Tips for movers?


Anyone have a rough idea of how much to tip movers? We're moving on Sunday; hired a company to do it. I know they expect tips but I have absolutely no idea what the acceptable range is. We have a medium load of stuff--moving out of a small apartment, so it's not as if we have rooms and rooms of heavy furniture.

Hey Bunbun, when I moved last year I gave each of the 4 guys $10.00, they seemed pleased with it:) Good luck with your move!

Take Care
When we moved last summer we gave the two guys who stayed until the last load was finished $25 each plus an old TV that we were going to put into a tag sale (there was a third guy, but he left half way through the move). Of course, these guys were working in 90 deg very humid weather and we had lots of heavy furniture, most of which had to go to the second floor.
Make sure you buy them lunch, bevs and snacks. We moved last June and the movers on each side of our trip(across the country)seemed to really appreciate being fed! I think we tippped them 25 or so apiece as well.


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