TTC/Preggers Check-In June 24


I beat you Melanie! Actually, it's late at night here, which is probably very early morning for everyone else so I figure I'll start the new thread!

Melanie - The virus must be spreading on the board! My DH is a big baby when he's sick. I'm glad DH is warming up to the pg.

Kate - I've modified a lot recently. I don't care much for KickMax either, but I didn't feel like pulling out my step.

Kristan - My ds puked all over the couch then couldn't make it to the bathroom so he puked all over the kitchen floor I just mopped earlier that day. I'm so sorry you caught it. Thankfully so far only DH and ds got sick. BTW, my DH is 6'6".

Trish - Yay for good u/s results and a confirm on the gender!

Candra - How annoying about the blood draw! Was this the 3-hr glucose test?

Maggie - You're so right about the fact that we're just trying to stay in the habit of working out instead of how we're working out. My workouts are horribly wimpy right now, but I am so uncomfortable. I used to laugh at some of the P90X cardio workouts, but I was previewing the P90X+ Kenpo that DH just got and I think Im going to try that one.

Stephanie - I got my Jari Love from Ross for really cheap.

Jen - I just realized how having 2 kids in the house makes me exposed to so much more, but I can't imagine a classroom full of kids! I hate being sick while pg.

Hi Susan! Hi Anne!

I did not workout today or at least not "officially." We took the kids to the park and following my dd around on her bike was quite a workout! I had to tell her to slow down because I can't keep up with her when she picks up the speed. I was walking behind her and going up and down the bike path with her. I will do ME tomorrow though. I've been craving Cookie Corner oatmeal raisin cookies. I need to stay strong! Hey, at least oatmeal has fiber right?

Wow Lisa, you're on top of things today! :D :D I have never done Jari Love's DVDs---would this cardio junkie like her?

Kristan, that must really suck being so far along & dealing with stomach bug. I'm really sorry.

Trish, I missed the name of your girl? Or didn't you share?

Jen--I"m with Lisa---the one year I taught pre-school Bible study I as sick ALL the time. I suppose your immune system builds up? I don't get sick from my sick pharamcy-customers---usually co-workers though----and one of them has a head cold. :(

Maggie is hardcore. I've been pg with her (now 3 times)and she just keeps intensity & w/o's going like noone's business!

Candra, I'm not nice when I'm pg---very short. I would have yelled at that lady poker!

Kate, Lisa---I never do Kickmax either. I do like KPC & Amy's kickbox xtreme is my favorite.

Well, my elliptical didn't come yesterday (suprise suprise). I called the company and told them that if it didn't arrive today they can turn around and bring it back I don't want it (I told you I'm not nice when I'm pg)!!!!! They promised it'd be here. The dishwasher will be installed too. So------with any luck!

I began to crave ice cubes last night so I'm pretty sure my iron levels are low---which is would be why I have ZERO energy. I've never been this bad in my life. I'll get some iron tabs from pharmacy and see if that helps. My 1st dr appt isn't until July 18th & I can't wait that long for blood draw.

No w/o this morning. I've been taking it incredibly easy with my low energy level. Saving myself up for this elliptical machine that might not even exist!!

Hi Mikkia, Anne, Stephanie, Susan, and all my other frinds. :)

I'll check back later.


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Lisa, thanks for the start! the park sounds nice, call it an active rest day!

Melanie, Good luck with the dishwasher and elliptical!

Jen, Is the screen in yet?! LOL! I did not have the rlp with DD1, soem with #2, but nothing like this one. I feel like an old woman sometimes!

Kristan, what is b-h ctxn?

We were going to go for pictures for Isabel at the photographer's today, then go to a really cool park to play and have a picnic. HOWEVER my little acrobat-wannabe SLAMMED her face into the edge of a table last night! So that's getting rescheduled for next week and we'll go swimming today. It's 80 and sunny and Mike set his parents pool for 82 degrees for me! I'm a total baby about getting into cold water!

Workout will be something light like Bar and CS. My calves are Aching. I've been doing great withthe workouts and I need an active rest day.
Lisa~great now I want oatmeal cookies!! lol Hope your little guy is feeling better today.

Melanie~do you normally have low iron or only during pregnancy? I wonder if that is the cause of my fatigue some days. I don't eat much meat at all nad I am not taking a prenatal due to constipation. I am taking a calium/mag./zinc, a Vit C, and a folid acid pill.. not a combined prenantal. So no iron for me. It really seems to constipate me. Then I have to take something for that. lol

Stephanie~my hubby is the same way. He really doesn't like to workout at all,but if he has to he likes to run and he hates going on walks. Taffy sounds really good!! How sad about your neighbors house. That has to be so devestating. I didn't know Ross had workout videos.. I'll have to check them out!

Kate~that stinks you are having the roung ligament pains so bad. I mentioned the lower pains I was having and the u/s tech said that would def. be the round ligament pain, but mine seem to only happen when I am running/bouncing so it's not too bad. I hope yours let up soon.

Maggie~that is so cool about your son!! I LOVE to hike and that trip sounds heavenly! 10 miles I could do, but 20 miles in 1 day. Yikes!

Candra~yuck on taking that test 2x already. I dread the test the one time I have to take it. The drink is just nasty and it has always made me shakey.

Kristan~I hope you are feeling better.. being sick is no fun. You are SOOO close!!

Hi Jenn, Susan, and Morris!

Well we have only talked about names a little bit. I like Emmaleigh, Abigail, Brianna, Savannah, and for a middle name I like Grace. We'll see once DH is done w/ his training and we are together and we can figure it out. It is supposed to be nice here hte next 3 days YAY! I am so tired of the rain. We have been getting thunderstorms daily now forever. I might take the kids swimming and I def. want to get a good 5 mile in now that I have new running shoes! (got them yeterday)
Kate~ ouchie!! I hope she heals quickly. That always happens to us w/ the Christmas pics.. someone has a bump or bruise.. lol Have fun today. I don't like cold water either!! WE went on Sat. to my inlaws and the water was only 78. the kids didn't even wanna stay in that water. 2 weeks ago w/ our 100 degree weather the pool water was 86 and that was perfect!! I hope it warms up again so I enjoy it.
Nice names, Trish - very feminine! Have a good run in your new shoes! The last time we went swimming the water was 72 and it took me a healthy 20 min. to ease myself in!
I've never had low iron before. You can take docusate with your iron /prenatals to prevent constipation. :)


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Hi guys!

Lisa--ME sounds like fun. Maybe I'll try that one today. I haven't done heavy weights at all during the pregnancy, so I wonder if I should. Maybe I'll just modify it. Do you modify the chest flies so you're not laying flat? Just curious.

Melanie--I hope your eliptical and dishwasher show up today!! And I hope that your iron levels rise. Go buy some meat!! :) I've been craving steaks on the weekends, so DH grills me a small one almost every Saturday.

Kate--I'm so sorry your little DD had an accident!!! Those things always happen right before pictures, or Easter Sunday or some special event, it seems.

Trish--I love the names you picked out, especially Emmaleigh and Savannah. How pretty!! Will you send some of your rain down this way??

Jen--I don't know the neighbors, just know what I've read about them. I think their kids range in age from 10 or 11 to 4 months. It's very sad, but I think that everyone is really pitching in to help them monetarily. That reminds me, I need to drop of my donation today!!

Hi to Candra, Maggie and anyone else I missed!!! :)

So we're probably off to the dollar store, Michael's and Ross. Have to go to the dollar store last because it's my black-mail store. Also need to get my parents a bottle of wine for their anniversary, but I'm not about to waddle into the liquor store in my state. LOL Think DH will have to pick that up for me!! Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!

Oh, workout: Maybe a modified ME or a modified whatever I buy at Ross :).

PS DSs are into repeating each other until they drive the other one mad. It's the most annoying thing EVER. Anyone else experiencing this??
Hi everyone--Still working on the house. It's mostly done, except the kitchen (deep cleaning yuck) and the room where I store all my school stuff and craft supplies--big jobs. I hope to be done by the end of next week.

Ds 13 (soon to be 14) will be gone on his 50 mile back packing trip the week I'm due and he's kind of bummed about that. I'm thinking of an early induction again--going back and forth on that. The last couple of labors have gone fast and faster, making me a bit anxious about making it to the hospital (30-40 min away and worse if there's traffic). I'm too old for a dramatic birth story...I don't know. I could use that extra week to get stuff done.

Candra--Ds is 13, almost 14--prime age for ridiculously long hikes. Dh plans to take dds 11 and 9 as well (not on the 20 miler), but on the 10's. We do a lot of hiking as a family, although we've been slowed down a bit in the last few years due to our son with down's who is too big to be carried, but too weak to walk really far and the other little ones. Most of our kids have been able to do a 5 mile hike at age 5. We are so mean}(. Sorry about the painful blood drawing experience--that sucks.

Melanie--I didn't know that craving ice was related to iron. I craved ice during my 4th pregnancy like nobody's business, but not this one. I'm not hardcore with my workouts--I'm at a 4 inch step with no jumping and when I use the treadmill it's literally at a creep. I can keep up with my normal weights, but that's it. Now Morris--she's hardcore--wow!

Kate--Let me know about the Leslie Sansone--I can't believe I'm considering her either, not to bash her, it's just low intensity/low impact isn't my usual thing. I can't tell you how many times my kids have dinged or marked themselves up before pictures. I've just given up and let them be photographed the way they are--makes for a great story later on:p . Poor thing, I hope she's not in much pain.

Stephanie--I didn't think about Ross for workout videos. And hey, you probably needed that napmax (am I enabling you?). I've been consistantly working out 5 and even sometimes 4 days a week this pregnancy instead of my usual 6. I'm so busy and weary some days. I hope you get Butts and Gutts accomplished today--let us know;)

Kristan--I've dealt with so much poop in the last few years, it's just on my brain. I'm sorry about all the puking--I'm not sure whats worse: being pukey myself or having to clean up everyone elses puke. Dh is much better at handling the gross messes than I am, but I'm the one who's here most of the time. 11 days should fly by, but I know at the end it can creep. You are so close!

Jen--good job on KPC--I can't kick due to my back during pregnancy nor can I jump, so it's out for me. I know the altoid addiction is wierd. I don't usually like them, but I've developed a strange craving for very strong mint during the last trimester of the last 3 pregnancies...

Lisa--sorry about the puking at your house too. Even though we home school, our kids do all kinds of stuff where they interact with other kids and so whatever is going around, we eventually get it and it runs through the whole family. My husband is only 6'2"--a shorty around here:). I'm only 5'4", but he doesn't seem to mind;).

Trish--very pretty girl names. Our daughter, Isabella, has the middle name of Grace. I want new workout shoes, but my feet are so swollen I don't dare buy them now. I'll take your rain anytime.

Hi everyone else!

32 weeks, 1 day
Stephanie - I do the chest flies on the stability ball. Although my dr. said laying flat on your back for a little while is okay as long as it's not hrs on end, but I do still opt for the ball. I've had to lighten some weights due to the fact that I have back issues while pg.

Maggie - Maybe you can prep DH on how to deliver just in case the traffic is bad, lol! Okay, that probably wouldn't be funny, but I worry about that too because my labors are fast also.

Kate - BH ctrx is Braxton-Hicks contractions I belive. Sorry about dd's face. Ouch!

Trish - DH and I yet have to agree on names. We've put that on hold for now.

Melanie - I always thought the ice chips and low iron was an old wives' tale. Do you know what the correlation is?

Hi everyone else!!!

I better get ready for work.

It's called "pica"--the cravings or non-food items. I don't know if anyone knows why people with low iron crave it,....but believe me....I crave it. I've never been so tired in my life either. EVER.


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Hi everyone!

Lisa, it was just the 1 hr glucose test. I am with you and Kate, I sold Kickmax on ebay. It was just collecting dust. I would eat the cookies:)

Melanie, Do you ever work out with weights? I just got my sister hooked on Jari Love workouts, she usually just runs on the treadmill. I hope your elliptical shows up today. Mine has been a lifesaver this pregnancy.

Stephanie, my boys repeat each other all the time. Ds2 loves to irritate his older brother. Brotherly love:) Good luck at Ross, I hope you find some good workouts. I do chest flys on the floor. My doctor told me exercising on my back was fine, especially if it is under 20 min.

Kristan, are you feeling better today? How exciting you are so close. Have you been early or late delivering your other 3?

Trish, I love the names you have picked out. I named the kids pony Grace b/c I love it and with all boys I have to start giving my girls names to animals:)

Maggie, good for you taking your kids on hikes. My dh and his friend are taking our kids on a 2 day hiking trip in a couple of weeks. They are taking the kids pony and some pack horses too. I am one nervous mommy about this. My husband usually goes every year and I don't worry about him but when he takes our kids I am freaking out. He has assured me it is perfectly safe and they are going on very easy trails. I wish he would wait until the boys were older:-(

Hi Jen and anyone else I missed!

I worked out early this morning so I could take the boys to vacation bible school. I did a iclimb on the elliptical. I am supposed to be cleaning the house while they are gone and I have done nothing. I better get busy. Check back later.

Melanie, What is docusate?

Stephanie, We have an adjustable weigth bench so I always do chest work on an incline. YUCK! -- My girls don't do the repeat thing, THANK GOODNESS!!! Hope your errands were uneventful.

Maggie, That is A LOT of organizing and cleaning! take pictures when you're done! haha! I'll let you know on leslie (hangs head in shame)...

Lisa, thanks for the abbreviation tip! It stinks to not be able to agree on names! Good luck! Boy names are so hard for us, girl names are almost too easy.

Candra, Nice to get some alone time! Good for ou!

Swimming was tons of fun. My sisters came too. I just finished Bar Designer Sculpting (DDs are sleeping!!!) minus the laying down stuff but I added the bonus leg workout. Will do CS tonight while Mike does his lifting.
Hi guys!

Well I just got back from errandmax. I bought two Jari Love workouts at Ross for $4.99 each!! I've never done her stuff, but I was going to get a couple of her workouts to try. I got "Get Ripped" and "Get Ripped to the Core." I know the core one will be especially useful post-baby. They also had "Get Ripped 1000", but I didn't get that one. Maybe next time. :)

Hope everyone else is having a good day!!
I've never done Jari Love either, you'll have to let me know how it goes.

After much fighting & headache---my elliptical has arrived. :) Yeah! I don't have ANY energy whatsoever, but I will try my darnest to do it in AM before work tomorrow.

Now, the plumber got the new dishwasher in,...but DH can't get it to work & our central air isn't working. :(

1 out of 3 isn't bad, I guess.

Such is life!!!!!!!!! :D :D


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
Stephanie, yay to new workouts! And cheap too! That's great!

Melanie, Sorry for all the house-drama! Glad you finally got your elliptical though!
Hi ladies!
Good to see everyone getting along so well!

Congrats Morris!

Melanie - Yay for the elliptical...I'm jealous!

Well, I'm throwing everything at it but the kitchen sink this month! I've got 3 acupuncture scheduled for next week and I go for an ultrasound on Wednesday to check out my egg size. I'm taking 50 mg Clomid this month (night/day sweats and all), so hoping that might jump start things after the miscarriage. Then we'll be trying IUI (intrauterine insemination) when I ovulate around the 4th of July...oh how romantic doing it in a cup!

Oh well, it's what we have to do to get to our goal of a little one, someday...just hangin' in there best I can!

Hi Lisa! How's the weather?

Hi Kate!

Hi to all the new ladies and anyone I missed!

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