Travel to Australia advice....

Hi all :) My 18 year old Elizabeth is travelling to Australia next week. She has a 12+ hour flight from Toronto to Narita Japan, a 6 hour lay over followed by a 7+ hour flight from Narita to Cairnes Queensland. She is travelling alone (my Mommy senses are tingling and I'm kinda anxious for her), I wondered if anyone has any advice to make her journey as comfortable and SAFE as possible (I'm especially worried about her transition in Narita airport). We've been talking about staying hydrated and moving her body throughout the flight to keep the circulation moving but I wondered if all y'all might have some little tricks or travel rituals that keep the inevitable travel weariness to a minimum.
I'm super excited for her, (and just a tad jealous;)) she's gone for 2 months and is in for the adventure of a lifetime :) TIA!

Take Care
Hi Laurie,

Wow! I'm jealous too! Have you googled the Narita airport website? I just checked and they have a pretty thorough site with terminal layouts etc. That might be useful for her. Does she have one of those inflatable neck pillows? I love those for long flights. It really cuts down on neck cramping. Ear plugs are another must, IMO, along with wipes (for hands, tray tables). That's all I can think of now, besides emergency chocolate, of course.;)

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Thanks for that Jonahnah:) I googled Narita and bookmarked it for Elizabeth, it is a very comprehesive site and helps to put me more at ease to have a real sense of her movement through the airport. Those a great and practical suggestions and are now on 'the list'. Your chocolate comment made me smile, we all love chocolate in our house but for Elizabeth it's not a want but a definite NEEEEEEEED!!! :+

Take Care
Have only had one really long flight, but we ended up at the back of the plane where the seat didn't recline - true h#!! - don't know if she will have a choice, but try to find some good leg room and a reclinable seat if possible.
I've flown into Narita back and forth from the states to Thailand. I like Narita better than most airports. It's clean and security seemed tight. Depending on the arriving flights, it will take about an hour to go through security once she lands. If she brought any water bottles on the flight, tell her to drink them all before she goes through security. They don't mind bringing food through the checkpoint like the states.

Here's what I like to do for long flights:

Drink a lot of water before and during the flight. I know it's expensive to buy water at the airport. But, it makes it easier to get enough water without having to get the airline attendant's attention.

On the flight, I'll have a ginger ale and cranberry juice mix. The carbonation helps to hydrate the body quickly. So, I've been told.

I like to bring and snack on fruits to help stay hydrated.

Wear comfortable shoes and panty hose. I find that panty hose decreases swealling. If she has room in her carry on, bring a pair of slippers to wear on the plane. Then again, she's young and might not have issues like I did.

Personally, I like to get an oil massage before and after flights so that my skin stays moisturized. She can do give herself an oil massage. Exfoliate the skin with a sugar scrub while standing in the shower before turning on the water. After toweling off, use a lot of massage oil. I like Aromafloria's massage oils because they don't stain clothes.

I bring a small bottle of facial moisturizer and body lotion for the flight. A small hydrating, misting facial product is nice too.

I usually wear a trench coat and warm shawl on board since the planes are on the chilly side. I leave my heavy winter coat in the car since my destination isn't blustery cold and it's too heavy to lug around while traveling. I'm not sure what the weather will be like for her. Rainy? My trench has an inside pocket perfect for my passport and tickets. If she's bringing a laptop, use the laptop bag as a purse. Pack any empty purses with the checked luggage. One less item to worry about keeping an eye on.

My daughter liked using a small round neckroll instead of the airline's pillow.

Download a yoga workout onto an MP3 or bring a relaxing yoga dvd if she's bringing a laptop with dvd drive to do after she arrives. I liked doing inversions since it counter balanced the effects of gravity. Yoga helped me to stretch those muscles and get the blood moving.

What a wonderful opportunity and adventure your dd is going to have! It must be exciting!!!!

Congrats on her trip to Australia!! I went when I was 19 as an exchange student. I stayed for a whole year. I had never flown before and all my Australian families used to kid me about really doing it up right!

I have since been back twice and have found that having a bottle of saline nasal spray can be helpful since the air tends to dry out sinus. Also make sure she takes a change of clothes in her carry on just in case. I also made sure I had a toothbrush and toothpaste in my purse or carry. Nothing feels better than a freshly brushed mouth after a long flight.

I always asked the stewardess for directions to my next connection and they were more than happy to show me and some even walked with me.

Tell your daughter I hope she has a GREAT time. I have no doubts that she will!!

Jacque, Wendy and Cara! Thanks so much for your thougthful input...much appreciated:) I have printed your responses and they've made Miss Elizabeth even MORE excited about her big adventure. She's all smiles and "in a week from now I'll be on the a week from now I'll be over the Pacific...this is my last 'this' before I go...this is my last 'that' before I go" Too cute...:) I am so thrilled for her and thank you ALL for helping make her more comfortable during the trip 'cause if you ain't prepared...sometimes getting there isn't half the fun ;) Cheers!!

Take Care
Wow what a great opportunity! DH & I thinking about it in 2009. Its always been a place we've wanted to see. I'm sure she'll have a wonderful time.

Ditto to what others have said. Love the idea of panty hose. I'm usually swollen after a flight, esp. hands. Drink, drink, drink, water. Ditto to the tooth brush. I always carry my travel toothbruth, toothpaste, & chapstick when flying.
Neck pillow is great too.

There are also some good travel websites with some good ideas and 'checklists'.

Safe travels to your daughter

" I have fought the good fight,
I have finished the race,
I have kept the faith. "
-- II Timothy 4:7
How exciting, and what a great opportunity! I flew into the Narita airport in Japan in 2004. I thought there were plenty of signs and monitors to make it quite manageable, and most people speak English so I think she will be just fine. As for travel rituals--I've learned to never be shy about asking another passenger to allow you to move past them so that you can use the restroom, in fact, some actually appreciate the excuse to stand-up. Another idea-- there is a toothepaste called, I think, Go Smile, that you can squirt into your mouth, rub around your teeth, and then just leave it and it sort of freshens your mouth without having to brush. I got a little sample of it and I save it for my travels, but brushing is always better and another excuse to get out of your seat.

I don't think there is any way to avoid travel weariness, although I've heard that you should try to sleep on the plane and then stay up until it's time to go to bed at your new destination. You are also supposed to set your watch immmediately to the new time zone and not think about the time difference. I am never able to do either of these. I usually try to take a nap after I do some walking or brief site seeing, and I always catch myself thinking of what time it is in the States. I think it takes me about 3 to 4 days to finally adjust to the local time.

Hey, maybe you can plan a trip to go visit her while she is in Australia? Best of luck and happy travels to your daughter!

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