Weekend Check-in Saturday, June 1st and Sunday, June 2nd, 2024

Good Saturday Morning Everyone,

I was able to fit in a workout this morning. Sometimes the stars align for me on Saturday mornings. I did Cathe's latest live (no cool down) and added on 15 minutes of a Movement Parallels Life workout. I only planned to do the warm-up on Cathe's latest live but she swept me away and I did the whole thing until the stretch.

Have a great weekend everyone.
Nice workout Siobhan.......just letting you all know that my check-ins for awhile will be
"here & there" I'm not planning on any workouts this weekend and probably will be
hit & miss for the upcoming week. Even if I workout, I doubt that I will post, cause it
probably won't be much. I am currently "nurse" for Jack and it's draining me
physically & mentally. I'm going to try to at least see what you guys are doing!
Good Morning Everyone,

I wasn't going to work out today as my eldest DD and her BF are visiting but I managed another weekend workout. Today I did STS Meso 3 for plyo legs week 4. It was 49 minutes. Easy at first and then gets tougher and tougher. At one point the sweat shape on Cathe's shirt looked like a large molar. I will do an extended stretch now.

Linda - I am sorry to read about your beloved Jack needing to be nursed. It's a challenging stage and can be so exhausting. I right there with ya! Take care of yourself and check in when it works for you. We are always here for you!

Have a wonderful day everyone.
Thanks Siobhan.......and good job on your legs workout this AM.......have fun visiting with
your DD & her BF ..............

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