing Cardio Kicks after all :-(. A friend called and needed me for something that took up the rest of the evening. That tape looks tough! I'll save it for a day when I feel I have lots of energy. Right now I am going to do PS L&A and I am going to just thumb my nose at the box of chocolate bars :).

Man, am I yappy today or what?

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif[/img]
RE: Fly Lady - I'm not!!!

Hi all: I had a horrible week as far as meeting my goals went, but I did lose 2 pounds, and I rode my bike on 3 days (instead of none!)

I have read everything on Fly Lady's cleaning page and its like reading a foreing language to me. I can avoid cleaning even better than I can avoid exercising! Let's just say its on my list of personal flaws I'm working to change!!!

This week my goal is very simple - I want to do some form of exercise everyday, even if it is 10 minutes of walking. I'm facing gall bladder surgery in the next month or so, so I need to be back on my routine before then!!!

Have a great week.

Hi everyone!!

Well, I'm 1/2 a pound lighter than I was last week, but I don't think that indicates a solid weight loss. My weight has fluctuated all week, and this seems to be the low end, unfortunately. My eating has been relatively clean, except, of course, around Valentine's Day. LOL I've also been working out every day. I had only 1 day off in January, and not because I'm forcing myself, either. I genuinely LOVE to work out, and if I don't feel like having a day off, I won't. If I do, then I'll take some time off. I go by my energy level and enthusiasm!! Which begs the question....why does my diet have to be "squeeky clean" for me to lose the tiniest amount of weight? <sigh> When I was in my 20's, all I had to do was work out even a little harder, and bammo...I'd lost weight. Sheesh....

Oh my -- can you tell I'm frustrated?? :-( I suppose I'll just keep plugging along.....


I understand your frustration. I did not start working out until I was almost 31 but in my earlier years I could just cut down a little with my eating and I could lose weight. NOW, well it's near to impossible to get the weight off without working extremely hard with diet and exercise. I am almost 33 now so I am not ancient but I wonder how hard it will be to keep the weight down when I'm 43 and 53.

If you just keep plugging away it WILL come off, however probably a lot slower than you would like. But as long as it comes off, right? Just keep in mind that you are doing something good for you body...for life!!!

Kelly http://www.sgtfuzzbubble99.homestead.com/files/Smilies/De_Niro/eeyore.gif
Hi everyone! Talk about poor planning...try having Valentine's Day AND your birthday in the same week!! I've had cake 3 times!! But, other than that, my diet has been....ok, who am I trying to kid?? It's been crappy this past week! But....I still lost one pound. However I gained one pound the week before, so I'm even I guess I could say. I'm entering week eight of my "diet" this week, so far I've lost 7 lbs which isnt bad, a pound a week. I'm doing a CTX oriented strength rotation this month. I'm thinking of changing to S&H in March. I havent done S&H yet so I'm excited about it. My current diet goal is to not have any potato chips until at least March 1st. I figure if I can go the next two weeks, I may be able to go a little longer. Two weeks sounds much easier than never!! And, Susan, I'm glad I'm not the only one who uses that tight jeans trick, lol!!

:) Stacy
Yes, you're right...

but it IS frustrating!! :-mad And man, oh, man...I seem to be able to gain as easy as pie!! LOL Argggggg..... Thank you for the encouragement, Kelly!!

RE: Yes, you're right...

Kelly...maybe you could have angel food cake, it's supposed to be fat free. Or maybe suck on a Tootsie roll pop during cake time to keep you occupied. It's tough!! Good Luck!!

:) Stacy
RE: Yes, you're right...

Boy, you guys are doing great I think! :)

I remember losing 25# over 20 years ago at the average of 1 1/2# per week, and I did it with mostly the diet change....no big emphasis on exercise. So you guys losing 1/2 to 2# per week are doing just fine.

I don't think the scale changed at all....what did I expect with all the chocolate ;-).

Hollie, I know the frustration. I couldn't lose the weight now as easily as I did in my early 30s and I find trying to eat only foods that are good for me much more of a challenge.

And Kelly, I am 54 now and will tell you how difficult it is to lose weight if I really do ever lose some ;-). I did lose 8# before the summer really started, but that was before my Dad became ill and passed away and then we went of 3 major trips...all of which led me to eating and more eating.

I'm off to do a workout and then get back into those uncomfortable pants!

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein/sprite10.gif[/img]

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