Weight loss check-in 5/20


Okay~Since it's 5/21 and nobody started the thread yesterday, I'll dive in! :)

I'm hoping (as misery loves company) that the lack of a thread meant no one else was dying to report their progress from last week! :)

My week was a week from HE**! I ate badly every single day last week! I was on some sort of sadistic food binge that I could not control! :(
I have no explanation for it other than I got my "TTOTM" on Friday, but I hate using that as an excuse. i was just out of control last week!
I lost 0# and 0 inches this week, but I should be happy I didn't gain 10# with the way I ate!
So this week I am determined to stay on track and eat better.

Hope others had a better week than I did! :)
I look forward to your posts to motivate me through this week!

Hi Everyone,
I had a good week as far as eating went.I didn't eat in the night time and i also learned the word no.But to my dismay the scale did not move. nor did the feel of my clothes.
I did however treat myself saturday night and sunday night due to the long weekend.I even put a extra lot of cardio in 3 days last week but of course now my ankles are letting me know that that wasn;t a good idea.
So I had aggod week but it didn't matter.But today Iam trying to follow Kethy Smiths diet that I got with one her videos.I think she also has it posted on ivilliage.com if anyone wants to check it out.
Hopefully I will have better news for you next week.
Hey Hey Hey everyone!

Monday morning the scale showed 188.5 Yayyy.. 1.5 lb loss. i am pumped up .. hope everyone else did ok this week.. If i could only stop my weekened binges i would get to my goal much sooner.. best wishes to all

Okay..don't think bad of me, but...

I think I'm not going to check in anymore. I'm getting frustrated and discouraged. I think I need to focus more on staying fit, healthy, and feeling good for now. It seems like when I try too hard, things backfire more. So, I will take a break from this check-in. But I certainly wish all of you well, and I hope you get to your goals!! :) :)

Lori: hey, maybe the scale didn't cooperate, but congrats on the eating! :) That's 1/2 the battle! Hopefully next week the scale loss will appear!

Candy: WOW! I'm happy for you, 1.5lbs! :)

Hollie: You have to do what's best for you, we'll miss your check ins, but you can always "pop in" and say hi! :)

Thanks for starting us off Donna :).

I gained another 2# this week....I sure hope it is partly due to the medication, but I know also that I ate terribly. I was away again and can never eat right then....I just eat what everyone else is eating....very low willpower!

I'm happy for those who didn't gain :) and very happy for those who lost :) :).

I am feeling somewhat the way you do, Hollie....very frustrated. I put pressure on myself and then the willpower fails and it is discouraging to post yet another gain. Good luck to you :).

Hopefully this week will be better.

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/anon.gif[/img]
Hi, this is only my second week with this check-in and I have nothing to report b/c I refuse to weigh myself this week. Last week was horrible as far as eating goes and if I see the scale go up for the 4th week in a row I think I'll be very depressed so I decided to concentrate on eating better this week and worry about the number on the scale another week. My highlight last week was running in the Race for the Cure. It's a 5K and I'm not a runner at all, hurts my knees and ankle joints but I decided to do it anyway, figured worse case scenario is that I walk the whole thing. Well I ran 2.5 of the approx. 3 mile race. My cardio endurance wasnt the problem, my joints were as I had anticipated, but I finished!! Good Luck to everyone this week!

Hi Everyone!

I am happy to report that the scale did, in fact, go below 150 on Monday morning's weigh-in. 149!!!!!!!!! Now only 9 more pounds to go on the "Get in Shape for My Wedding" plan!

I am really trying to eat less/better. I love food and it is soooo hard. I made a big fruit bowl on Sunday so I can take small portions to work with me. I also stocked up on veggies and yogurt.

Sounds like this week was mixed for everyone. Let me tell you all: If I can do it, anyone can!

Let's all have a good week this week!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-21-02 AT 08:50PM (Est)[/font][p]Greetings all! I am joining the weekly check-in for the first time this week.

I started my plan to lose 25 pounds last Monday(5/13). I did great with the clean eating last week. Then, starting Sunday, the evil force of "MTOTM" took control and I ate pretty much anything that didn't eat me first. Thank goodness I cleared the house of everything not on my clean eating plan before I started so the binge wasn't as bad as it could have been. Just way to many calories.

On the bright side, I did not miss a workout all week and even managed to squeeze in two extra cardio sessions. That hasn't happened in over a year!! I owe all who wrote such encouraging comments in response to my post on motivation last week huge THANK YOUs!

So, even though I'm not a loser yet I'm peaceful with the week.

Congrats to all you losers and wanna be losers! You are here and trying and that certainly counts for a lot. You are all a motivation to me.

Best of luck to everyone next week!

Susan54: Chin up Susan~it gets frustrating sometimes, God knows when I saw the scale this week I almost burst into tears, but I knew my eating was horrible last week, so "oh well!" But every day is a new opportunity :) We'll be losers again! :)

Stacy: Congrats on the race! I'm with you on the better eating this week. Hopefully next week we'll be a check in full of losers! :)

Cruncholi: WOW!!!!:) I am thrilled for you, and a little green w/envy too! :) 149 is a happy little number, way to go!

Angela: Welcome aboard :) And thank you for your words of encouragement. I was not a loser this week, and sometimes I lose sight of the fact that it's most important to keep working out and getting healthier and fitter, the lost pounds is just a happy side effect! :) So thanks for putting things back in perspective for me!

Have a good week everyone! :)

Thanks for the encouragement Donna. :)

Nice weight loss, Cruncholi. :) Way to go!

Welcome Angela. :) This is a good place to come to!

I am sticking to good eating.....so far it has only been for two days but I'm happy with that. I am into TTOTM too....so maybe I have been hanging on to water...who knows?

Keep on being positive everyone. :)

Susan http://www.smilies-world.de/Smilies/Smilies_klein_1/anon.gif[/img]

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