want to know how to eat clean? A resource....

I recently purchased a magazine that's on stands now, either by Oxygen or M&F, dedicated all to Abs (its a special edition or something). Anyway, there are TONS of articles on clean eating in it, and the advice looks pretty sound (and almost no advertisements for supplements that I've seen). Check it out!
Oxygen is one of my favorite mags.I also enjoy FitnessRX.I have totally given up on Shape,Fitness and Self.I guess Oxygen gives us more realistic goals unlike the other mags.The other mags have alot of stick thin models,without any muscle,and you have to be born like that.While Oxygen as muscular women that with ALOT of hard work we could possibly look like:) I know I don't have a hope in streching out to be 5'10" and 120 lbs.But I can be 5'4" and 120 lbs:)
I am currently reading Oxygens new one for this month and I bought the abs one.Lots of great info!
So, is the Abs issue a different issue from this months? I've never even read Oxygen, but I'd like to get this one. Do you think I could find it at a bookstore in the mall?


Probably so. And I like it because it gives some great sample menus so you can compare what you're currently doing. And it includes water. I have definitely not been drinking enough water! I always think you should take everything with a grain of salt, but this mag gives a nice template for the day. For some reason, it helps to see it laid out like that. I know I should be eating more veggies and fruit, protein, etc. But this gives me more of an idea of how to do it ('cause I'm a lazy idiot and I need someone to spell it out for me!)
I picked up that special ABS edition of Oxygen and found it very informative. Like a lot of people on this forum, I "outgrew" Shape a long time ago. I used to like "FITNESS" but lately, they've gotten "fluffy", too. Shape and Fitness are great for beginners and intermediates still learning the basics, IMHO. I've picked up Fitness RX several times and am considering subscribing. Ditto for OXYGEN. Another magazine I've found very informative is Women's Health.
That makes two lazy idiots, because I am the same way. I need things spelled out for me.
Clean Eating? I don't even know where to begin. How does one ease into clean eating?
I'm definitely going to buy this magazine tomorrow.

I have a subscription to "Shape" but have noticed lately that I already know the information they are giving me, or the article isn't something that interests me. Plus, it is filled with so much extra junk it seem like. Maybe I should give "Oxygen" a try.


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