

this is my second pg and i recall having to fill up on water for my ultrasounds. tomorrow i have an appt. for my first one and they didn't give me instructions to fill up on water. so i am wondering if anything has changed? can you have an ultrasound at the beginning of your pregnancy without being bloated with water?
Hi! They told you not to drink water, Wendy? I'm so surprised. I had an 8 week u/s and still had to drink the water. It's about one litre (4 cups) of water 90 minutes before, I think. Maybe your u/s facilities have some new kind of technology that doesn't require a full bladder? Now that would be so nice! I have yet to have an u/s without being told that my bladder is too full, and having to partially empty it. *sigh* I'm always an overachiever :)

Sunnydelight, it wouldn't hurt to phone the u/s clinic and confirm the water situation. It would really suck to show up and have to wait another hour while the water gets into your system.

Let us know how it goes!
Hey Sandra,

Jeez, now I'm all confused! lol I keep on getting these 2 terms confused...what is the difference between the sonogram and the ultrasound? I am talking about the one that shows you the picture of your baby, not the one that listens to the heartbeat....anyway, with my first one of whatever it's called,lol, I wasn't specifically advised to drink water. However, when I went at 20 weeks, I was advised to drink 16 ounces about an hour before....

Have a great work out!

Due Date: 5/19/05


ok, i called the dr. office and they told me they do a quick ultrasound to check for the heartbeat but i do not have to have a full bladder for this appt.
That's not fair!! LOL!! My u/s people made me drink all the darn water, and I was only 8 weeks along!! The purpose of the u/s was to determine the age of the fetus and nail down an estimated due date, so maybe that makes a difference to how they do the u/s, and what they need to see? I dunno! I want to go to your technician next time, though.

Wendymin - yeah, the sonogram is just the audio listen for the heartbeat. U/s is visual, but also has an audio component, and can be used for listening/monitoring the heartbeat as well.

With my first pg I bought one of those home sonogram-type things that lets you listen to your baby's heart beat. They're around $30, I think. I thought it would be great fun. But I couldn't find the heart beat to save my life. I even brought it to one of my dr appts, and she first found the heartbeat using her sonogram, then looked for it using my thingy-dingy in the exact same spot, and we still picked up nothing. I got really personal information about my digestive system though :)

I hope your u/s goes well tomorrow, Sunny Delight!

I didn't need to drink extra water when I had my ultrasound at 19 weeks.

Have a fun time, Sunnydelight! Although I do recommend drinking a little bit of something just before you go in, as it gets the baby more active so you can see all the crazy movement. Enjoy it!

Jennifer V
Medical Terms

Hi Wendy! In answer to your question regarding ultrasound vs. sonogram ...
The prefix ultra- menas beyond;excess.
The combining form son/o means sound.
The suffix...
-graphy means proces of recording;
-gram means record

Medical terms are read from the suffix back to the beginning of the term and across. So, ultrasonography literally means the "process of recording beyond sound". Sonography means "the process of recording sound". These terms are share the same basic meaning and are used interchangeable. Ultrasonogram literally means "record beyond sound" and sonogram means "record of sound". Again, ultrasonogram/ultrasound and sonogram are used interchangeable. Ya know us medical people, we like big words. Sonogram is not nearly as impressive as ultrasonogram. ;)

Oh, "the doppler" ultrasound used in the office to listen to fetal heart tones is another form of ultrasound.

Is is painfully obvious I teach medical terminology. :)
RE: Medical Terms

hi ladies,

what i found out what it depends on what type of ultrasound they do. yesterday i was given the vaginal ultrasound and therefore my bladder had to be completely depleted. when you receive the one they do over your stomach then you must have a full bladder.
hope that helps.

have a great day!!
RE: Medical Terms

Yes, you should empty your bladder before a vaginal!!! Oh, I can't imagine it! Ouch! However, I did not have a full bladder when they did any office u/s (vaginal or over the abdomen). When I had my 20 week u/s with my DD, the tech scanned me briefly and told to empty my bladder. I told her I thought my bladder had to be full, she said I need the bladder full until I locate the landmarks (bladder, cervix, etc.) but then you can EMPTY your bladder.
This is all news to me. When I had my first ultrasound about 3 years ago I did not need a full bladder at all. In fact they did not want me to. I guess it all depends on the technician and doctor's preferences.

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