The Schwarzbein Principle


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Has anyone read "The Schwarzbein Principle" by Dr. Diana Schwarzbein? Has anyone tried her eating program? I read the book and it made a lot of sense to me--she addressed every problem I had been having. But alas, when I tried her eating program, I gained ten pounds and haven't been able to get it off. She warns that "nutritional healing" takes time, but I got scared that I would gain even more weight, so I quit. I wondered if anyone out there had had success and how they were doing the program.
I tried "Body for Life" but it didn't work for me. I don't eat any refined carbohydrates and am very nutrition-conscious (if that is even a word), so when I added the free day my body went kind of nuts. Every week I would gain five pounds on my free day and loose it during the week. It was like treading water. Plus, it gave me constant carbohydrate cravings. Once I got a taste of junk on my free day, that's all I wanted all week. I do much better just staying away.
Has anything worked for anyone else?
I've read it and have used several of the principals. She described me to a "T"! I have an incredibly difficult time doing any sort of "plan" as prescribed (I think it's an ego thing with me) but lowering my carb intake has helped my energy level immensely. I'm a sugar addict and although I would love a free day, I'm afraid that I won't be able to do it in moderation. I'm still debating it with myself.

Based on another post here, I learned of Eating Well magazine and checked out there website. http:\\ They have an article concerning Sugar Addiction that I just printed and plan to read tonight. One taste of sugar sends me over the edge into sugar binge! Hopefully the article has some helpful hints!

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