Jen, don't most tests now show results up to 5 days sooner than the first day of your expected period? I'd probably wait until the day your period is supposed to start. Your temps do look, high, but I'd have to check TCOYF again...I remember something about the temps being elevated for 18 days straight means you're pregnant or something. How nerve-racking!
Melanie, sorry about the appetite increase with the Clomid. I bet it's mostly water - maybe the hormones are making you retain more. How is Femara different? I've been eating like crap lately but my excuse (if there is such a thing) is that being back to work full-time is kicking my butt and I'm eating more to compensate for my lack of energy. Ugh.
Still no period for me. I'm holding off on taking any herbal supplements until I see my OB but I'm very tempted to do SOMEthing to get me going again. The weird part is that I wouldn't know if I DID get pregnant, so everytime I have a glass of wine or take Motrin I feel a twinge of guilt like I could possibly be damaging things if I was pregnant.
Oh, and being a physical therapist just means that I'm a terrible patient. I was working on a co-worker's back today and we were talking about how we either a) overdiagnose ourselves, or b) ignore things and just hope we'll get better...all the while preaching to our patients about how prevention and early detection of problems is key. (don't tell anyone I said this
) Anyway, I'll start treating myself but I can't stay away from running...which means it probably won't get better.
Susan, how are things going with you?