Weight Loss after pregnancy


Active Member
Hi everyone,

I need some advice and I hope this is the right place to go to have my questions answered.

I am looking for a routine that would incorporate the following: Step Blast/Step, Jump, and Pump; Imax 2/Cardio and Weights; Kick, Punch, and Crunch, and Legs and Glutes; Body Max (original), Maximum Intensity Strength, and a treadmill.

I had my third child on May 25th. I gained about 23 pounds with this pregnancy. My pre-pregnancy weight was 120 pounds. I am 5'5 and 39 years old. I have been a regular excerciser for over 10 years and have managed to bounce back after each pregnancy. I'm sure I will after this pregnancy, but I also want to take myself to the next level. But for some reason I feel lost like I don't know my own body and I'm not sure how much my age is coming into play while trying to shed these last pounds.

Right now my funds are limited so at the very most I want to get one more of Cathe's DVD's and I'm hoping for some advice. Currently my lower abs are in the WORSE condition. I also need to trim inches from my hips and thighs. My uppper body is OK, just not as toned as I'd like. I want to return to my pp weight however I would be okay at 125 if I was in shape. As I approach my 40th birthday, I want to feel and look the best I ever have!

First, I need advice on eating. I don't eat a lot of food (I probably don't eat enough calories either). I LOVE sugar, but mostly only consume it in my morning cup of coffee and my tea before I go to bed. I try to limit fruit to 2 - 3 peices a day. I usually eat lean meat, poultry, or fish with 2 veggies for dinner. Lunch typically consists of whatever I'm in the mood for, either sandwich on whole grain (tuna or egg) or chicken breast with a hot veggie. Breakfast is typically kashi oatmeal and a hard boiled egg. As far as snacking that is usually where my fruit comes in. Oh sorry, my other sugar source are the Right Bites snack packs of cookies that are 100 calories. I don't eat them every day but if I want something sweet that is usually what I reach for. I have a question, I am fearful of eating rice, potatoes, or other starches when I'm trying to lose weight. Should I be? I usually would eat brown rice or a sweet potatoe. Can someone help me fine tune my meal plan?

Second, I am currently about 131 pounds. So my goal is to lose anywhere between 6 and 11 pounds. I would like to lose an average of 1 1/2 to 2 pounds a week so I can take it off and keep it off. Any suggestions?

I was thinking about getting CoreMax b/c my abs are a mess and I really need to get my core stronger as well. Since I'm only able to make 1 more purchase at this time, would that be a good one to get or should I get something else for toning or cardio? I hate doing the same stuff all the time b/c I get bored really quick so any and all advice is welcomed!

Thanks in advance for your help!
fittwin...a/k/a Traci
Congratulations on the birth of your baby!!

I just want to encourage you that you will be able to lose the weight...especially if you were active before you had your baby.

I would suggest that you invest in a good strength training workout. I strongly recommend the Gym Styles series. I know that I'm talking 3 DVDs as opposed to one but it's definitely something that's missing from your current selection.

As far as diet goes...don't do anything that you don't feel you can stick with over the long haul. If you do, then you are setting yourself up for a difficult journey. Log your food intake on a daily basis....eventually you will be able to see what needs to be done in order for you obtain maximum results.

You're going to receive a lot of different points of views on this matter. Pick the things that sound reasonable to you and give it enough time to determine whether or not it will work for you. If it does great...if not, go back to the drawing board.

Remember...age ain't nothing but a number!!

Take Care,

Thanks a lot for your advice!

I will take what you said into account as I know for people who love to give advice will offer the same, similar, or completely different views from each other. But I feel that I need to have some different perspectives other than my own so I welcome them all.

I know it's only been 3 months since I had my daughter, but I want to make sure I'm headed in the right direction!

I'm just a little brain dead from being sleep deprived! Thanks again!

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