to Susan P


Dear Susan,

I believe in letting people know when they have inspired you and I wanted to tell you that YOU have inspired me! A few weeks ago, Oct 26 to be exact, you posted "training question for Pat" here at Cathe's site. I loved what you said about chasing various "looks" -- the waif look, the strong look, and how it is not inspiring to chase the impossible and how you are motivated now because improving what you have is doable while becoming something you're not is not. I liked that so much I printed it and keep it in my health and fitness file.

Then you came up with the great FINISH STRONG challenge and I just LOVE the idea of taking the last few weeks in the year to work on a challenge (any kind of challenge, but in our case, fitness) instead of just sitting around on your duff waiting till Jan 1 to do anything! We've all been there and I can tell you in the past that attitude has cost me up to 10 pounds more to deal with on Jan 1. Not this year though!

Also, you make me laugh, and that's always a good thing! So a big virtual hug to you from me!

Your cyber friend in fitness...

Lezly, thanks so much!

Lezly, thank you so much for that post! Your telling me that I encouraged you encouraged ME! (did that make sense?
). I'm so glad to have cyberbuddies FINISHING STRONG with me. Boy I've had such a bad day today that it means a lot to get your post. I started off yelling at my oldest (second grader) before she went to school. . . felt so bad that I went and bought her a pink carnation in a vase with some baby's breath and wrote on the card "I was mean, I'm so sorry. I love you a lot!" and delivered to her classroom. Then I felt better about that but I've just been such a grouch all day! You picked a great day to post what you did. And now I will hush because I am being VERY off-topic here, but wanted to say thanks a bunch, susan p (whose daughter has the sweetest and softest most forgiving little 7 year old heart ever!)
I agree!


I just wanted to tell you that you inspire me as well. You have to be one of the warmest, most caring person I know. I also know that you've taken a lot of guff from trolls at VF and you just won't let them get you down. Thanks for all your kind words and caring and sunny disposition. And BTW, I love what your mom said about the decades - I'm in my 40's and honey, I'm cruising!

You know what they say . . .

. . . like mother, like daughter. I'm sure she gets her big heart from witnessing first hand the generosity of her mother.

Have a terrific day!
Susan P what a sweetie

I thought what you did for your daughter was absolutley adorable and caring. I have been working lately at trying to be a better listener and trying to get my kiddos to understand from my point instead of just yelling at them so they will get it......I think that was a very thoughtful thing you did!!!!!!!!! Michelle

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