Weight control while pregnant


Active Member
I would love to hear your secrets on weight control during pregnancy. I just found out I am pregnant with #5:7 :7 !!! However, I really want to not gain any more than the healthy amount. I am already 15 pounds over my ideal weight, and I just do not want to have a ton to loose afterward. I would love to know your secrets to keep the weight down.:)

Thanks, Jennifer
Hi Jennifer!

I just wanted to congratulate you on your new baby coming.

I do not have good weight control secrets for pregnancy however. I'm a pretty big gainer every time (although I usually lose it all afterwards).

I hope someone else answers you because most women on this forum do pretty well with weight gain.

Join us on the moms 2 be thread if you want.

1week, 4 days to go
Congrats! My first pregnancy I gained 23 pounds. I exercised most days and kept up moderate weight work. I snacked healthily(most of the time) which I think helped the binges. Do realize though that your body will gain what it needs unless you truly overeat junk and are sedentary. So far I have gained 9.5 pounds at week 18 so I think I'll gain more this time but I did start out 6 pounds thinner.

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