Hi ladies! Tonight's WO was Slow & Heavy Legs and Shoulders. The Slow and Heavy series is my absolute favorite. I had been intending to do another endurance rotation but my body really seems to be calling for heavy weights right now. It's also TTOM and I find I can lift very well during that time
so I am going to take advantage of it. DH worked out with me again....we actually did 4 days together last week (I added 2 days on my own, as well.) He is doing well...just complaining about the amount of chicken we are having for dinner. I keep telling him that he will get used to it and he will just have to get over the fact that there's a lot of things we used to eat that we won't be eating anymore. I can't believe the way we used to eat...all kinds of fried and prepackaged stuff...I finally cleaned up over the past two years but he's pretty resistant and a pickier eater than he will admit! When he was single, he used to live on kidney beans and oatmeal cream pies and of course,...beer! x(
Which leads me to ask-Do your husbands eat as clean as you ladies do? Anyway, I digress as usual...on to the personals....
Char-Good for you for eating clean while eating out at Mexican! What did you end up choosing? Eating clean while eating out is still a challenge for me-eating clean at home-no problem-o! I see from the Hardcore thread that you are really into the Yoga now-hope you continued to enjoy it and I have no doubt you will inspire others!
Lora-They sure are keeping you busy @ work! Glad you are hanging in there! Got my Gurmukh book from Amazon today and her DVD, as well as those Ravi and Ana's. Love the Ravi and Ana music. WOs look good, but will definately take some getting used to.
Tammy-Hope your stress gets better or at least is very temporary. I am still on a big time soy kick. Today I got Silk's Mocha-premade drink w/ coffee & chocolate. I love it! Can't seem to sell DH on it yet.
Megadoo-How often do you run? Were you running before you found Cathe or were you running before that? I ran 20 mins for the first time this week and would like to include it but I am worried about my knees. BTW, I think I may be getting an iPOD finally! Which one do you have? Got a couple of Target gift cards and I am eyeing the iPOD shuffle. Heard it was great for exercising with since it is so tiny.
BTW, Congrats to you both (Tammy, Megadoo) on the biceps DOMS! How did you get it?