The Dairy Culprit...


Sorry this is a bit long but after my post the other day about Dairy=Bad skin? I saw this on the netscape home page this morning and I laughed! What a coincidence.

You Won't Believe What Can Cause Acne

Maybe it's not the chocolate, pizza, and potato chips that cause teenage acne. It could be milk, especially skim milk, that is the acne culprit, Reuters reports of new research from Harvard University.

"The message is that milk is a biological fluid, the consumption of which may have effects on consumers beyond its nutrient contents," study author Dr. Clement A. Adebamowo told Reuters Health. He added that this does not mean teenagers should stop drinking milk. "Milk is a traditional part of the diet in most homes. Moderate consumption of any type of milk is recommended," he said. Still, the Harvard study is one of a string that is examining the theory that certain foods can increase the risk of acne during the teen years. "For almost four decades, the question of an association between diet and acne has remained unanswered. Despite strong folkloric information, the medical community has concluded in the absence of compelling evidence that there is no association," Adebamowo told Reuters. "This study provides evidence that the folks (outside the medical community) may not have been mistaken all along."

The study: Adebamowo and his team reached this conclusion after analyzing the responses of 47,335 women about their diets in high school as part of the ongoing Nurses Health Study II. The women were asked if they usually drank whole milk, powdered milk, low-fat milk or skim/nonfat milk. In addition, they were asked whether they had ever been diagnosed with "severe teenage acne."

The results: Sixty-one percent of the women drank whole milk as teenagers, 20 percent drank low-fat milk, 7 percent drank skim milk, and 2 percent drank powdered milk. Those who drank more than three servings a day of any type of milk were 22 percent more likely to have had severe acne, compared with those who drank one or fewer servings a week. But those who drank two or more servings of skim milk were 44 percent more likely to have had severe acne as a teenager than those who drank one or fewer servings a week. While other dairy products, such as instant breakfast drinks, sherbet, cream cheese, and cottage cheese were also associated with acne, chocolate and french fries were not. The researchers theorize it is the hormones in the skim milk causing the acne. The study findings were reported in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.
I had heard about this link before, but didn't see the other post or would have mentioned it. I guess the cows get a lot of hormones to increase their milk production and that comes through in the final food products that we eat/drink.

Kind of scary that no one worried about other effects the hormones might have when they started adding them in the first place... I mean, is bad skin the only issue, or could increased dairy consumption affect other things, too?

I'm not a big milk drinker, but I do love cheese and yogurt. If anyone has any more info, I'd love to hear it!
>Kind of scary that no one worried about other effects the
>hormones might have when they started adding them in the first
>place... I mean, is bad skin the only issue, or could
>increased dairy consumption affect other things, too?
Yes, like earlier puberty.

And "added hormones" are not the only culprits. Dairy has a natural level of hormones, because it's intended for the growth of baby cows at a time when they are doing the most growth.

I've read of an area where excess hormones were getting into the dairy, and girls were getting breast development way too young, like 6 (?) years old.

And what about hormones affecting reproductive cancers (breast, uterus)?
I have heard that chicken also has hormones that can increase breast size in both human females and males.
This is one of the reasons why I drink non-hormoned cow milk rather then store bought, stuff. That and I grew up on it, my grandfather owned a dairy farm, when I was little. I can tell you the taste is much different then any store bought milk and probably would take some time to get use to. Or anyway I can't drink store bought milk, it's just doesn't taste all that good to me.

But I try to get all my meat and dairy without hormones, as yes chickens are given hormones to also lay more and bigger eggs.

One of the reason I'm thankful for where I live, we still have famer's and orchards with in 15 minutes driving time, from my house. So when farmer's market comes on Thursday, I go down early and get what I want for the week. Winter time makes it much harder and I have to hit the health food stores in order to get some things.

You know, in the other thread about dairy and bad skin, I was like "p-shaw, no way!" But seeing that they are saying there's a correlation of acne with those who have more than 3 servings a day...I might buy that. Because although I've always been a dairy consumer, it was only in the last 6 months or so that I was having more than 3 servings a day - and only in the last 2 months that I had breakouts. I have actually cut down to maybe 2 servings a day because of my diminished workouts (didn't feel I needed as much protein). Now my acne is all cleared up (with the help of Exposed).

We'll see how my skin fairs now that I'm exercising again and going back up to 3 servings a day.
Living in Vermont, I have a huge selection of milk that does not have added hormones.
I drink skim milk and eat yougurt and cottage cheese and do not suffer from acne.

Interesting how foods affect people differently. Take Splenda for instance...some people love the stuff but it makes me so bloated it's crazy!!! Go figure.

Splenda makes me bloat, too!

After the last Dairy=acne thread, I stayed away from dairy and no new zits. I had some ice cream over the weekend and I have 3-4 new zits! I am sure the sugar isn't helping either!

Growing up, I never had too much acne...I never drank milk because I don't like it! My siblings broke out like crazy! Yep...they were milk chuggers!!

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