The right bands

Robbie Dru

Active Member
Cathe uses a 6 ft band in her videos. why are they so hard to find? The fitness stores around here only sale the shorter ones. Any advice on where to get one? It's hard to do the moves right when my band is not long enough... Thanks
Hi, I replied to this in your other post. I couldn't find the longer ones either so I bought shorter ones and just knotted them together. Works great!

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
Thanks Cathy! I've heard that bands can break over time so now I'll know where to get replacement ones--at a great price too.

Chocolate IS the answer, regardless of the question.
The band I use for firewalkers in Butts & Guts is the one Collage sells as a Challange Band for $4.95. They don't even charge shipping for this item! I find it works best if I figure "8" it around my ankles. I'm always worried that tying and untying the band will break it. But I do have and use the 6' band for other work. Somehow, I've ended up with 4 of them!


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