****Watercoolers Tuesday****


Just starting us off. I'm off early to do Kenpo Cardio+ as this evening is busy. I'm taking ds on a haunted tour of the city. It's a 2.5 hr bus trip, this is a new thing in the city so should be fun.
Morning All:

Up and at work and probably a busy day for me since I slacked yesterday.:p

Kim - the tour sounds like a blast. I wish Halloween was earlier in the year. The one time I went to a haunted farm the line up was so long and it was sooo cold out I said forget it.

Debra - going to a waterpark or working out... Hmm, I know what I would choose. Sounds like you had a good time. I can't wait until DS is old enough to enjoy those as I love going on water rides.

Okay, back to the old grind stone.
Morning Coolers,

Today I came in early because I have a hair appointment after work. Will have a cut and color done. :D After my appointment I will do an easy 4m run, and then head out to our vb game at 9pm.

Kim, Haunted tour? You will have to let us know what that consists of. Will they show you all the haunted houses in the city? Hope you and DS have a great time.

Patricia, Don't they have a couple of those Ab Diet workouts out? I think I had looked at the reviews of one of them over at vf. Good luck with the HIIT, I'm sure your endurance will get even better doing a workout that way. I would think that the Imax's Blast Only workouts would be considered HIIT, if you put a break inbetween each blast. I see your dilema with STS and P90X (it really is a good program, but then you have ordered STS). I'm going to do my little rant right now. I WANT MY STS!!!!! :D

Debra, Oh I think an amusement park walking and breath taking roller coaster would be a great workout. :D Even though your summer has started out to be a busy one, it sure has sounded like a lot of fun. Enjoy it while you can, because as you said school will be starting in the fall. It seems that the summer just started, and I will be having to get the girls ready for school in just a couple of months. Oh yes we sure do sweat off whatever whe consume. My courset was soaked through on Sunday. x(

Wendy, While I'm on vacation I plan on sitting in a chair reading, swimming in the lake, maybe doing a easy run in the mornings and eating. :9 :7 :7 :7 Basically doing nothing at all. :D Hope you are feeling better today. Don't think I'm going to be reading that book while on vacation. Just doesn't seem like something that would entertain me while enjoying the sunshine. :7 :7 Oh yes Cami was doing the hyperventilating thing too. x( Edited to add: Didn't you say that you invited someone to join our happy group? Did she get shy on us! :D

So here is a bit of a funny for you! On Sunday our understudy Queen had to leave early, because she teaches in Kentucky and had to catch a plane. So for our late glade we usually have these bits people can do for the Queen. Jane the Phoole was our stand in for the Queen. One of the requirements was the Lady Derby (myself) should have a new dress made within the hour! So members of our group took me backstage and put a table cloth around the bottom of my dress, exchanged my bodice for a yoeman tunic, and used a table runner as my forepart! Everyone laughed, and it was a great time. :D Hope someone gets a pic up so I can show you.

Have a great day!

Good morning all! Hope everyone is having a good morning so far. I have a nasty headache accompanied with nausea. Yea. I guess it is good that DD and I were just hanging around collecting urine today...lol. No other exciting news in my world today. I need to get some housework done..I am sure I will feel better this afternoon, so I will get to that then.


Have fun with the haunted tour! I love things like that!! I bet DS will really enjoy it too.

Sorry you weren't there for the water rides...One that CBL made me go on was f***ing HUGE! He said when we got done that it wasn't fun...he was really scared...LOL! It was this long enclosed tube that had a few serious drops in it. This particular park had a lot of things for the little ones too. DD and her friend went on a pretty high ones...I was surprised they weren't more scared than they were.

So your understudy Queen is flying back and forth from Kentucky?? Wow! That is dedication! Sounds like you guys had a good time at the Faire. I am sure your hair will be beautiful after you appointment this afternoon..and then it will be not so lovely after your VB game...lol. Good luck with kicking the other team's butt tonight! Summer seems to be flying by for us. I will be glad when we are home with nothing special to do for a couple of weeks. Just some pool time.

Okay...think I caught up with everyone else last night...Hope you all have a good day...I will be around in between visits to the restroom!



Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Debra - I thought of you just now when my company announced its opening an office in Charlotte NC. I thought, wow that would be one place I would be willing to relocate to if given the opportunity. Never been there but I think the weather is probably pretty good.:p Hey, marriage maybe in the works but that doesn't mean something else isn't!!! Your symptoms remind me of when I was first preggers. Hope you feel better as the day wears on.

Laurie - thanks for the laugh. I'm so close to getting a body perm but always fearful that the perm won't come out right. So are you going to be the best dressed person at VB tonight then?:p Since I generally get my hair cut in the evenings then w/o I've started not having my hair blow dried. Why pay for it when I'm just going to pull it back into a poneytail.

Back to work for me.
Still hanging around...headache is better, but my stomach is still pretty upset. I am getting ready to take a nap...maybe that will help.

Yes!! Move to Charlotte! It is only an hour from here. That is actually where we went to the amusement park yesterday. Weather is awesome down here...Very little snow...It does get pretty hot in the summer, though. But in Charlotte you are close to the beach and to the mountains! The best of both worlds. No way am I preggers!! I have an IUD...pretty fail-safe! I am sure I will feel better by tomorrow....I guess I ate something that didn't agree with me. No marriage or anything else going on here...LOL! Have I mentioned lately how much I love CBL having his own place?? I get to see him when I want...and send him home when I am sick of him...LOL! God bless his sweet heart!

Okay...off for a little siesta...I ate a chicken sandwich and kept it down, but I am feeling pretty out of it.



Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Good Afternoon Ladies,

Nothing much going on in my life today.

Debra: Hope the nap helps to settle your tummy.

Laurie: I haven't invited the lady yet. Gotta put that on my to-do list. I'll be sure to channel you sunbathing next week.;-)

Jeanette: Miss ya! Are you all camped out yet?

My luv just walked in the door....


Just finished BM2 - cardio timesaver only. My left leg is bothering me a bit. Hurts to put full weight on it during a squat. Noticed it last night but ignored it. Will take it easy over the next few days. Have BB tomorrow night but running I don't think will aggravate it.

Pretty quiet at home these days.

Oh, finally broke down and ordered P90X this a.m. so excitedly waiting for it to come in the mail.

Hope everyone had a good day.

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