Three things that make you smile


OK, so work is kind of boring today and I'm falling asleep at my workstation. It's been a while since we've done one of these anyway.

Three things that make me smile are:

1. Hearing my grandson laugh when you tickle him.

2. Planning a diet cheat day tomarrow.

3. Knowing my Cathe friends will do their best to keep me awake when I'm bored.

Your turn....
Three things that make me smile are:

1. Watching my husband laugh and play with our newest addition.

2. Listening to my dad's cheesy jokes over the phone.

3. my forum friends.
1. Getting emails, PM's, and packages from long lost friends and people you love.

2. Finding the home your mother was born in 93 years a tiny little town way up in the mountains.

3. Finding that home with the comapny of your DH, your sister, and all of your aunts and uncles.
Three things that make me smile are:

1. Being able to see a brand new day with my beautiful son Logan:D :+ }(.

2 Food :9:9:9:9.

3. Going to Sports Authority }( }( }( }( .

There's so many other things, but 3's the limit :D.

1. My son's giggle
2. My husband
3. My good friends

p.s. wine, you know I still love you.


I don't really think, I just walk.
--Paris Hilton
* Getting packages of any kind - even when I know they're coming.

* A shopping trip (and money to spend)

* Watching DD14 play with our puppy.
1.) My SO's jokes. I just can't be mad at him because he always ends up cracking me up no matter how damn hard I try not to smile.

2.) My nephew and his collection of sounds (armpit farts, hand farts, bird screeches, cows, etc) He and my SO get along very well.

3.) ice cream
1. When Speck humps the cat (it is old by now, but still makes me smile)
2. When a bunch of us get caught in the rain at the amusement park, etc.
3. Ninety plus year old women still doing yard work.

1] When my pants are suddenly too big ;-)
2] FOOD!
3] When DH or DD tell me they love me and I can see it clearly in their eyes.
1.watching viola play with her care bears

2.breyers chocolate ice cream

3.log book of all the workouts i have done in the last month and almost every day has something on them,even if its yoga.


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"

>-my boys...everything about them
>-feeling the wind

Steping on the scale and losing lbs despite of having fallen of the band waggon

My kid's laughter and big hugs telling me that they love me

Sitting next to my little Pepper and feeling her puppies kick up a storm in her tummy

My friends here on the Cathe forum, especially the one that I just talked to on the phone (you know who you are) - I am so thrilled to have gotten a chance to talk to you in person
(Ok, this is # 4, but I couldn't leave that one out :) )

Have a great day!!

Robin, I think I'm in the same situation as you are today so thanks for starting something fun.

1. My new doggie, Skippy, & his hilarious antics

2. My DH & his sense of humor

3. Finishing an intense workout

Lots of other things & of course, the Cathe Forum goes without saying... but I said it anyway!:+

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