Tongue Piercing


I am curious about a tongue piercing. I like the way it looks. But I am way too afraid of pain. Do any of you have one? How long did it take to heal? Did it affect your eating in any way? Are you happy with it? Do you regret it? And most of all, I need to know how intense is the pain. I have talked to 2 people that told me it did not hurt. I hesitate to believe that,because, when I bite my tongue , it hurts like heck!!

Thank you for any input.:)
I think it's like any piercing in that there will be a small moment of pain when the needle goes through, but that's it.

Just remember what a tongue piercing is really for and make sure you get it in the right place for a female;)
I forgot to mention that you should also take into consideration the damage a tongue piercing can do to your teeth. That little piece of metal banging around in there can wreak havoc on your enamel.
I was in College from 2001 - 2003 and I'd say 1/3 of my classmates had their tongues pierced. At the end of one semester 2 girls decided to get their's pierced and then join us at a club for end of semester celebrations, they were in some serious pain and talking was pretty garbled, like the 'do-it-yourself' tongue pierced guy from the movie 'Rat Race', soooo funny. The pain lasted for about a week and the only food I've heard being a problem is spaghetti. A friend of mine was in Daytona for spring break and tongue piercing was the only one they'd allow to people who'd been drinking because of the anisthetic effects of alcohol, so it must be painful, just thinking about it makes me cringe. My 16 year old just got her lip pierced after some serious negotiations, tongue piercing is non-negotiable until they are independant because of the sexual conotation and application.

Take Care
Laurie :)
I've had my tongue pierced,twice! The first time it didn't hurt at all,besides the little sting when the needle goes through.kinda like a earing. The healing part,if I remember correctly took about two weeks,that was the pain in the but part,the area is sooo soar,and yes it does effect how and what you eat.You also have to rinse your mouth out with that strong listerine every couple of hours and after every time you eat(soup mostly).The second time was very painful during the healing process,I no longer have them.And never will agian! I'm not trying to discourage you,but I don't remember it being a lovely experience,just a pricey one;) ;)! Oh the things I did when I was a teenager!!!!!

and agian it was just my experience:7 :7
Maybe I had a bad one!!
I don't have one but when I got my belly pierced, I was trying to distract myself by talking to the girl who was doing it. She had many tattoos and piercings, so I asked me which of her hurt the most, why, etc. She told me that the most difficult to do correctly is the tongue, the most difficult to heal is the tongue and the most difficult pain is the tongue. She basically said that you suck on ice for few weeks and don't eat much b/c it is more trouble than it is worth (as a result of cleaning after eating). That was enough for me ;) That, and the girl that had hers done two weeks earlier that was waiting in the waiting area to have it removed.

If you think about it, it makes sense. It's always wet in your mouth b/c of saliva. There's tons of bacteria in the mouth. Even when clean, the mouth is exposed to more bacteria every time you eat. It's difficult to keep clean.

One other thing worth noting, which I also think is really important...have you ever listened to someone with a tongue ring speak? Most people that I have met with one have a lisp or some kind of speech issue as a result. Some get over it after healing but a lot do not.

God, my post sounds SO negative. I'm sorry! But that's just my two cents from what I have heard along the way.
>For her boyfriend/DH. I'll let you figure it out }(

Thanks Shelley,

Oh my gosh!I never knew that was the reason for the tongue piercing. Has my head been stuck in the mud or what? LOL, I just thought they looked cool. I had never thought about it that way.:) :) duh!!! This is why if I have a question, I know someone that is knowledgeable here on the forums could help me before I do something crazy. I was just curious about it, but i don't think I can handle the pain. :)
Don't worry about it;) Lots of people don't realize that's what it's for. Which explains why you see young girls with them. I have to hope that if their parents knew what they were for they wouldn't allow it!
I had a tongue ring when I turned 18. It was painful, but nothing crazy. You can't eat any diary products for an entire month, because of the natural bacteria which can cause an infection. I never had any problems with it, and the only reason why I took it out was because I got a job that deals with the public.

Expanding on the subject that's its for the boyfriend/DH ... my boyfriend actually prefers it without, especially kissing. ;-) So it's not all what it's cracked up to be! lol
Oh good grief!! Years ago I got a wild hair up my, you-know-what, and pierced my belly button and nipples! There, I said it!

The belly piercing lasted about two weeks, at the time I was bodybuilding and wore a weight belt which rubbed against the piercing--ouch!! It got infected and I took wire cutters and took it out myself. Another ouch!x( I do not understand how anyone gets through that healing process??

As for my "twins?" Those lasted one week, they looked kinda cool at the time and my DH (a conservative man ) was fascinated by them, but they rub too, and hurt like hell. I had those removed, plus the barbell they put in the piercing shows through your bra and it looks like you have 4 nipples-a very strange look.
So after all that (sorry if I freaked anyone out, I am actually a really nice girl:) ) I made a pact with myself, no piercings, tats or anything else like that. I cannot imagine having a tongue piercing, but go for it!:7 Just leave your "twins" alone and your nether regions--you all have heard stories about that piercing I am sure!!!:eek:
My SO has pierced nipples and they've never bothered him. And I got my belly button done years ago and though it took a while to heal, it's never given me any problems. I took my nostril piercing out a while ago, just because I was kind of bored with it.
>:7 Just leave your
>"twins" alone and your nether regions--you all have heard
>stories about that piercing I am sure!!!:eek:


I did have my nether region pierced last year. My husband was gone for 6 months (Navy), I was talked into it by a girlfriend of mine who had her hood piercing for years, she told me it would be a good surprise for my husband. Well needless to say mine lasted about 10 days before I had it taken out. I can't begin to tell you why I was thinking of having another piercing done anywhere on my body, considering that one did not work out. we must all at some point get that wild hair up our you know whats!!!
:) :)
>Did your hood piercing hurt? I've considered that one.


during the piercing process it there was mega , major pain for about 3 seconds, then the pain was gone. After that you have to soak it 2 times a day with a mixture of distilled water and sea salt. For a few days it was a little tender, but my ring was moving and twisting, which was causing me some discomfort, so I had it taken out before I did any damage. My girlfriend has had hers for years and has had no problems. I actually thought about having it redone, since the piercing place gave me a gift certificate to have it redone for free, but I go back and forth on the subject.
>Thanks! I guess you never got a chance to find out if you
>*ahem* enjoyed it:p

You are right!! I had it done 1 week before he got home. It was still a little sore. So he could look but not touch it!! sorry if that was to much info. 3 days after he got home I had it taken out. He told me we should have taken pics of it before I had it taken out. I think most guys like this piercing!!!

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