

I know they are busy but is anyone else going nuts wondering when shipping will begin. I just want updates or more pictures or something. hehe How is everyone else doing with the wait?
I guess it is helping that I am in the middle of a rotation so the wait is not too bad yet. Cathe did say they plan on shipping the VHS in Sept. So at least for me I tell myself only a month to go. I should have them by the end of Sept, just in time to start a new rotation. I love seeing the pictures and would love to see more of them
Teaching just started yesterday, so I haven't really thought about it. I'm sure that they're still doing the editing process. It hasn't been that long. And I'd rather have a good job done than a rushed job (though if they could do both.....!).
I can't wait for more pictures of Push/Pull. Wonder why we only got one picture from that video? I am most looking forward to this one and S,J,&P and K,P,& C.

I was hoping for more pictures. Well I am hanging in there just waiting for the dvd's to come to my door in hopefully the end of Oct.or middle.

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