THIS IS IT!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
Hi, everybody. I just wanted to say a few things before it got crazy around here. I've been up since 6 am, rushing around taking care of last minute details.

Today is the day! At six o'clock tonight, I'll begin my trip down the aisle to start my new life as a married lady! I am so nervous and so excited that it isn't funny! I'll be so glad when the deed is done.

We've invited fifty of our nearest and dearest to celebrate with us. My daughters will be my bridesmaids and my son will walk me down the aisle. My honey and I have a surprise for them. After we've spoken our vows, he'll turn to them and make a vow to love, respect and cherish them as is they were is own. Then he'll give each of them a family medallion to wear! I was so touched when he suggested it and I know it will mean so much to each of them.

Before I sign off the squeeze in a quick workout(nothing calms the nerves better)and a hot soak, I just wanted to thank everyone of you for your words of encouragement and support. You are a wonderful group of people.

Bye for now,
OH MY!!!

I am soooooo happy for you!! I know you will be just beautiful in your dress and God Bless your hubby-to-be for all his love and care for your children. Please get back to all of us to let us know all the details afterwards. (Well, maybe not ALL DETAILS!! Hee-Hee!!
) Enjoy your SPECIAL day!!


What a momentous've come a long way and you deserve all the happiness in the world!!
what color are you wearing?

You had mentioned wanting to wear white....I hope you are!!!!

I got tears in my eyes when I read the part about what your new husband wants to do for your children. What a wonderful man!!! You are lucky.
I wish you a lifetime of happiness.

I love being married -- it's the best thing there is if you find the right partner with whom to share your life! I hope your new life together is filled with much laughter, love, and great times! Just remember to make time to stay fit
I wish you nothing but the best!

I have found reading your posts to be so inspirational. You have come so far and we
all share the joy of you and your children. Best of luck for a long and happy marriage.

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