the finished project


Active Member
Hey Cathe.......Im a guy who loves your workouts. I have them all. How about a dvd called the FINISHED PRODUCT which would feature the end results of your workouts like the step blast finale, the intervals from ctx, rythmic step finale, etc. Also, how about more and heavier upper body workouts for guys and feature some guys in the workout group for motivation???? Thank you.
I liket he idea of a Finished Product DVD. Maybe even one with all the cardio segments so you can Mix& Match how you choose!

~Reece Out~
There have been quite a few suggestions for compilations of Cathes's DVDs. Perhaps there could be a whole series with different kinds of compilations, including the Finished product idea, a DVD with a compilation of step workouts, a DVD with a compilation of kick box workouts, and a DVD with a compilation of Hi-Lo. Also, some separate, short, heavy weight sections, one for each major muscle group, which could be used as add ons.

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