Thursday August 1, 2019

Cathe Friedrich

Attention Cathe Live subscribers: Thursday August 1st , 2019 at 9:15am EST we’ll be doing “Barbell: Total Body “ LIVE.

Have your weighted barbell ready because you’ll be using your weighted barbell along with your bench (a step) and a fitness mat to round out your program. Be prepared to change your weight plates throughout the work out as we move from body part to body part. It’s a good idea to have a notebook handy so you can mark down which weights you used per exercise (and/or which weights you switched out to use) for a great workout every time.

Equipment Needed:

A 3 to 5 pound barbell with two small plates (each weighing 2 lbs to 3 lbs in weight). Two medium sized plates (each weighing 5lbs to 6 lbs in weight) and two large size plates (each weighing 10 lbs to 11 lbs in weight).

A full sized bench with two risers under each side (or three if you have them for a more bench like experience)

A fitness mat


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