Tonight's WO was Pick Your Spot Pilates Abs (10 min), Shape Bikini Body Abs Bonus X 2 (10 min), followed by Mantra Girl's Introduction to Kundalini Yoga. I gave this one a good chance but it is going back to Netflix. I thought it was too fast for an introductory workout and did not offer enough modifications. I did not sweat at all during this one-which made me feel ticked off because it was an hour and 20 minutes of my time (CD cover said it was only a one hour workout-NOT!) and I expected more from it. Gurmukh's Kundalini from last night was sooooo much better and very well sequenced compared to tonight's. I liked the music (chanting in a pop music kind of way) and the setting and production quality were excellent, but it was not enough to make up for the rest of it.
Hope you all had a great day and great WOs!