Trying to Fit Yoga in for Sat March 3


Morning Yoga Ladies -

This morning I stuck with my plan of taking a rest day.......albeit very difficult. I only did Bryan Kest's Long, Slow & Deep.......the cover says it's 90 minutes but it was 2 hours. One of the hardest yoga practices I've ever done "mentally". Lots of long holds and it's very hard for me to slow down like that, but I felt I needed the stretch. We held a forward bend for 10 minutes straight. I've never done that before and it's a lot different than holding it for a minute or 2. When I don't do cardio before yoga, it always amazes me how warm you can get your body by doing certain downdog, etc. This was an amazing practice.

Meg - I know you probably would never have the block of time to do this practice, but if there ever comes a point in your life.....where you might be able to have 2 hours to yourself......I highly recommend this to you! I think you'd like it. Bryan does tend to chatter a lot......most of it - I like to hear...but a few times he says something weird.....but then other times his talking helps you get thru the long holds.

Jen - are you okay........SOS......Earth to Jen!!

Yve - how 'bout you?

Kel - have things settled down?

Haven't heard from anyone. I hope to see some of you lovely yoga ladies here today. Have great days everyone. I think we're going to see Zodiac today....not sure. That's what I want to see and the DH hasn't given his opinion yet.

I'll be back later.
Hi ladies! Sorry I didn't get a chance to check-in. Still nothing to report. I am in such a major league slump......not a player's entire team's worth. Just got so demotivated all of a sudden. I have heard about this happening when people lose weight sometimes. I do plan to find a way out of this and do something today, but don't have my plan on exactly what yet.

Lora-I didn't think to warn you about the harem pants! ;) They actually didn't bother me that much. What did you think of the music and the WO itself? That Bryan Kest sounds awesome....I don't know if I could do forward bend for 10 minutes though..that's as long as a meditation session. I am so glad you are sticking to your rest day!!!!!! :) :) :) I heard Zodiac was good-hope you enjoy it!

BBL ladies-Have a great day!
Jen - I'm so sorry to hear that your not motivated lately. Maybe it's cuz you missed those 2 workouts from work stress and now your just not in the daily habit (which can happen so quickly - one of the reasons I don't like to take rest days). Usually what helps me is buying new workouts.....but then I don't even think you've done some of your new Turbo Jam or Hip Hop Abs that can't be it. Watch some infomercials ....LOL.....I know corny...but they always get me psyched. How long have you been exercising? Maybe it just has not become your "lifestyle" yet? I know when you are newer to exercise, it takes a while to get in the habit of doing it every day. Well....sorry....I just don't know what else to say. I hope you get motivated soon. Sending good workout vibes your way. You don't even want to do yoga? RE: Soul Sweat - not sure about it yet. I've got to try it. Might be fun.....although like I said before, I'm worried about the DH walking thru the room while I'm doing it......he'll think I'm weirder than ..........well......wait a minute....I am I guess it doesn't matter.
Lora-Thanks for the encouragement! I think you've got a good point about the infommercials-I never really thought about it like that. I sent back Gilad's Core and More today, so hopefully I'll have another YBB soon. I did give buying some new workouts a thought, but you're right again-I've got the entire set of Hip Hop Abs I haven't done and a couple of Turbo Jams. It also may be that I have burned out on cardio-I have done a lot more of it over the past two months than I have ever done in my life. Maybe if I lifted some heavy weights today that would remotivate me. (Am I making up words today-demotivate/remotivate? :) ) You are totally right (stop that, already :) ) about when this all started-missing those initial two WOs really started getting me down. Thanks for listening-that's the biggest help of all. I actually don't think that Soul Sweat is any weirder than Kundalini-you do that in front of DH don't you? I think I had initially compared it to the looser areas of Yoga Trance Dance. I do have Yoga Trance Dance, but don't ever end up reaching for it because when I have the feeling I need some yoga, it usually feels like a need for power yoga or more "straight up" (structured) Kundalini.

Jen - no actually, I usually do Kundalini at night when he's in bed......and that's the time I usually do Trance Dance if I do it. Trance Dance's yoga sections are hard to follow....especially when she goes crazy in the hip opening segment. If I'm doing Kundalini in the day, he'll walk thru and shake his head and say it's so weird.......w/ breath of fire, grinding your waist, etc. I could just see him if he saw me doing it the other night where we made circles with our hands and looked thru them like eyeglasses!......nope....don't need to hear his comment on that one! Hopefully weights will do it for you. I'm watching the Hip Hop Abs infomercial as I type and I know what workout I'll be doing tomorrow (well...part of it at least). I'm such a cornball. I'm trying to see that Speedbody infomercial with Gabriele Resses. I want the workouts (someone posted at VF) but I have to see if I make any money on Ebay tonight before I do. Speaking of money, did you see the BPAL update for Pink Moon? Let me go get the thread. I'll be back.

Here ya go.
OK, so I still haven't worked out yet, but I am planning to. DH and I went to Marshall's to return some things and I tried on clothes. That has reminded me of how far I've come and that I don't want to blow it. I also went to Ross to find some cheap WO videos-since I have read on the forums that they have them. I looked everywhere and wouldn't you know it---they were right in the very front of the store. I got 4 DVDs-Janis Saffell & Scott Cole's Tai Chi Balanced WO @ 4.99, Sara Ivanhoe's 20 min makeover weight loss @ 4.99, 10 Minute Solution w/ Michelle Dozios @ 7.99 (Original WO that has boot camp, pilates, ballet, kickboxing, & yoga), 10 Minute Solution Kickboxing w/ Keli Roberts @ 7.99. Not too bad. I am going to keep the Janis Saffell one, but may give the others as gifts, since they are all on Netflix and I can rent them anytime. They had lots of bellydance ones but I wasn't sure about the quality/fitness level of those and they had a couple of the less popular Crunch WOs-Cardio Salsa and another dance one. They didn't have a huge selection but I was surprised by what was there.

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