<---todays the day we fade away........


<--says yes, it is 3:30AM and <--is here
<--just got back from a structure fire
<--says call came out as <--was climbing into bed at 11pm
<--says there were no injuries and it was an abandoned house
<--is going to feel like poop when <--get's up in 3.5 hours
<--hope you are all sleeping soundly
<--see ya in a few

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

<--waves good morning to Megafiredoodle!
<--happy that <--isn't alone with being up this late!
<--happy also that there were no injuries at the fire!
<--tucks Maeg into bed and places good night kisshies on her forehead!!!

<--totally LOVE Robin and Bobbi's new avatar pictures!!!
<--was right
<--feels like poop
<--has to get going to the diner
<--hopes you all have a great day

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

<---waves hi to the ladies
<---hopes megascoobydoodle feels better later
<---had dunkin' coffee and is feeling happy :)
<---is going shopping w/ DH for toddler bed today :eek:
<---can't believe how fast the little ones grow
<---needs to go shower and get grocery shopping
<---will be back later girlies

"You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is." -- Ellen DeGeneres

<--waves to Megsy, Amy and Deb!:)
<--is in awe of firefighter Meg...<--thinks that is just soooo awesome!:+
<--wishes Deb good luck in the toddler bed search!:)
<--woke up in a "good mood" early this morning ;) but now is too awake to go back to bed and it's too late to go out for a run like <--wanted to as well.x(
<--has to do Ripped as <--never did it yesterday so can add in another cardio afterwards.
<--is slurping java and clinks coffee cups with the fellow coffeites out there!}(
<---is glad there were no injuries in the fire
<---is sorry Meg and Amy had to be up so early on a Saturday
<---hopes Debbie and her DH have fun shopping
<---took measurements this morning
<---:-( :eek: ;(
<---wonders if y'all remember that Death by Chocolate ice cream a while back?
<---honestly can't decide if a smaller booty is worth super clean eating
<---should probably eat salads all weekend and maybe for the rest of <---'s life
<---quotes Pinky: "I like to think that when I shake my booty, I shake the world."
<---wonders what everyone is gonna do today?
<---doesn't have too much planned - mostly house cleaning, a bit of yardwork but not too much, and a few odds and ends
<---hopes everyone has a great Saturday
<--waves back to Shannon!:)
<--say that SUPER clean eating is just TOO darn clean for <--!
<--eats moderately clean and is happy with that...<--still gets results so long as <--is being "GOOD". :)
<--'s DH is outside mowing the lawn already to beat the heat here in the north east! It's gonna be in the high 90's and feel like triple digits! YIKES!:eek:
<--is having a BBQ and has unofficially decided that we will be eating indoors!:)
<---pretty much agrees with Wendy on the clean eating thing
<---definitely needs to clean things up around here though!
<---is headed the way of Wendy's DH
<---has similar weather ahead - it's already 80 out and miserably humid
<---hopes the BBQ goes well, indoors or out
<----waves good mornin' girls!
<----passes a fresh pot of coffee around the thread
<----hopes Megadoo can catch some rest
<----has no idea what is on the docket for today
<----know for sure it involves a workout and some CleanMax
<----says later taters!
<--waves to Tammy.:)
<--must go fetch the little guy and get him some brekkie.:9
<--will do work out a bit later.
<--has to do cleanmax too!x(
<--hopes everyone stays cool and has a great day!:)
<---is already done with the yardwork
<---took maybe an hour and a half
<---still doesn't have to mow the lawn due to drought
<---mostly ruthlessly cut back plants that looked plumb awful
<---thanks Wendy for the offer of her DH's mowing skills, anyhow!
<---waves good morning from work
<---finalized my culture and is happy to report the antibiotic the Dr gave me should work
<---thinks <---feels a little better
<---thanks Tammy for the coffee
<---congratulated Aiden on the big boy bed
<---wonders if Debbie is thinking of what to put in the to-be-empty crib?
<---hopes Maeghan gets to take a refreshing nap later on
<---wonders how Wendy's night out was
<---tells Shannon not to sweat the measurements - we love her whatever size she is
<---bets Shannon is still many many inches smaller than <---will ever be in her wildest dreams
<---wonders how the Chi-towners are doing
<---back to work for now
<--waves at all the ladies of the morning
<--no coffee for <--as <-- has to get to bed soon!
<--reminds Shannon that <-- wasn't up early this morning, but was still up (works night shift)
<--hope all goes well with toddler bed shopping, grocery shopping, lawn Max, Clean max, BBQ Max, Breakfast Max, and staying cool Max
<--sky looks and sounds threatening, but doesn't believe it will do anything as it has yet to do much at all this summer!
<--had so much rain last year, but this year, has gotten very, very little!
<--just hopes that the lack of rain doesn't mean that <-- will get hit by HUGE Hurricane!
<--have a great day, all, and WBBL
<--Hopes Megafiredoodle feels better!
<--- waves a happy Saturday morning at the <--- girls
<--- is sorry Megafirefightingdoodle didn't get much sleep last night and hopes she can make up for it later on
<--- tells Shannon not to sweat it. <--- would be happy to switch bodys with you but then you would be mortified:eek: :p
<--- cannot believe the 'lil dude needs a big boy bed all ready!
<--- is happy Robinella feels better today. <--- knows how very uncomfortable UTI's can be but hasn't had one since she went through menopause
<--- is sorry Wendy didn't get to run
<--- hopes Amy gets a good days sleep :7
<--- can't remember what else she read ^^^ there but clinks coffee mugs with y'all
<--- hopes Shelley and the 512 girls are tearing up the town:) :p
<--- wonders if anyone watched WNTW last night:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
<--- thinks the fashion victim was the worst one EVER!:eek: :eek: :eek:
<--- was freaking out over her hair:eek: :eek: :eek:
<--- needs to make brekkie for her DH and figure out how they're going to spend the day
<--- 's DH wants to see the new Oliver Stone movie about 9/11 but <--- isn't sure she's up for it
<--- wishes you all a great day and will try to BBL
<--- :* :* :*
<---is hungry
<---will not eat until lunchtime, no way
<---is glad Robin's meds are kicking in
<---waves hi to Cuz
<---tells her the booty issue could be slight problem because <--- bought new clothes that only fit a smaller booty
<---doesn't really want those nice new clothes to hide in the closet
<---needs to take the dog for a walk
<--- wildly waves at Cuz!
<--- thinks Cuz is one of the most disciplined people she has ever "known" and is sure you'll fit that booty into your new clothes in NO time;)
<--- tells Cuz to enjoy her walk. <--- thinks it's a good idea to do it now before the temp and humidity rise;(
<--- is expecting temps in the 90's today with lots of moisture--UGH!
<--- thinks this weather sucks every last bit of energy out of you
<--- waves at Sis and Nancy just in case they check in--OH! and Shelley and Ame, too!:)
<--- is really going now but may BBL
<---waves to Michlee, Amy, Shannon, Robin & the rest of the gang
<---is LOL @ Robin and the empty crib thoughts
<---says, no way right now, dude ;)
<---did grocery shopping with DH & lil one & all went well
<---is now sipping java while DH gets oil changed
<---will go out for the toddler bed this afternoon
<---planning to transition lil one in the next week or so
<---is definitely feeling DOMS from full body GS workout yesterday
<---loves changing things up from time to time!
<---is done rambling for now...so peace out

"You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is." -- Ellen DeGeneres

<--is "Ripped" up and ready to face the day!;)
<--just finished a turkey sammich and now needs some java. :9
<--is having a scheduling glitch with <--'s work outs and needs to figure it out at some point today.
<--hates when ^^^ happens!x(
<--feels thin today!
<--LOVES when ^^^ happens!:+
<--is glad Shannon is done with the yardwork...so is <--'s DH and now everyone in the house is napping but <--!
<--tells Michele that <--wants to see "World Trade Center" also.
<--wonders if Michele will decide to see the movie?
<--waves to Robinella and tells her the evening did not go as planned but it was still a fun night.:)

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