Walmart checker thinks I'm crazy!


O.k., years ago, on a whim I bought this facial cream from L' said it was so strong to only use it 3 times a week before bed. I thought 'sure' but I tried it. The first morning after using the product, my jaw dropped when I saw myself in the mirror. Now I don't have bad skin, but this cream in one try, made my pores just disappear and my skin was so smooth and pretty, I couldn't believe it! So I follow the directions and only use it three times a week and each morning after, my skin is radiant! A couple of months later when I ran out, I went to the store to buy some more and it was gone! I mean GONE! I looked everywhere. I searched high, I searched low and there just wasn't any to be found. Finally, after days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, I had to face the fact that that facial cream had been discontinued and replaced. Of course I tried the replacement and it did nothing for me. Over the years I have tried I don' t know how many products looking for something similar, to no avail.

Well, last week I finally broke down and bought some Oil of Olay Regenerist 7 vitamin cream. At first I thought it was nothing special, but after a couple of days I started to notice that my skin was looking better, after a week I started seeing really smooth, clear, poreless skin. I'm loving this stuff! Now, not wanting to make the same mistake I made with the earlier product, I go to Walmart, find the product, and buy all they have on the shelf...and nothing else. You should have seen the look on the checkers face! I was like, 'Yeah, so I'm buying 13 bottles of this stuff.'

Am I crazy? Maybe, but my skin will look great all the way to the funny farm. :)

Dee Dee, (my sisters fun name is Deedle Dee)

I know your frustration. It happens to me all the time. Seems I miss though. When I do find a product I like, I purchase it, then, like you say, they discontinue it. When I find another product and buy like you did. It gets old, from not being used up. And the store still has them on the shelves. So again it does get frustrating.

What was the name of the first face cream you liked so much? Could you look on line for it?


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
I know what you mean! My MIL loved one of Olay's lotions. She's been looking all over for it. Here, they discontinued it. So, I went to Olay's website and got her the free trial sample of the Regenerist facial cream with coupons. She loves it too. I tried it, and it was too much for me. I love the Total Effects overnight cream. My pores look amazing the next day. I even use it during the day after a shower. Once the weather warms up, I'll switch over to the daytime lotion.

Glad you found something you like. I don't blame you for stocking up either!
Don't worry about it! I do the same thing with WalMart! When I first found the peanut butter, Naturally More and fell in love with it! I went through 2 jars in about 2 weeks! I went back and the shelf was empty!!! Now, everytime I find it, I get 5 jars of it! I never know when they are going to carry the stuff. Heck, they've been out of DH's soy milk for over a month!!!
Question for you about products?

OK, here's the situation I find myself in...I have only recently started to notice fine lines around my eyes, etc. I'm 34 and I've never really had a "regemin", I use Noxema in the shower, and Neutragena tinted moisturizer. That's it. So I'm less than educated about all the creams, lotions, and STUFF you can use for your face. I feel like I need to go back to college to get a degree so I can make an informed decision here!! I do have fair skin that can be sensitive, so I'm afraid to just blindly start trying things.

Does anyone have suggestions? I notice it when I smile, under my eyes and the apples of my cheeks. I'm really at a loss as to what I should use. I would go to the cosmetic counter, but I'm afraid they would see a walking wallet and sell me everything they make.

Has anyone used the new line by Garnier, perhaps? (I do want to be able to go to Walmart or Target to find it). Can anyone offer some advice? I'm open to suggestions and appreciate any input offered!!

RE: Question for you about products?

Anything by Loreal is pretty good stuff, Oil of Olay as well. I am currently using a new line of skincare by Stella McCartney that I love, it is all organic and seems to be working wonders on my skin! It is not too can find it on Just my suggestion, I am a total product junkie and have to try every new thing that comes out!!:)
But I like to buy online, I hate to shop in stores!
RE: Question for you about products?


You can chat online with someone from Oil of Olay. Tell them what you want and they can recommend one of their product lines.

I have combination skin and easily break out when using lotions/creams. Oil of Olay's Total Effects night time cream gives my face the moisture it needs while not causing my skin to break out in pimples. I don't use it sparingly either. I use a generous amount.

In the past, I've used more expensive products from cosmetic counters. They only made my face worse. I worked at a cosmetic counter and was never really trained. We were told the benefits of certain products, but not really trained to help diagnose which ones to recommend.
Dee Dee, is the Oil of Olay product part of the Regenerist line or Total Effects product line? It's Total Effects that denotes 7 vitamins - I don't see such a claim on Regenerist.

If you have a Costco nearby you should check out their beauty section. You can find Total Effects and Regenerist products in there. I've seen awesome lines in there lately at 50% of the retail price or at 2 for the price of 1. Also brands like Bourjois, Smashbox, Elizabeth Arden, etc. I've read also that some Costco stores carry Ojon, Clinique, and others, but I haven't seen those at the one I go to.
I'm an OOO Regenerist convert myself. Have definitely seen a difference since I started using it about 3 months ago (previously I'd been using OOO's originals). I don't think it'll ever be discontinued--I think it's their best selling line. But you never know........

A little tip: put your extras in the freezer. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to replace this stuff every 3 mos. or so--some of the ingredients might "expire" so to speak.
DeeDee, great story! I do stuff like this all the time. I have been burned too many times by things being discontinued that I stock up.

>Dee Dee, is the Oil of Olay product part of the Regenerist
>line or Total Effects product line? It's Total Effects that
>denotes 7 vitamins - I don't see such a claim on Regenerist.

My mistake Diane, it is the Total Effects line. I love this stuff. I've never had blemish problems, but depending on the time of the month I will have pore issues, but with this stuff my face just looks great! I am really surprised to have an Oil of Olay products that does this for me, because I have tried them before ( I can't remember which products) a few years back and it did nothing for me. For the most part I've just been looking for something to keep my skin for drying out, I had given up hope of finding something that actually seemed to nurish my skin in any way. I'm lucky I decided to try this product.
Thanks for clearing that up for me. When I hear about a product that works, I'm all over it. I hate wasting money and there's too much stuff to waste money on in the facial cream/lotion department.

While we're on the topic of skin care products, I just tried the olay regenerist skin regenerating serum and the regenerist skin polishing mask. They are fantastic!! I can already see a difference in the smoothness of my skin. They are definitely worth trying!!!!

Take care,

>If you have a Costco nearby you should check out their beauty
>section. You can find Total Effects and Regenerist products
>in there. I've seen awesome lines in there lately at 50% of
>the retail price or at 2 for the price of 1. Also brands like
>Bourjois, Smashbox, Elizabeth Arden, etc. I've read also that
>some Costco stores carry Ojon, Clinique, and others, but I
>haven't seen those at the one I go to.

Rosie that is a great idea! Thanks. :)
>I'm an OOO Regenerist convert myself. Have definitely seen a
>difference since I started using it about 3 months ago
>(previously I'd been using OOO's originals). I don't think
>it'll ever be discontinued--I think it's their best selling
>line. But you never know........
>A little tip: put your extras in the freezer. I'm pretty sure
>you're supposed to replace this stuff every 3 mos. or so--some
>of the ingredients might "expire" so to speak.

Thanks Laura, another great idea.:)
Thanks to all of you for your replies - I'm going to give the experts a call at Oil of Olay!

Thanks, DeeDee!:) I just bought the Total Effects lotion and the eye cream today. I hope the lotion helps my pores too. They also had a cleanser. The back of box cautioned against using other products at the same time with same stuff in it, so I decided against trying the cleanser yet.

Have a great day!

>O.k., years ago, on a whim I bought this facial cream from
>L' said it was so strong to only use it 3 times a
>week before bed. I thought 'sure' but I tried it. The first
>morning after using the product, my jaw dropped when I saw
>myself in the mirror. Now I don't have bad skin, but this
>cream in one try, made my pores just disappear and my skin was
>so smooth and pretty, I couldn't believe it! So I follow the
>directions and only use it three times a week and each morning
>after, my skin is radiant! A couple of months later when I
>ran out, I went to the store to buy some more and it was gone!
> I mean GONE! I looked everywhere. I searched high, I
>searched low and there just wasn't any to be found. Finally,
>after days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months, I had
>to face the fact that that facial cream had been discontinued
>and replaced. Of course I tried the replacement and it did
>nothing for me. Over the years I have tried I don' t know how
>many products looking for something similar, to no avail.
>Well, last week I finally broke down and bought some Oil of
>Olay Regenerist 7 vitamin cream. At first I thought it was
>nothing special, but after a couple of days I started to
>notice that my skin was looking better, after a week I started
>seeing really smooth, clear, poreless skin. I'm loving this
>stuff! Now, not wanting to make the same mistake I made with
>the earlier product, I go to Walmart, find the product, and
>buy all they have on the shelf...and nothing else. You should
>have seen the look on the checkers face! I was like, 'Yeah,
>so I'm buying 13 bottles of this stuff.'
>Am I crazy? Maybe, but my skin will look great all the way to
>the funny farm. :)
Is your skin oily? Is this for dry skin? I would love to see my pores go away, but I have very oily skin.

>Is your skin oily? Is this for dry skin? I would love to see
>my pores go away, but I have very oily skin.

Hi Angela,

My skin is normal except during the winter when it gets dry.


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