<---the early bird


<---gets the bachi
<---directs you all to Michele's pronunciation post for tranlation of bachi
<---has ideal workstation today, with own computer, facing away from door, all the way in the back
<---has to go answer phone query
<---shall return
<---thinks doctors are pesky, wanting all their patients results in a timely fashion-sheesh
<---would rather chat with friends in Catheland all day then work
<---may be developing a serious compulsion about this thread
<---anyway, good morning to you, good morning to you, good morning dear ladies, good morning to you
<---once had a music teacher tell <---she couldn't carry a tune in a bucket
<---had friends in chorus buy her a bucket
<---has to stop babbling before Debbie tells<---she's OT
<---has to laugh at jes and appointment for LUV
<---DH doesn't have any fun unless <---has the next day off
<---loves that Pinky finds some of <---phraising (sp?)noteworthy
<---has read some of Pinky's writing and is in awe
<---hopes Terri is having a reduction in stress today
<---goes back to work, thinking of all the other things <---wanted to say
<--thinks Robin's voice sounds just lovely
<--sings g'morning to you to :)!
<--is also becoming addicted to <-- thread :)!
<--blows baci to my friends :)
<---g'morning crazy Robin & Kathy & everyone else!
<---yes Robin, the OT police will be coming for you soon ;)
<---says I'm already in the slammer so join me!
<---is 45 this morning here in NY! Nice!
<---will go spinning this morning
<---errands and maybe the park this afternoon
<---admits loving this thread WAY too much :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---sings good morning lalalalalalalalala
<---has tomorrow off <---and is happy about that
<---ate cookies yesterday, which she shouldn't have x(
<---has sore triceps }(
<---knows that this thread is addiciting
<---would like to do this all day as well instead of working ;)
<---does not know what baci is??? :eek:
<---is looking forward to the cold front blowing in
<---can't wait til Christmas
<---oops almost forgot her birthday before Christmas
<---starts singing Christmas songs
<---just remembered there is also still Thanksgiving :7
<---better shuts up now
<---will check back later
<---wishes everybody a happy Thursday

Kristine :)
<---Has never posted on this thread before but always enjoys reading it.
<---hopes you never find bachi in your baci!:eek: :D }(
<---wishes you all a great day :D

<---def does not need a music teacher to tell her <---can't carry a tune.

<---knows she can't carry a tune!

<---has to teach two classes today with lunch in-between so will miss you all today.

<---has no idea what a bachi is!

<---thinks it's great Robin found a "hidden" computer!

<---is not as crazy like Debbie about the cool weather. Wants summer!

<---LOVES Christmas!

<---waves Hi & Bye to you all & wishes you all a very nice Thursday!

<---welcomes Michele!

<---notices someone ALWAYS posts at the same time as <---!!!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/wavey.gif[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
<--- waves top of the mornin' to the gals.
<--- REALLY looks forward to this thread every day too.:)
<--- thinks Robin is a funny gal!:p
<--- has been enjoying the sun but is :( that it will be leaving tomorrow for a few days.
<--- tells Super Debbie to enjoy the spinnin'!
<--- did some spinnin' Tuesday and still has noodle legs!
<--- is going to do the Pinky Low Max Special today.
<--- thinks that legs will probably exit body before long.
<--- firmly believes in the theory of "that which does not kill you makes you stronger."
<--- also believes that <--- has self torture issues.
<--- almost fell out of chair <--- is hearing Christmas carols?!?!? Kristine!!!:7
<---hopes DebbieH see this good day wish before she leaves
<---wants to smack Kristine for reminding <---how close Christmas is
<---regrets sudden violent reaction
<---hugs Kristine and wishes her happy birthday, whenever it is
<---would like to Spin someday with other Cathe babes
<---is also off tomarrow
<---has mega housework binge plan
<---doesn't know how to survive without this thread fix
<---feels like a junkie with <---marks on arms
<---may have to go to library tomarrow where picture trails aren't filtered and look at pics of Gilbert, Joey, Pinky, etc, etc
<--- thanks Robin for making <--- smile with all her great posts this morning
<--- doesn't much feel like smiling
<--- is having a crap-filled day and it's only 8:45 a.m.
<--- hopes things can only get better
<--- will stop whining and complaining now
<--- had to wear gloves this morning because it was -1 C!!
<--- tells all my American friends that -1 C is 30 F
<--hopes Shelley's day gets better
<--is trying to post picturetrail right now
<--loves spinning
<--tells Kristine to see funny thread about, "It's all in the pronunciation"
<--says baci means "kiss" in Italian and bachi means "worms"
<--hopes she has that right!
<--would not want to blow worms at people ... eww!
<--waves welcome to Michele!
<--tells Michele she is living in Italy right now and trying to learn Italian too :)
<--has had some funny "lost in translation" moments
<--is procrastinating
<--needs to go work out
<--has step all set and workout clothes on
<--will go workout now .... :)
<---is happy to oblige
<---is sad for Shelley's crappy day
<---is wondering if <---needs treatment for these sudden mood swings
<---hates, well, dislikes cold weather and wishes summer would last forever
<---does wonder if we are ever going to get a killing frost or colorful leaves this year
<--- lived in Italy for a while
<--- has funny stores about trying to communicate before <--- could manage in Italian
<--- wonders why things always have to get so damn complicated
<--- is off to snarl at people nowx(
<--is trying to teach <-- Italian
<--is not sure if above post makes sense!
<--asks Shelley how she learned Italian
<--really needs to workout now!!!
<--back soon!:)
<--Tells Shelley I'm having a shiznity, biachy day, too...
<--Maybe for lack of caffine...
<--Earlier this week sheep, now we're blowing worms?
<--Think Catheland is bonkers
<--Must make me bonkers, too??
<--Must tell you, the first bonkers I wrote, forgot the n...
<--Giggled wildly to myself, and thought about leaving it...
<--Must get coffee...Must get bagel...Must workout
<--Ended up with 2 "dead" weeks, but back to "real" work on Monday...
<--Have enjoyed the past couple of weeks at home!
<--Don't want to get dressed next week!
<--House is overly clean...
<--Blowing worms at everyone! LOL!
<--- is going to Arizona and will meet our own BOBBI next week!!!

<--- wishes Shelly could be happier and sends hugs

<--- recommends shelly hug Gilbert & Sophie a gazillion times today.

<--- has completed WO: Spinning to IMAX#3, core Max(tough PM), CTX Biceps YESSSSS!

<--- has one of those female app'ts today & will think of Jes.

Judy "Likes2bfit"
<---waves morning to all homies....er, homettes
<---is veeeeerrrry sleepy
<---ate zuccini bread for breakfast - delicious!!!
<---doesn't feel guilty because it was whole wheat
<---doesn't know if that really makes a difference
<---has the cutest and most ornery toddler
<---is upset because outlet to tv isn't working so <---can't watch a movie and cozy in :(
<---DNephew is napping soundly
<---is jealous of DN

<---is slugging coffee
<---has decided that i must take a medeterrainian cruise
<---bought a knitting kit and may attempt to figure it out today
<---thinks one of the 512 girls has this hobby and should advise me
<---did not get lucky last night despite apt and is therefore in a fierce moodx(
<---may start drinking early today and wonders if Pinky wants to join me
<---has day of beauty treatments scheduled for tomorrow
<---is calling airport!!
<---thinks is't grand that Robin has access to hidden computer today and hopes she continues to use it cause she is funny!
<---wished Judy luck with her paper gown

<--- thinks that Judy thinking about Jes while at her "female" appointment could be construed as odd;)
<--- would love to be at home hugging Gillyboo and Sophie right now
<--- is SO JEALOUS of Judy getting to meet Bobbi!
<--- has way too much to do today to be here at work
<--- thinks she already said that
<--- has a really annoying muscle twitching under her left eye
<--- just updated her budget/chequebook and is officially broke-a$$

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