TTCers m/c support


Where is everyone!!!
Everything is still good here. I am 12 weeks today. I am feeling much better and my wiastline is expanding!!! My workouts have been pretty good. I have put on 1 pound!
I will bbs for personals...just wanted to get a new thread going.
Hey everyone! I'm still around, just been busy at work and tired at night. I realized that if I go to bed about half an hour to an hour earlier my m/s is not as bad the next day. Don't know why but I'll do anything at this point. I have my first dr's appointment tomorrow at 330 pm so I will update ya'll later on tomorrow night. As surprising as it sounds, I'm not at all nervous, I am more excited! I just KNOW that everything is going well so no reason to stress. Still no workouts. I'm either too exhausted or too sick at night. I'm hoping once I hit the second trimester I will start feeling better and working out again. But I am honestly not worried about it at this point. My belly is already expanding and I actually love it!

Bethany- I was going to suggest the BC for a few months and see what happens. My dr wanted me on it for three months after Depo because I wasn't getting AF and she appeared the first month so I hope she shows soon for you too. I only took the BC for two months and then stopped. My first cycle off the BC was really strange with spotting in the middle but the second one was fine. Good luck! I hope you will still check in with us even though you are not actively trying. I'm not either. ;)

Susan- I'm glad you are feeling better. I can't wait to be where you are. Although I still wake up everyday blessed for my m/s because it reassures me. Only one pound?!! Great job! I feel like I have 5 already! My lower abdomen feels heavy already. Hope there is only one in there!

Hi to Priscilla, Autumn, Mel2, Melanie and anyone else I missed!
Jen-Im excited to hear about your appt today. You'll be feeling better before you know it.
Melanie-how is the training big time athelete you!!
Pricialla, Wendy-how are you guys feeling??
Bethany-I keep going back to your very low body fat. If that could be the culprit would b/c even work? I am no expert by any means...just thinking. Is your body fat lower now than when you were preg the first time?
HI Reena, Mel2.
Workouts this week have been
Jari S&L
5 mile walk
and today I will do another Jari
tomorrow will be a long step workout
Time to get dd ready and off to school.
Hi Everyone,

Off to an all day meeting so I can address everyone individually, but just wanted to say hey and Happy Thursday - hope it is a good one for you all!
Good morning!

I started the b/c yesterday. This is just another thing to try...if it doesn't help, at least I'll know. At least for the next 3 months I won't have to feel guilty for exercising, drinking wine, using whatever I want on my face for acne...

Reena, my DH is much more practical about things like this too. Plus he just wants to see me happy and less stressed, and he could tell that each day I entered in my temp into my chart was like a punch in the stomach for me. Sorry you missed your fertile time.:( Good luck with your appt today - is it just a regular check-in?

Susan, I wonder about the body fat thing too. I weighed less and had a six pack when I got pregnant, but I'm not sure what my body fat was. Even then my periods weren't regular, but at least they came every 60 days or so instead of not at all! Awesome job with your workouts this week. 12 weeks, how great! And that 1# is probably water!

Jen, good luck at your appt today as well! You seem to have such a great, laid back, attitude about it all right now!:) Yes, I found that sleeping less and STRESS made my m/s much worse too...hope work gets easier for you soon - it's no fun when you're feeling crummy.

Hi to everyone else!
Whew, I am finally here!

Bethany -- I wish I was more knowledgeable about fertility to help advise you. I am glad that you were able to make the decision to just go ahead and try the BC x 3mo. Only, b/c it will give you some much needed stress relief and a chance to start over in a few months hopefully refreshed. Again, back to your low BW. What does your practitioner think about this and a possible correlation??

Jen --sorry you are suffering w/ms. Hopefully, this is at least a good sign of things percolating.

Hi ya to Susan and Wendy!

Priscilla -- how are you doing, any 1st trimester s/sx?

Reena --that stinks, I always never know what to do when I have AF and a gyn appt! Hopefully this coming month will be the prime time.

Melanie -- how's the training going??

Well for me-- I got my first AF after my mc 2/25. I have never been to happy to see AF! Although, she was only light and 4 days. Oh well, one mo. down and one mo. to go before we can start TTC again.

Take care ladies!
Hi ladies ~ A quick update, AF showed up yesterday. I hope y'all know y'all will be some of the first people I tell if/when I get pregnant. :) I'm ok with it. I've got two bottles of PNV, but I think when they are gone ~ my TTC days will be over for awhile. It has bee a long 12 years of TTC and may be time for a new phase of my life. :D

Well, I think DD and I have a cold. What is up with all these viruses finding us? It is that or allergies. Hmmmmm.... I am itchy.

Sorry for such a quick post- gotta go play nurse to my DD. :)
Hey everyone! I had my first dr's appointment today! He did a courtesy u/s for me and we got to see the bean and the heartbeat! He estimated the heartbeat at 150-155 and said everything looked perfect. He even gave us a free picture! I go back in about 5 weeks for my first "real" OB appointment and another u/s. I am so happy and relieved! My DH said it was like a huge weight was lifted off of him!

Sorry no personals but I am off to get some cleaning done while I am on the adrenaline rush! Hi to everyone!
Hi Ladies

Hello everyone,

I haven't posted for the past two days, but here I go...
Well, I have been doing OK. I started cutting down my caffeine intake and it's giving me headaches on a daily basis. I try to have 1/2 a cup of coffee in the morning, no sodas at all since I found out about my pregnancy. I already set my first appointment for the 24th and I can't hardly wait.

Jen, how exciting!!!!!!!!, I am dying to hear my little bean too and it's only 4 wks (I think)

Susan, you're officially in the 2nd trimester, wow I just remembered when you told us about your BFP. It's impressive you have only gained a pound. I hope I can keep up with my workouts too.

Bethany, I agree with Mel 2, these few months are going to let you focus on something else and get your second wind.

Mel 2, I haven't felt any S/S. The only one thing I'm noticing is that I get soooo tired during the day and when I get home from work, I just want to rest and go to bed early. I know that you want to wait few months before TTC, when are you starting again?

Autumn, I am glad to hear back from you. I hope you and your DD get better soon. I tried Lauren's w/o the other day and I liked it a lot. I haven't done the short w/o. but I think is a nice add on. Did you pre-order STS Cardio?

Reena, how did your appointment go?

Wendy, how have you been lately?

Melanie, the waiting game is on again. Are you keeping up with your training?

Well ladies, I'll report back later
Jen-Im so very happy for you!!!! Isnt seeing the little heart amazing. Now just enjoy being pregnant!
Atumn-hope you and dd feel better soon. So much pollen is around and I have been sneezing like crazy!
Pricilla-before ttc I was a major coffee the stuff. While ttc I started the half caff stuff. I started out having my 2 cups then cut down to 1. Fortunatly now the thought of coffee gags me. Its so strange that something I loved I cant stand right now. If I did still want it I would allow myself a small cup of half caff I think. Now the thing that sounds good to me is refried beans and jalpenos..and I have had that for lunch everyday this week!!!! Use the fat free it could be worse. Glad Im off the ravioli binge.
Mel2-you'll be ttc before you know it!!
Some days working out felt like torture..but I found that it really did make me feel better...even when very queasy if I pushed through it I felt better.
Hi to everyone. Off to get dd ready for bed.
Hi everyone! I'm 10 1/2 weeks and still feeling nauseous. On Tuesday my DH gave me a shot that must have gone in at the wrong angle because I have a bright purple bruise the size of a grapefruit on my belly. My DD thinks I'm carrying an easter egg in my belly that I'll take out and fill with candy for Easter!

Priscilla - The 24th seem so far away but it will be here before you know it. Are you tired or nauseous?

Melanie - how's the training going?

Mel2 - It's never easy to see AF after a miscarriage. But like you said, only 1 more month before you can try again.

Autumn - I hope you and your DD are feeling better soon. My DD had the flu? on and off for about the last month. It's not fun when the little one is sick.

Jen - What a relief to see the baby on ultrasound and know everything is ok. I agree - I love watching my belly expand too.

Susan - are you in maternity clothes yet? I'm having a tough time w/ pants b/c I'm not big enough for maternity but my regular clothes don't fit in the waist.

Reena- How was your appt?

Bethany -I hope you live it up over these next 3 months. And, have you thought about getting your body fat tested during that time?
I took my 2nd pill last night and I was up all night with nauseua/vomiting. I can't eat anything and I'm dreading work today. Last time I started b/c it took 3-4 months before the nauseua got better, and after that I STILL would vomit each night after I took the first active pill of each month. Is it worth this? I've got some left-over Zofran from pregnancy...I wonder if I could take that? Now if I was pregnant and puking I wouldn't be complaining like this...;) GG to work, BBL.
Wendy-yayyy on 10 1/2 weeks!!! Ouch on the brusie! My nausea is finally about gone..I hope! When I hit 10 weeks it drastically got better. I was never sick once with DD, so Im hoping Im over it. Hang in there it will get better soon. I am still in regular clothes...the comfortalbel roomy ones. We are going shopping this weekend so I plan to get a few things. DD is 9 so I got rid of off my mat clothes from her years ago. I figured if I got preg I would want new stuff anyway. There is so much more cuter stuff these days.
Bethany-sorry you are so sick from b/c. My side effect was spotting everyday. It got so annoying. Wonder what in the pill makes you so sick.
Hi to everyone!!
Sorry Bethany! Which bc are you taking? Maybe your dr can pick on with low low doses of hormones? Otherwise, I recommend taking at bedtime with a light snack (a couple pb crackers). And YES, it'll be worth it....if it means you will have a baby next year!!!!
I have a few moments and wanted to pop in and say a more thorough hello.

Priscilla - no caffeine - i feel your pain - i gave it up for lent and really want a triple grande latte RIGHT NOW....hang in there...takes 21 days to break or gain a habit...should take 4 days to clear your system of all the caffeine and then you should feel fine....
Your appointment will be here in no time. Meanwhile are you feeling okay otherwise?

Jen - that is really cool about the u/s and such good news.

Susan - one pound - you are my hero - I should only be so lucky :) but as long as baby is happy and healthy that is all that matters :)

Bethany - focus on good things the next couple of months and getting yourself in positive spirits. sorry to hear bc is getting you sick. As an aside, my doctor today mentioned body fat today in relation to getting pregnant. I know some others mentioned in within our threads. He reconfirmed what I had read in many sources, which is that you need approx. 20% or so to get pregnant (less than that diminishes estrogen production). Is that about what you were the first time around or were you always lower in body fat and it didn't affect your fertility before?

Mel 2 - hang in there ... soon enough you will be able to try ....

Autumn - hope you and DD feel better! I got AF yesterday too...7 days late...oh joy!

Wendy - hope the sickness goes away soon - can you send some of that easter egg candy you are hoarding in there my way :) lol

Melanie - how is the training? I didn't train for my 15k about 2 weeks ago but did okay - finished in 90 minutes. My girlfriend wants me to do a half marathon with her at the end of the month and I am debating about doing some serious speedwork to finish in a competitive time frame for my age. Frankly with STS, not really sure I want to go all out, especially while ttc...I might be to tired for baby dancing lol

As for me, I found my guy - I was a new patient with this doctor today - moved 2 years ago and looked for one in the area in anticipation of giving birth close to home (plus the gyno I had for years doesn't deliver babies). I saw one last year in the area and she was AWFUL. Today, I could have practically kissed him. Definitely would love to have this guy deliver my children. Excellent bedside manner and I was totally at ease. He told me to tell everyone BUTT OUT of my uterus :), didn't bat an eyelash when I told him my workout regimen, and reviewed my chart and said it was a perfect bi-phasic chart. He also went into details about what a tiny shift the thermal shift really is. He reconfirmed my hunch - my plan about when to do baby dance is spot on ... he said for extra confirmation I could try OPK, but not necessary. He also said it is way too early to even discuss things like Clomid. He is going to call me with blood and urine results next week; he was going to do a full work-up on my pituitary. (I am sure you all know this stuff, as do I, but it was a great sigh of relief - the bigger one will come when I get my results). Maybe this will take off some of the worry induced stress I have been feeling from nosey folks and I will actually conceive :)

Have a great weekend ladies!

Hi Everyone

This is just a short post to say hi.
I posted a question regarding abdominal cramps. Since last night I'm feeling period-like dull abdominal pain. I don't want to panic but I can't help it. No spotting at all.

Did any of you experienced this before?
Priscilla- I saw that you got a ton of reassurance but I wanted to let you know that I too had cramps that made me think AF was starting any minute. I also get some sharp "pulling pain" in the lower sides of my abdomen which is normal. Like everyone else said, it is the uterus stretching to accomodate your baby. Call your doctor if they get severe or you experience bleeding. If not, try to relax and enjoy your pregnancy. :)
Good morning everyone,

I've been doing MUCH better with the b/c taking it with dinner. Thanks, Melanie, for the suggestion!

Priscilla, sounds like the cramping is quite common. How are you feeling today? Any other preg. symtoms?

Wendy, that bruise sure sounds painful! That's cute about your DD thinking you've got an easter egg in there!

Jen, hope you have a better time at work next week - one of you FB status updates made it sound like you had a rough one!:(

Reena, how great that you found a good doctor!!! Sounds like he really knows what he's doing. Just out of he younger or older? Oh, and as far as the BF thing goes...I don't think I've ever been 20%...each woman has their own specfic threshold where they will or won't ovulate. I've always been about the same size.

Susan, hope you find some good maternity clothes! I loved Motherhood Maternity's stuff...I still wear some of my tops actually! Beans and jalapenos - at least that's a lot of protein!;)

Autumn, how are you and your DD feeling?

Hi Mel2 and Melanie!

Today we're planning on taking the baby to the beach and meeting my co-workers there. Hopefully she won't eat the sand like she used to, ha.
NEWBIE! 2nd time preggo.

Looking for some people goign through this together. I am about 7 weeks and still exercising. Wondering about other people....:rolleyes:

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