UGH!!! I had the FLU and it was NOT fun!!


I was having a GREAT week last week, working out and keeping with my schedule. Then one evening, out of the blue, within 5 minutes I was sick as a dog. Stomach pains and nausea, body aches, it came out of nowhere.

Well, this was last Thursday. I made it through work on Friday (barely) and tried to workout that evening, but uh-uh, it didn't work.

So, last night was my first night back. I missed 5 days of working out! I have not missed that many days in a row in MONTHS!!!

Now my daughter has it and there are MANY MANY patients in the ER and on the med/surg floor with the flu. (no, I didn't spread to everyone!)

I was panicked that after 5 days of not working out that I would be SO weak but I think that I have recovered and didn't lose too much strength.

Has anyone else had this recently? It is a weird flu. Felt like a stomach ulcer and when I just LOOKED at food, my stomach would REALLY hurt.

Plus, it has brought back my labrynthitis (like Meniere's disease) which makes me SO dizzy. So, I cannot do any ab work because the position of lying on my back and looking up makes my room spin and I get motion sick. Hopefully, this will get better soon.

Just wanted to share...misery loves company.....:(
Hope you're feeling better! There were some people sick with summer colds last week where I work, but no flu. Don't worry about missing some workout days. There are times when your body needs to rest, and I know you know this since you're a nurse too :) but this is one of them! Take care of yourself and I'm sure you'll come back just as strong when your body is ready!!

Hi Jackie,

I'm sorry to hear you've been so sick! I agree with Carole about not being hard on yourself for missing a few workouts. Take your time to get well!

I am so sorry to hear that you have been ill, Jackie! Take all the time you need to rest before you begin working out again. I know how hard it is to have to miss workouts. Take care!

Oh dear, glad that is over! Is your daughter OK? Getting sick is the pits! I am wishing you and yur daughter well!

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