using a personal trainer


I'm considering adding the "one on one" attention of a trainer to my Cathe routine, BUT, am wondering if Cathe is already teaching me everything he will -- especially since I have 11 brand new DVDs coming soon. :)

Anyone out there worked with a personal trainer and found it to be a productive add-on to Cathe?

I never have but I do know people who have. Just make sure you get somebody who knows what the heck they are doing. Don't just pay someone to count your reps for you....make them work for their money.
Ask lots of questions.....
T. :)
I personally feel that it is helpful to work with a trainer. Cathe's workouts are great, but they're not exactly individualized to your needs. A trainer can help you design a program to help you achieve your own goals. Also, it always helps when lifting weights to have someone around to spot you. It's very hard to bring your muscles to a true state of fatigue unless you have someone there to help you at the end. Just my .02!;-) Of course, Trevor is right when he says to get someone that knows what they're doing. Trainers usually aren't cheap and as he said, you can count your own reps!!
Definitely try it and see if you like it. I have worked with a trainer for a little over a year now and it has been worth every penny!

I had been working out on my own for about 10 years with Cathe (and other videos) as well as going to a gym AND teaching classes (I'm a certified group fitness instructor), but I found myself getting bored with my routine. I'm pretty stubborn and like to think I know a lot about fitness so I resisted getting a trainer for a long time. I kept thinking he/she couldn't tell me anything that I didn't already know. Finally I decided to give it a try and signed up for a couple of months. I was pretty much correct about not being able to teach me much (although I HAVE learned a couple of things), BUT there are SO many other reasons to have a trainer!

First, it is an appointment that I cannot cancel. The general rule is that you must give 24 hours notice or you will be charged. So that keeps me from bailing out at the last minute.

2nd, he pushes me much harder (heavier) than I would push myself and it is safe because he is there to spot me. Previously, I wouldn't do heavy bench press for fear that I'd get stuck and have a heavy weight sitting on my chest. But now I can go as heavy as possible with none of that fear.

3rd -- when I'm just not feeling up to it -- he is there to motivate me.

For me, it was a bonus to have a new social relationship too. I would typically go to the gym and not talk to anyone the entire time I was there. It was a nice change to have someone there to talk with in between sets.

And, lastly, my experience with a trainer motivated me to become one myself. I got my Cooper certification in April and love working with my clients!

One word of advice when looking for a trainer, pay attention to how they interact with their other clients first so you can determine what style of trainer you prefer. Do you want a guy or a girl? Do you like the "drill sergeant" type or the more supportive "you can do it" type? Do you need someone counting your reps out loud or does that grate on your last nerve? Don't be afraid to ask questions about their training philosophy (ie, if they say women should use light weights to "tone" ... run away). If possible, ask some of the trainer's current clients for some feedback.

Good luck. I think you will really enjoy it!

Shonie, thank you for the specifics of what to look for. That is very useful and helpful information!

Thanks for the insight on a trainer. I've got to tell you: when I met with him for the preliminary "get to know you" session, and he asked about my current exercise routine, I told him I was addicted to Cathe. He didn't know who she was.

Him: You really need to do some stability ball work.

Me: yep, do it with Cathe.

Him: I would recommend some exercises working opposing muscle groups

Me: Cathe calls it "Push Pull"

Him: Ever heard of "supermans"?

Me: Oh please!

Him: You'll find the pyramid system qute effective

Me: Tell me something I didn't know.

Him: So many people neglect core work.

Me: Not with Cathe in the house.

Him: So how do you spell her name?

He ended up writing down her website and telling me he needed to find out more about this woman.

Just spreadin' the word
Well, at least he's on the same page as Cathe! Some trainers aren't quite with it yet.

I'm a certified trainer (ACE and NASM) and I've used trainers in the past. If you find the right person, I think investing in sessions with him/her is one of the best gifts you can give yourself. A good trainer will push you to levels you can't reach yourself, even though you "know" how to get there thanks to working out with Cathe. A good trainer will push you to do more reps or lift heavier poundages ... or both.

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