WD (Diane Sue)


Just wondering how you are??? Did you have your surgery? Also, what did your MRI show? Hope all is well. Thinking of you.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Thanks for asking. I had the surgury on Wednesday. It went really well. I haven't even needed pain pills. The cyst was not attached to anything. The doctor said the reason I was feeling pain in my knee was because the cyst had tendons on either side that it was causing pressure on. Right now I am hopping around on crutches. I talked to the dr. and she said I will only have to use them 4 more days. My knee is really swollen though. I am keeping it elevated and icing it. The dr. said I should be able to start exercising in a couple of weeks. I go in next Thursday. Hopefully I get the go ahead to working out soon. Not working out leaves me feeling stiff.
Diane Sue
Sorry to hear about your surgery. Hope all is going well. I did a search and could not find where your rotations for the intensity series and the body blast series are. If you posted these could you help me find them. You look great!
Hi Diane Sue. Sooo glad all went well. (Harrison6, thanks for bringing this back to the top. I missed it!) I know your appointment is today. Give us a holler when you get back to let us know how it went. Hope you will be back at working out real soon! HEALING vibes coming your way!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I am still trying to figure out how my doctor visit went. It was not very enlightening. She said I could start working out anytime I feel like it? As my leg is still really swollen and I am on antibiotics because it got infected I thought, huh? It hurts since it swelled up and got infected. It keeps me up at night. My knee feels like it has a giant charlie horse when I stay in one position for any length of time. I am hoping doing some range of motion exercises and stretches will help. My range of motion is off and my knee is numb. I was told I could ice it and put use an ace wrap or use compression on it to help get the fluid to resorb. Anyway I have gotten rid of the crutches. I havn't posted any rotations for the intensity series or body blast series. On April 6 I had posted on a thread about SH and ME results. There is a basice weight workout I did plus I added cardio in those 6 days. I have a couple of rotations under WD over at www.videofitnessfanatics.com. I guess I need to add some somewhere. Thanks for thinking of me.
Diane Sue

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