Those darn traps


Okay, so my shoulders and back are finally getting some great definition but unfortunately so are my traps :mad: How in the world do I avoid working them? When I look in the mirror and extend my arms out to the side they look huge...uggggg!! They are engaged in so many different exercises. Should I worry about this or does it come with the territory? I still have about 25 to 30 pounds to lose. Could part of this be underlying back fat...though they do feel hard. I don't know if I should be stressing or not :confused: I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if everyone who weight trains see's an increase in trap size.
You can avoid some exercises that stress the traps more:
overhead presses (do separate front, side and rear delt raises instead), heavy deadlifts, shrugs (defnitely don't do these if you worry about trap development).
When I was in college, the lady I worked for described me as the 'girl with those big shoulders'. Mine develop very easily as well. I do very few pullovers (lying on my back on the step) too heavy. But I'm no expert.

Are you doing trap-specific exercises? (mostly shrugs & upright rows) I'm sure you've already thought of that but ditch them if you are.

I think rear delt exercises probably work the traps more than military press. But I wouldn't recommend eliminating them from your routine, you'd end up w/deformed delts. :eek:

Also most back exercises that use traps as a secondary muscle. But you can't really eliminate them either. :confused:

The only other thing I can think of is to focus on not flexing your trap muscles when you do shouder & back exercises. I know I'm guilty of this when I'm lifting heavy--it's hard not to do if you're not concentrating.

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