Varicose veins?


I have varicose veins on one leg. One vascular surgeon said I could have the vein stripped; the other offers valve "repairs" on the leaky veins. Stripping is an out-patient surgery done with general anesthesia. The valve repair is an in-office procedure with local.

It's strictly a cosmetic procedure since the veins in no way adversely affect my health.

I'm leaning toward the valve repair, since I don't really want to have surgery and since the repair job seems like it'll do the trick.

Has anyone here had any experience with either (or both?) of these procedures?

Thanks for your input!
I just had the veins on my left leg fixed 3 months ago. I had a scan done whcih showed that my main vein in my leg was not functioning properly. He went in and sealed it off with a laser. Then about a month later he went in and fixed the "leaky " veins. I have no more pain or discomfort. The"buldging" is gone. My recovery was about a week having to keep my leg elevated as much as possible. I have to wear a special pantyhose if I am going to be standing for long periods of time but only for the first 6 months

My insurance paid for it 100% because of what the scan had shown.I highly recommend this precedure! :) If you have any other questions just ask! Susan
I worked for an Interventional radiologist who's specialty is veins and arteries. He also has a vein clinic which his wife runs. It's a spa/clinic. He does a procedure called venus closure and I had that done on my left leg. Look the procedure up. It is fairly pain free and not done under general anesthesia. It's very safe. Some insurances pay for it. Others don't. If you want more info look on the internet for it. I had a surgeon talk to me about stripping but admitted it might not work, and might be worse in the long run. Why go through general anesthesia? It is always such a huge risk?

I did not have my closure done because of cosmetic reasons, but because of pain and swelling in that leg. Since I worked with the Dr. I knew what he was telling me was the truth. He used and an ultrasound to find the problem vein.

If you have any questions feel free to email me. I am working the next 3 days in CCU so may not get back to you until Friday. Just beware of the surgeons. I'm speaking from the inside.

Venus is the name of the procedure I had done as well! I did a web search one day for "venus closure", then found a doctor in my area.
I don't know much about this, but a co-worker's elderly mother ended up in the ER yesterday from a burst vericose vein that wouldn't stop bleeding. I'm sure her age had a lot to do with it, but still....
Please consider the Endovenous laser treatment over the stripping. The stripping is supposed to be very painful and have a 6 week recovery time (no work, no exercise etc)!!!!

I also had the endovenous laser treatment! Great experience. Insurance coverered it. You could not see my bad vein but it was causing pooling problems.

My general doctor didn't even know about the new laser procedure. I think some doctors don't even know there is an alternative to the stripping.

If I had to do it over again, I would have fixed my leg sooner than later.


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