Trying to Fit Yoga In for Sat Dec 9


Morning Ladies -

This morning I forced myself to take a rest day. I did Dancin the Chakras - Shake Your Chakras premix and repeated segments to make it 40 minutes and then did Shiva Rea's Fluid Power - Dancing Warrior, Mandala Namaskar I & II, Backbending Vinyasa, Forward bends/twists and shavasana. This usually is my favorite rest day workout....but my DH pretty much ruined it for me.

I woke up with a pretty positive attitude this morning and the first thing out of DH's mouth was him questioning my decision yesterday. There was 1 full time job I could bump in the hospital as a Registrar. The dept is open 7 days a week and 24 hours, so I'd have to work shifts, weekends and holidays. Since I have low seniority, I"m sure I'd get stuck with all of the "crap" hours, holidays, etc. DH & I have always discussed this in the past and we have both agreed that at age 47, I'm not just going to take a job like that - unless my unemployment ran out and I was forced too....but while I'm actively looking and have some form of income, I was supposed to find something dayturn, etc.

So basically, now I"m all messed up in the head and I'm doubting my decision and my positive attitude is shot to heck....especially after he reminded me of the fact that I'll have to take something like that if i'm forced to and have no money coming in (which I already know....but I was trying to be positive and not think that way).

So, needless to say, I really didn't get into my yoga this morning and half way thru, I wanted to go put my Saucony's on and do some kickboxing aerobics to get all of this frustration out of me....but I didn't. So, you know what I'll be doing tomorrow!

I'm sorry to bring everyone down with all of my problems....but I needed to vent. I'm starting to get depressed now. I really don't want to have to collect unemployment and I would love to have a job in 3 weeks, but I'm not sure if that's a realistic goal.

Well....I better get doing the stuff around here that needs done.

Have great workouts or rest days and thanks for listening. I'll be back later.
Good Morning Girls!

Today is Cardio Fusion and I hope to do the 30 min quickie on PY4H. I ordered Shiva Rea Fluid Power last night and I'll have my DH wrap it up for me for xmas.

Lora: You have to do what's right for you. There is no way in hell I would train someone to do my job if I were let go. You may have to take a job you don't like in the beginning to keep some $$ coming in, but in the meantime you keep looking until a job that fits you comes up.
Lora, I think that you made the right choice. Though I know that it is just a hard time right now and second guessing yourself usually comes along with this territory. Try to hang in there. I'm sure you can't wait until the kickboxing workout tomorrow to get out some frustrations.

Tammy - It looks like you are ordering some good yoga workouts. I have asked for some that you have ordered for Christmas and I am hoping that people acutally get them for me. Normally what happens is I put workout DVDs on my Christmas list (plus other stuff) and people don't get them for me. We'll see this year though.

I got confirmation from a fellow yaya that my Altar of the Heart was shipped on Thurs so I should get it soon. I am very exicted about this DVD and Tilak is a cutie!

Today I did CC v 3 plus 5 additional minutes on the stationary bike, plus inner and outer thigh nautilus. I am going to add in additional lower body exercises (wall squats, leg extensions, and leg raises) later today. Also, I am on a mission to find a 10 lb pair of adjustable ankle weights. Who knows how that will go, but I am feeling to cheap to pay for shipping online right now and want to find them locally.

Hope everyone has a good day. Mine will be filled with shopping, watching English Premeire League Soccer, and cleaning. Also I hope to fit in one of Sara Ivanhoe's 20 min yoga workouts.

Thanks for the encouragement about the decision. I hate when I make mistakes in my life, and there have been plenty related to shoulda/coulda /whoulda when it comes to jobs!!! Believe ME!!

Okay, I'm starting to feel pressure cuz we have one person who ordered Fluid Power and one that has Altar of the Heart coming. I hope that you ladies like them..........I'm nervous.

The Quickie workout on PY4H is one of my fave's. I used to do it with a half hour of cardio on a work morning for a while and it was great for an hour workout. It is a very well balanced premix with lots of variety! It gets you pretty good in 30 min. I actually like the pose selection in that one more than the 40 min Bliss one.

I'm starting to freak out cuz my income is about to be slashed in half....and you ladies all know how much I love to buy new DVDs. I certainly hope I can get a job REAL soon! There are some huge perfume oil updates coming with Valentine's day, etc. on my BPAL site and I am really addicted to the stuff. Such is life (for some reason I started typing "suck".........gee I wonder why!!!!).
Karin: Great workout...CC#3 is one of my faves...I love those sprints.

Lora: We are all full of woulda/coulda/shouldas....hang in there. You are MUCH stronger than you give yourself credit for. I really liked the PY4H IS a great combination of poses. I wish I had more time in the morning to alternate that one with the 40 min one.
Hey guys,

I'm going out of town for a couple days so I'll see you in a few!

In the meantime, have a great weekend. That includes you, Lora!! :) Things are ever-changing, so woulda/coulda/shoulda is really rather meaningless. How about a more wanna/gonna mode :D ?

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