Transformation Challenge Update 5/19


Hey there challengers. I don't see a post today.

I've been double posting at both the ya ya check-in and our check-in for a year and a half! I'm going to try and simplify my life by checking in at one place. So I am formally "bowing out" of this challenge. I invite you to the ya ya site where we are the "Cathe/FIRM" group. (This week our thread title is something silly about our womanly structures:))

It has been so great getting to know you. I hope we run into each other soon!:D
Hi ladies,
Hope everyone is doing great. I've just came back from my trip and I checked in to see how everyone is. I hope all is well.

Fitdoc, thanks for the info on the ya ya site. It sounds great. I might log in there and join you guys since it helps me quite a bit to stay motivated and inspired.

Take best care.
Hi Michelle,
I am having some difficulty getting in the ya ya board. As soon as I figure things out when the time allows, I will join you guys.
Thanks again,
Hi Bita,

Perhaps this link will help. I look forward to seeing you at the check-in!

I'm sad.Our challenge is going to be all over.I won't hear from you guys anymore.:-( You ladies have been a great group.I will miss you.I always have trouble loggin on the ya'-ya's.Take care.
I'm sad, too. I always have terrible problems logging in to the Ya Ya site so I'll have to pass on following everyone over there. It's been great getting to know all of you. You're all great women. My best to each of you.

I'm STILL WITHOUT A COMPUTER!!! I'll follow you guys when I can. Juli, FS please find a way to go with us. I got an e-mail from Otisan. She has had injuries and is getting over them. I hope she and Robyn will join us too.

In a nutshell, exercise is going great! Graduation is tomorrow, family coming in today, cruise to the Bahamas leaves Sunday. I'll try to find you when we get back. Stick with it girls!! We need each other.

Juli, Gloria-FS, We can still talk to each other here. I will be happy to check in here with you if you'd like to keep this one going. I'm just going to check in both places since I'm checking in with the Weight Watchers group too at Ya Ya's. What do you think?.....Janice
I would love to keep this challenge going.I always have a wickard time logging on to ya-ya's.I need your support.Things are transforming for me and i need you guys!!!
Hi guys,

Janice and Gloria, it is wonderful to know you'll check in with the yaya group. I also saw Otisan's post and it made me so happy.

FS and Juli, if my check-in helps, I'll continue to do so also.
But also have to mention that the check-in group at the ya ya's are so impressive, uplifting, supportive and fun. So if I can help you get there please let me know. I strongly suggest joining them. There is a very strong energy there, well worth being part of. Just a suggestion of course.:)

Here's my check-in: I did Imax2 and will do rebounding today. I am not going to lift heavy if any at all for the next couple of weeks. Want to get cut.:)

Have a great rest of the day.
Absolutely you need to keep this going! You'll acquire newcomers with time. I just wanted to formally say my goodbyes because I'm streamlining this unorganized life of mine!

Hey guys!

Wow we are gonna miss you :(

I haven't been checking in too regularly was sad to see this group disbanding. Fitdoc that's great you are working on streamlining things you are always doing a million things!

Bita glad the trip was good.

I've been not great working out this week - had a REALLY good interview yesterday. It's the first job I REALLY thought was a GREAT fit and would have looked at even if i was still working! It was so odd I had applied for another job (I have 3 searches going) - but that day saw the job I wanted posted. I didnt know what to do. When I got there the woman said actually as of 9 am today we have a second job - I was SOOO hoping it was the job I saw online and it was!!! Anyhow I really hit it off with her and then talked to the President for an hour.. and they have ALREADY called me back for a second round next week. I am SOOO excited... SO please everyone (if you are still reading this) send me good hiring vibes. Oh and it would be a 12 minute commute! I had an interview last week for another place that just wasn't right and a phone screen - same thing. This feels so right!

Well I have to go work out now that I posted. I'll do PH. Did it Tuesday too! I'm gonna stick to the cathe site so if anyone else is posting here I will too! Sounds like FS and Juli are gonna stay here too?

Did anyone ever here from Debbie?
Good luck Robyn.Thank you goldengirl,your a sweetie.I'm so happy that we are continuing this challenge.Bfi,tell me about rebounding.I'm thinking about it.Even though i have a million tapes and all the equipment.Fitdoc,we'll miss you.I haven't heard from Wildpony in a very long time.Worried about her.
Robyn, Robyn, Robyn! Sending many good hiring vibes your way! I so hope this works out for you!

DS fixed the old computer, but the new one is to be shipped Thursday. DS graduated last night, the first attempt was rained out. We've been busy packing for the cruise tomorrow. Just checked the weather channel, looks like rain. We may be spending lots of time on the boat. That will be ok too. I'm taking my Dramamine with me just in case it gets choppy.

I'll check with you guys when I get back.

Have a great week.

I'm so excited.I bought a brand new compaq computer last night.It is beautiful.I'm so glad i finally bought a new computer.It's been rainy here since Wednesday.That's o.k.Good excuse to relax.Having a tough time getting out of my rut.But,have a new postive attitude.Tomorrow starts a new challenge.I'm giving myself five weeks to get back on track.I'll been on vacation first week in July.I made a promise&commitment to myself.This time it's going to i am definetly going to do it.Hope you have a great weekend.;)
YES Gloria -- i know what you mean about the rain funny I even took a 2 hour nap today! Congrats on the graduation! Have fun on the trip

FS - Awesome with the new computer

Thanks Gloria, FS, Fitdoc on your good luck! They called me for a second round next week - I was literly jumping for joy! It's everything I want in a job and so far they think I'm a good fit too!

Actually ended out being a good week PH - 3 times ... Imax 1 and Kickbox 2 !

Have a nice day tomorrow! Nice to see some of us stil here!

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