trying to concieve at 39


Hello ladies,

I'm a mother of five beutiful wonderful boys ages 12, 10, 8, 8, and 3. I'm ready to try for number 6. Its seems like if i'm having trouble concieving (maybe not) I've been trying for about 3 months. All my other pregnancy happen on the 1st and 2nd try. I guese I'm surprise and a bit scare since I am older. About two months ago I lost my brother to a heart attack and a month later my father in-law past away. I'm wondering if stress has anything to do with me not getting pregnant. Any pregnat moms over 35 out willing to give me there story on how long it took them to get pregnant. Thank you in advance!
Well, my first I concieved at age 33 and that took over a year. Approximately 6 months after having a lap to remove adhesions (I had a ruptured appendix as a child). With my second, I wasn't really "trying" I just thought I'd see what happens and I was pregnant the second month. I was 34 yo, 35 at delivery. I am currently pregnant with #3 at 37 yo after a night of lets see what happens. I was very surprised at how quickly I concieved the last two! :p

Stress can be a huge factor in getting pregnant. I hope that you get your BFP soon!

BTW-Wow 6 kids! I'm freaking out about taking care of 3! ;)
I was 34 when I got pregnant with DD#1, 37 when I got pregnant with DD#2. It took me 8 months to conveive #1 and about 5 to conveive #2. Stress could alter your cycles delaying ovulation so if you are basing timing on a 28 day cycle you are just misplanning the times. I was charting and comceived on day #28 with DD#1. Invest in the book taking charge of your fertility, I bought mine at It is a great book on the topic.

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