Water Retention

Does anyone else get the water retention weight gain 2 weeks before the start of their period? I always here on the commercials about the week before the period but I swear for me it starts 2 weeks before and then levels off the week before my period. Does anyone else have this problem or am I unusual?
Yes, mine starts regular as clockwork right after day 15 of my cycle. I can set my calendar by it. You are not unusual. Commericials do not know what they are talking about and were probably scripted by a man! Mine does not disappear until three days after my period begins.....we are all different.

It's a complete nightmare and no over the counter diuretic has worked for me, they made me throw up instead. I don't recommend them. What helps is: extra sleep, continuing exercise, knowing that this is what it is and it''s not that you are getting fat or pigged out last night, eating stacks of fruit and veggies, avoiding too much starches and salty food which will make you bloat even more. Oh, and being nice to yourself!

Oh, yeah! Mine starts two weeks before and drags out until several days after. I swear, I probably only have a couple of "normal" days in there, although, since there are so few, I really think the water retention is what's normal for me rather than otherwise.

Mentally, it's excruciating, since I've been working so hard for so long to get the rest of this weight off. Watching the numbers on the scale bob around like that or, if I'm on one of my get-rid-of-the-scale kicks, feeling my clothes tighten, is so frustrating! And I don't just gain 1-2 pounds; it's more like 6-8. Ahhhhhh!

Reducing you salt intake can help, although I track my sodium religiously (as I do all my food, vitamins, minerals, etc.), and keep it at at the recommended daily allowance. The water retention gets worse if I don't do that, but it doesn't seem to get better if I do. Does that even make sense? Also, I would advise not drinking soda, even if it's diet. Soda actually makes me ache, the water retention gets so bad. My hands, feet, and (as strange as it sounds) hips ache if I drink soda in this phase, badly enough to wake me from a sound sleep. I also take a prescription diuretic daily, and it does help, but the symptoms I've just mentioned are with the diuretic.

I guess there's really not much more we can do about it, but do watch the sodium and diet soda. That can help a little.

Your sister in bloat,
Shari x(
Thanks to both of you for your replies this is a frustrating problem. The only diuretic I've really tried is the one they say is in pamprin or midol for bloating. It's really nice to know that I'm not alone in this problem. Thanks again.

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