***Watercoolers , Wistful Wednesday***


Today was the cardio portions from HIS and LIS. Shopping after work today and getting ready for brother's birthday party. Also have to mail back the seat covers.


Morning Coolers,

Todays workout was an Easy 2m Run with Cami, and Total Body Plus. So far I'm liking my modified P90X+ rotation. :D Something that I keep forgetting to do (and Wendy requested), was take measurements. Will try to get that done before I get my yoga mat out tomorrow. :D

Jeanette, I love desserts too. I want to make something for this weekend. Cake or a crisp type dessert are always good with ice cream. Of course lots of things are good with ice cream. :9 I never met your GM, but she sounded like a wonderful person. I bet there is more happy memories that are revealed at the memorial than sad. ;-) We only won 1 out of 3 games for vb last night. It actually was a really nice night for playing. No humidity or bugs. :D

Wendy, LOL about the Friske/Frigid!!! :7 :7 Yes that is probably a true statement. :7 I agree with you it is really nice to live in a clean house. When I came home there where things laying around, and I tried my best not to get to mad. But dang it bugged the heck out of me that they felt it was ok to start making a mess again. x( LOL about your idea of hanging from the bar!!!! :7 :7 :7 No way on this earth will I be haning upside down. :7 :7 :7 That type of gravity might help the boobs look better though!!! :7

Carol, Love the pics of your family, and of course the bunnies. ;-) Did the t-storms help with the heat? I don't enjoy MIC either, usually I do that one in segments. I will do the Hi/Lo only, or the step only.

Patricia, Did that repair man finally show up? Did he actually make it for the 4-5 time frame? Probably not is my guess. :D Yes Debra and Wendy are loud, but it is a fun loud. And watch out for Debra, because she talks with her hands too. :7 :7 You will have a blast with these two wonderful ladies. ;-)

Debra, Oh that story about your DH is just priceless. :7 :7 :7 :7 The kitchen table was cleared off about 20 min. after I got home. I played the mother guilt trip on those girls, big time. I will give them a little slack, since this was there first day of summer vacation. But dang I don't think I asked for that much out of them. They both have two chores to do today, we will see how the day goes. ;-)

Sandra, ;( Sorry to hear that you will not be posting anymore. I don't know if I could give up my coffee. :9 Just get yourself better for that lovely family of yours.

Need to go get some hot water for my green tea :9 . There was something else I wanted to say, will probably remember it later.

Have a great day!

I remembered what I was trying to think of. It was about the blog, and by the way they did an update. It was about the photo album.

#3 Photo Album – Our new Photo Album is also linked to our Forums and will allow you to post pictures about you, your family or perhaps your cool new fitness room.

I am right in thinking that this would be like picture trail, but linked to the forums. So my question is, should I wait for this new feature, instead of setting up a picture trail?

Good morning!! Hope everyone had a good night's sleep...I certainly did! I spent the past couple of nights at CBL's place since DD was out of town...It was good to be back in my bed...alone. Have I mentioned lately how nice it is that we have our own spaces?? LOL! Jeanette was right...my banged up knee is feeling pretty rough today...My whole leg is sore. Dang dog. Anyhoo...having a few DOMS from ME today...don't know what kind of workout to do with all of my injuries. Could I be any more of a klutz??


I was thinking of you last night and wondering if DH has your dress done yet for the Faire?? Does it start in July? Good for you for giving the girls a guilt trip...That's what moms are for! I think today is the last day for public schools around here...so our pool will be open full time starting tomorrow. I am looking forward to lying around for a few days...It always makes me feel so decadent to lay around and do nothing on a weekday...but I keep telling myself that I am just being a good mom for DD, so that she has some play time with her friends...My rationalization of the summer! Thanks for warning Patricia...I forgot about all the hand flapping I do!

Glad you got your ride in last night. And good luck with the golf lesson on Monday...I am sure you will get lots of great tips. What kind of ice cream is your sis making?? I love homemade ice cream...We have already done that a couple of times this summer. DD wants to do chocolate next. I was definitely laughing at XDH's day yesterday...It could only happen to him! DD wasn't traumatized at all...she found the whole day pretty darn funny, too. My vein isn't bothering me, but if I want insurance to pay, it needs to start...LOL! You co-worker's veins sound awful! I have some friends who are coming in August to go to the winery since they have beach music bands there all month. Should be fun. What kind of yummy treat have you decided to make for DB's bday??

I can't believe you told Patricia not to go into public restrooms with us!! She is going to be totally scared now. Did you know that there are all sorts of gay pride festivals going on in Toronto while we are there?? CBL was looking up restaurants and events for our trip and say all of these marches, etc. I am sorry your favorite gay/guy instructor won't be joining us! Usually CBL does turn down the volume on his phone when I call...Do you think he is trying to tell me something????? God bless Phil...he is the one who should be going to massage school! Maybe then he could make you pay for all of those rubs you get!

Okay..think I am caught up for now...Hope everyone has a great day!



Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Wendy/Deb - Oh I didn't realize the Gay/Pride parade is the same weekend. You guys are in for an EYE full let me tell you. I believe you're all over the age of consent b/c to see most of the participants you have to be!!!

I've had a busy morning so just pooping in quickly. Didn't play BB last night due to rain and kinda glad as I was feeling under the weather so didn't even w/o. Much better today.

Matthew seems better but got a call from pre-school today to say he had a big bump on the side of his neck so will take him to DR this afternoon. Hopefully, it's just hormones or something minor. These things always seem to happen when you're going away or a special function is happening. Worse when you're going out of country!

Sandra - I hope you get better really quick and look forward to hearing from you when STS comes out. I agree that you have to put yourself 1st at times like this and cut-back on activities.

Oh BTW ladies, you might find out that I can keep up with Wendy/Deb in the loudness dept!. I grew up with 4 other kids so if you wanted to be heard you pretty much had to shout! LOL
Good Afternoon Ladies,

I finally managed to compile and print a list of books the girls' read for this year's homeschool for Saturday's evaluation. I didn't include them all. Heck, I didn't even include the books they read at MIL's house. I doubt it matters. They read more in a year than I ever did during my entire 12 years of public school!!!

I still have a year's worth of record keeping to do. When will I ever learn to keep on top of it!!!! Oh, and I've got a portfolio to assemble. I warned the evaluator that I'm cramming samples into a manila envelope instead creating a Creative Memories type scrapbook.:p :7

Depending on my mood, today's workout will be either:
Core Synergistics with a short Eoin flow
Plyometrics (first half) with Eoin Going Big

My hip flexors are tight from all the step I've been doing. So, I'm leaning towards the Going Big and Plyo.

Oh Crap! I forgot to open another window for personals. Will do now!

Jeanette: Man! You must have some loose hips... Opposed to loose joints. ;-) Don't your hips ever get tight with all that step? You're on your own with HIS and LIS. I might do that one next week. You sure have a party filled life!!! Hmmm, if you decide not to bake a cake, hot apple pie will go good with your sister's ice cream!:9 Ohhh, have fun riding on Saturday!!! I'll be sweating it out during the evaluation while you're sweating it out for real!!!:+ I'll be sure to calm myself and exhale deeply. As long as I don't hyperventilate, that should help you up any hills.;) :+ OMW!!! Cardio & Weights was nice! I didn't go as heavy on the weights because I don't want to aggravate anything before seeing Eoin. But, the cardio portion was so easy compared to when I got back from Thailand. I thought I was going to DIE when I did it!!! LOL It's amazing too be able to notice cardio and endurance gains. Shuush!!! Me and best memory!!! Plueeze!!! You were freaking me out during the retreat with everything you remembered.:eek: My mind totally blocked out Phil taking the piano apart the night before Easter until you reminded me!!! :7 :7 :7 You were more than a little loopy Friday night too!!!:eek: :7 :+ Yes, I was feeling no pain during my time in NC!!!!}( I would have never guessed that Laurie would be so full of surprises!!!:D

Debra: What's this, and I quote: At least with Bryan's CD you wouldn't have to watch him fondle other people...LOL! I am sure that Phil would not want to be fondled...at least in public...LOL. Did I not already tell you no fondling of Phil was allowed, even in my presence?!?!?!? :7 :7 :7 Well, if grabbing Phil's tight behind is on your mind enough to make you type Freudian slips, then you have my permission to grab away! I haven't decided if this includes in my presence or not!!!:7 ;) :+ OH!!! Tell CBL to stop burning himself for me.:p :+ He should see Phil's long, white, chicken legs!!!! OMW!!! Phil is sooooo happy that he sat out on the Toronto trip!!! Then again, I'm almost positive that once the gays got a look at his tranny legs :eek: (did I just say that aloud?!?!?), he wouldn't have to pay for a single drink!!! }( :+ ;) <--- It's funny cuz it's true!!!:7 :+ Put him in a pair of heels, and I'm jealous as all get out!!! Too bad my gay/guy instructor isn't going. The jury is still out on whether he is or isn't. Jenn and I can't make up our minds. Maybe, I'll tell him about the parade and see if he decides to change his mind.:eek: :+

Patricia: Toddlers are toxic!!! It's a sad fact of life. Hopefully, the doctor will have good news for you... like a round of drugs. Thank goodness I decided not to make the Toronto trip a family event!!! I would not be up for eldest dd's endless questions!!! Just FYI, every time you see me type !!! that means I'm talking loud!!! :7 :7 :7 Don't be scared of Debra and me doing anything sexual in nature in public bathrooms!!! OMW!!! No!!! We just talk to every stranger that will talk to us regardless of what the stranger might be doing at that moment.:7

Laurie: I don't know about Cathe's Photo Album. Would you like to post pictures other than fitness related for everyone to see? Would it be password protected? I would set up a free account at picturetrail just in case you don't like the new blog's picture features. It wouldn't hurt to have both places to store pictures. Yes! Get thee measured!!!

Okay ladies, off to start filling out the girls' daily log. Creative writing log would be a better description.:7 Let me defend my girls! They actually did the work. Okay, maybe not on that particular day!!! They're not the lazy ones in this equation! If anything the log won't even record half of what they did. I'm lazy like that!!! :7 :+

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!!!
So glad to know that you won't be out-talked by Wendy and me! I don't know why I am so loud...I'm an only child! So sorry to here that you weren't feeling well last night...Hope things are better today. And please let us know what is going on with DS's bump...That doesn't sound good...And of course, it has to be right before your trip! Ugh. CBL has been busy today planning restaurants and places for he and I to go in Toronto. I don't think he has a gay pride gala on the list, though...LOL!

Okay...Jeanette is the one who mentioned Phil to me in her post on Monday...I went back to check! I didn't bring it up...I think it is because of that memory of hers, she remembers when you and Phil got into the argument about your yoga class. I was not even thinking of fondling Phil...in or out of your presence...but if it will make you feel better, I will cop a feel when I am up in August...LOL! Never heard of the term 'tranny legs' before....it took me a couple of minutes to get it...LOL! Poor Phil...does he have any idea all the things you tell us here???? LOL about !!! meaning you are yelling...How do I display my usual hand motions online?? I think Phil should be coming to Toronto so that CBL would have someone to drink with while we are at yoga. Get busy with your homework! You make the girls do it...that means you have to, too. No fair waiting until the last minute before your project is due. What kind of example are you setting for those impressionable minds????

Okay...I am a big, fat, wounded SLUG today...No workout for me. My knee is bugging me, and I couldn't think of anything to do that wouldn't make the problem worse....I just did upper body yesterday...and I can't think of a cardio without using my legs...and I can't kneel at all...or even do child's pose at this point...so no yoga. I suppose if I had really been adamant about exercising I could have worked around it, but that just required too much thought for me today. Instead, I got some laundry done and my pantry and fridge cleaned out...That counts for something anyway, I guess.

See you all later!!


Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Good Evening Everyone

Lets see, boy its been a very busy day. I'm all caught up at work so shouldn't be too bad going back to work next Tuesday. Took Matthew to Dr and she thinks it's only a viral infection as no infection in ears/throat/chest. So just packed extra Advil just in case. He is playing and eating so not too concerned now.

I did LIS from 4DS and then Push/Pull. Wanted to get both cardio and strength in as I'll be sitting for probably 10hrs tomorrow I'm sure. Packed Eoin and Amy's 10min trouble spot w/o with band. Hmmm, maybe a recovery week too. Will see how it goes.

Jeanette - I almost find LIS not enough cardio now. When you do both cardios does one follow the other or do the combos mix & mingle? That would be neat!

Laurie - the repair man showed up just after 5pm and of course couldn't find anything wrong with the dryer - $50 service call}( The dryer came w/the house and probably >10yrs so may need to invest in a new one soon. I broke down and bought Cathe's calendar this year but have not taken measurements yet. The though of publishing it for all to see in my kitchen just doesn't work for me! I think the photo album on the new site is going to be awesome. I like the idea of having some security on it.

Debra - sending kisses for your booboos!:p One day soon I'm pretty sure we're going to invest in a KING size bed. We have a queen and I still feel croweded.;(

Wendy - this homeschooling sounds like its more work for you then the kids! Yes, take it easy so you can play w/Eoin next week.

Okay. This will be my last post until we're back next week. Everyone had a good time, take care of yourself and HAVE FUN, I know I will be.:p :p
Good evening,
Had a good day at work today. Had to go complain to a higher up today about our Personnel office. I can't believe they allow it to run like they do. We have a real control freak running it. Grievances are being filed right and left. I may have to file also. Still no upgrade pay for me yet. The Associate Warden told me today that the teachers out here have back pay owed to them going back to last August. It's unbelievable.

After work, I mailed my wrong seat cover and did grocery shopping. Just got done making a "Lazy Dazy Oatmeal Cake" for my brother's party tomorrow night. It has a broiled coconut/walnut frosting on top. Always a hit and VERY moist. I'll also make a chocolate dessert in the dutch oven outside. That will satisfy all sweet teeth. Coffee along with the desserts.

Laurie, glad you are working the rotation to your benefit. Grandma had a long life, got to do some traveling around the world. Know Mom is missing her. Glad the volleyball was fun. I thought of you last night as I saw a friend that teaches the volleyball class at the college. He's also a great bike rider and good racer. Hope those girls are getting their chores done. When my kids were home during the summer, I'd give them chores like vacuuming or doing dishes. I swear, when I'd come home from work, the vacuum cleaner was still warm and the dishes were still wet in the dish drainer. They would cram it in in the last half hour before I'd get home LOL! Kids!! Of course, their mother isn't much better. I'll be running around like a chicken tomorrow right before the party, vacuuming, doing dishes, etc LOL about the non-hanging boobs! I was wondering the same thing about the new photo area of the new forums. Sounds great!

Debra, darn that knee. Hope it only takes a few days to get better. Somehow my scabs on knees always got a little infection in them. My sister will be buying ice cream for tomorrow night. I probably wrote that she'd be making it, silly me. I make an oatmeal cake tonite and tomorrow will be a hot chocolate dessert cake in the dutch oven. I love making desserts in the dutch oven. Love cooking outside. Oooooh, the beach music bands and wine drinking! Can I come? Please? Glad Julia took it all in stride. What a day for your XDH! LOL!

Patricia, sorry that the baseball didn't happen for you, know how much you enjoy it. Sure hoping that your little one is okay and the bump is nothing. Sounds like you will get along just fine with Wendy and Debra. Believe me, those 2 are no shrinking violets!! Watch out for Debra's hand gestures, she uses them quite a bit!! If I remember right, the cardio only premix of HIS/LIS is not mixed up, which I think would be better. It does all of one, then does all of the other. I would like it better if it was mixed up. Dang it that the repairman didn't find the dryer problem. If he came to my house, he'd have to be stone cold deaf not to hear my dryer. Squeals like a pig. Of course, DH keeps ignoring it. I think he's waiting for a bearing to seize up. What a grasshopper. Hope you have a fantastic trip!!! We'll miss you.

Wendy, hope you can get all this end of year school stuff behind you soon. No, hips never get tight from the step workouts. I prefer them much more than hi/lo or kickboxing. Which probably means I should do more h/l & kb. I'm looking forward to Saturday's ride. It's not a race so I won't have to worry about my heart rate being too high. I think that was part of my heat problem at the triathlon. Nerves and going out to hard, too fast, combined with not being used to the heat. So when do you start the massage classes? It sounds so very interesting. Know you will do just great! Endurance is something that you can easily see increases in, whereas muscle building can be tough.

Okay, gotta get to bed, almost 11 pm now.


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