**** Watercoolers Sat & Sun in Eoin Land ****


Morning All

It's Patricia here. I've actually disposed of Wendy and now going to sneak up on Debra and CBL. Just kidding. Wendy is safe and sound but I don't know about Eoin.:p :p

We had such a good time last night. The workshop was great and I think Wendy was over the moon. Eoin was all over her tushhy... I though she would just die. We even went out for Chinese Food with some of his friends even last night. What a night. We had such a good time and the jokes and conversation were out of this world. Yes I'm in Eoin Land now too! Eoin even drove Wendy and myself to the restaurant and when he dropped up off at the hotel and rolled out his Manduka yoga mat for Wendy to step out of the car. Can you believe it.:7

We stayed up until after 2 talking and now up and getting ready to go to the 9:30 workshop. Debra bowed out of going for dinner to meet with CBL so not sure what time we will see her this a.m. I understand she is not a morning person and has already gotten permission from Eoin to show up late. I'm thinking Eoin won't show up on time this a.m. so she probably won't miss much.:p

Kim - glad to hear you enjoying you rest week. I needed one too and now feel so much better and looking forward to starting up a new rotation next week and get back into the swing of things. I just got Amy's Slo-mo so might try that.

Laurie - busy busy weekend for you. Enjoy

Jeanette - did you get your w/o in with your sister yet? Have fun golfing and spending time with your family this weekend. I'm thinking of you hope the memorial service is not too dificult.

Okay ladies, I almost lost this post so better go.

Just want to say I'm thinking of you Jeanette, hope things are going well.

Glad everyone is enjoying Toronto! Kim
Good morning all!!! Here in Eoin land as well! As you can tell from the time of the post, I have just rolled out of bed and I will probably not be at the morning Eoin session...but I will definitely be at the afternoon session. I was so excited to meet Eoin last night...I can't tell you all how cool and laid back he is...Wonderful experience. I did ditch them to go meet CBL though...Since I am on vacation with him! We went to a really cool bistro and had some yummy calamari and lamb...The food here has been wonderful.

It has been great to meet Patricia...and wonderful to hook up with the Crazy Asian again!!

CBL and I are going to play around a little this morning and then I will head over to yoga this afternoon...CBL, Patricia, Wendy and I are all going out to dinner tonight...

Hope everyone is having a good weekend...

My love is going out to you and your family.

Kisses to all!


Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Hi all,
I'm just popping on here real quick like. DH and I went out and cut a big load of wood this morning. I need to shower, then it's off to the memorial. My sister and her family arrived on Thursday night. Yesterday was golf with my BIL (had a great time), then a get together in the evening. Today is the service (family get together, music, pastor friend to say a few words about Grandma). Tomorrow will be a 4-wheeler ride with family. Then I'll still be off for a couple of days. Thanks for all the good thoughts for me and family. You guys are the best!

I got to read quickly about the Eoin workshop. I am soooo not surprised by anything! Glad you guys are all having a great time!

Kim, thanks for the good thoughts!

I'll be back hopefully tonite to chat on here. I miss it when I don't have time.


I finally worked out again after 4 days off. I did Cathe's LIC, I didn't realize how much I missed Cathe's cardio workouts. From Dec-March I did P90X and March-June I ran and did Cathe's weight workouts. I figured by this time I would have STS and would use her cardio along with the new workouts ;) I'm still going to start the +lean rotation on Monday but if she posts a good July rotation I'm going to be very tempted!

Hoping everyone is having fun in Hogtown! (TO) Why is Toronto nicknamed Hogtown anyways???

Hope Jeanette is enjoying lots of special memories of her Grandma with her family.

Hoping Laurie is enjoying family time at the races.

We had a nice day today. This morning we went to Home Depot and picked out the new carpet for the basement, then went out for lunch. This afternoon the kids, my nephew and the neighbour (10 yt old boy with autism) went for a swim in the backyard before a thunderstorm hit. My sister and I had a nice visit along with a coffee. I spent a couple of hours reading a travel guide starting to plan our trip next Dec. Now the kids are watching the new Disney movie "Camp Rock" and got some workout time and 'puter time.

DH did a 8 mile run this morning, he is starting to train for next year's marathon (June) as he wants to really improve his time to qualify for Boston. I really doubt that his enthusiasm will keep him training for a whole year. He's usually the guy that runs a few long runs and then runs the marathon a hour faster then me. ;( But to his credit he bought new shoes last week, and ran 3 times this week.

Hi all,
We had a nice time at the memorial for Grandma. Enjoyed hearing some of my Mom's memories of Grandma. Was a nice afternoon/evening. Tomorrow will be a 4 wheeler ride that should be fun.

Kim, glad you had a nice day. What is the new carpet like? Where are you going in December? I've never heard of Camp Rock before. That's pretty cool that your DH is into running too. He sounds like he has natural athletic ability and endurance. My DH doesn't really enjoy the athletic thing. The activity we have in common is 4 wheeling and going out in the woods or desert with the dogs and exploring. We also enjoy camping. I'd love for him to want to bike or golf, but that's just not him right now.

Debra, how was dinner tonite? I bet you guys had a blast and laughed and laughed! Hope the weekend/vacation was everything you wanted.

Patricia, were you guys all of on the same decible level? Was that right about Debra using her hands to talk? Wasn't it just a hoot all getting together? Are you now a big Eoin yoga fan? My sister and I worked out yesterday together. We did Supersets and I let her use the stability ball. She was too tired to do a cardio today. I did some hi-lo and then step from Christi Taylor this morning before woodcutting. Tomorrow, my sister said she would work out with me. Maybe SJP circuit of some kind, or a full body weight workout.

Gotta run now, time for bed.

Jeanette, I'm glad that the memorial was nice. Will your BIL and sister go on the 4 wheeler ride with you. We have a ATV, a Yamaha Grizzly out at the lake.

The carpet is a Berber, loop, high density, It's beige with flecks of colour in it. We were looking for a carpet that ds with his asthma could sleep on and also be good for working out as the basement has the rec room and his new bedroom. Have to pick out a paint colour next, need to paint before we get the new carpet.

Camp Rock is a new Disney movie released Fri night. It's playing on tv every night over the weekend. It's supposed to be the next biggest hit after High School Musical. There's a thread over on OD voting which is better ;)

In Dec. we're going on a 7 day Carribbean cruise on the Disney cruise line along with my sister and her family. The kids are roughly the same age also 2 days at Universal Studios in Florida before the cruise.

Hi all...Just wanted to say hello really quick before CBL and I head out to get something to eat. Wendy should be at the airport by now and Patricia is on her way home. We had a great time with Eoin today...He is so awesome and down to earth and funny and cool...and I am sure there are some other adjectives I could use, but my thesaurus isn't handy right now. I can't tell you what a great experience this has been! Okay...I'm starving to death since I haven't had anything to eat all day but a Luna bar...so I am off for some dinner...

Kisses to all!!


Let Awe flow through you. Don’t let even the smallest things be taken for granted or grow stale---Eoin Finn

Hi Ladies!

I'm still in the airport. My flight was delayed till 10:30. That's okay, I've got David and Mike to keep me company.:D

Eoin was great this weekend!!!! I'll chat more tomorrow. Hope all is going well with everyone!

Jeanette, I'm so glad you were able to spend time with your sister and have a memorial for your grandmother this weekend!!!

Debra: Bi!@H!:p David thinks it funny that you call me Baby.:*

Patricia;-): Hope you got home safe and sound.

Decided to get going with my P90X+ Lean rotation so did TB+ this evening, DH did it with me. Took dd to the waterpark this afternoon. Back to work tomorrow, ugh, how do the weekends go so fast. Kim
Good Evening Coolers2
Well, home safe and sound. The drive was good - only a little over 3 hrs.

My hamstrings and back muscles are so feeling DOMS. This workshop was so worth it for all the pointers and bringing everything back to the basics.

Thanks Phil so much for gifting Wendy as I would have missed out on this great experience.

I've only been away from Matthew for a couple weekends and boy did I miss him + DH. I swear Matthew is talking more and as we were playing he started doing Ring Around the Rosie with me and sang it for the 1st time. Maybe I need to go away more often if he makes these leaps in development w/o me? Hmm, potty training is one that I sure would like to be leaped to now!!!

Jeanette - you're right about Wendy talking with her hands LOL. She must have some Italian in her. No, I don't think I was quite as LOUD as those gals after all. I don't think I've quite experience anything like it before:p :p I'm glad to hear your weekend went well. What w/o did you get your sister to do today?

Kim - Okay, I'm not following everyone on this board around on trips, but my DH and I have talked about this Xmas to go on a cruise to celebrate my 40th BD which is Dec.28th. We have not ruled out the Disney cruises yet. Will start looking into them later this summer. Not sure how much in advance we have to book. I was in a learn to run 5k program a couple years ago and this guy came out with his wife for her support. He smoked and was thin and only "played" at fitness but was the fastest of us all. Must be a male thing that they really don't need the constant conditioning the way we females do.

Wendy - OMG that s**cks:7 :7 Hope you can sleep on the plane. How late will it be for Phil to pick you up? Glad to see you've found some company. I'm sure you will have their whole life storey before you get on the plane.LOL

Debra - hope you didn't get too wet going out for dinner. I ran out of the rain about 1hr north and its beautiful sunny skies where I am now. I guess that is why they call it the Blue Sky Region. Is it okay to post CBL's pic on my picturetrail?

Okay - off to spend time with hubby. See you tomorrow.

Debra- my sisters and I were booking the Disney cruise for our 40th birthyday too. Our birthday is in March and March is almost double the price of Dec. (My sister's job does not allow her to take jobs in Jan/Feb) So we're going in Dec rather than March. We booked our Dec'08 cruise in Aug '07. My sister who cruises alot insisted this was necessary as these cruises tend to sell out and the price increases closer to the sail date. Kim

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