The Thirteeth


Hello! I was wondering if anyone has read this novel? I'm reading The Historian right now (which I love!) and amazon is recommending this novel to me. If you've read it, what did you think? It also recommends Water for Elephants. Any ideas on that one as well? Thanks!!!

Hi there- my daughter and I read it- she liked it, I didn't- I'm sorry that probably doesn't help--deb
It started out really good but didn't go anywhere. That's the simplest way I can put it w/o giving anything away. I was disapointed, but it was still interesting and I really liked the writing style.

RE: The Thirteenth

Oooo, thanks for posting this. I'm interested in all three books. Please post a review when you're done with The Historian. I've heard mixed reviews.

I just finished Towelhead last night. What a great read (although shocking!) and would recommend it to anyone with a pre-teen or teenage daughter. It's about a thirteen year old girl of Arab descent and the abuse she suffers from her mother, father, and the man who lives next door. It's very graphic and I found myself crying through most of the book. I really liked the "frankness" of the main characters thoughts. It may offend some, but I think it's an important read about what young girls are potentially faced with.

Has anyone read Lunar Park? Could you explain the ending? I should have known it would leave me dazed and confused, as I tried reading American Psycho and had to put it down after the sixth chapter, EWWWW!
I got through the Thirteenth Tale. It was ultimately disappointing to me, but it did hold my interest well enough. Pretty forgettable, though!

On the other hand, I ADORED Water for Elephants! I'd say I pretty well LIVED in it when I had it open and thought about the characters when I wasn't reading. It even joined my "To Re-read -- Someday" pile. I definitely recommend that one.

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