The BBC's Absolutley Fabulous


Is anyone else hooked on this show? It's on Oprah's Oxygen channel Sundays at 8:30 pm and Wednesdays at 8:00 pm. What a hoot! Please check it out.

It's about several women who live-together-are-friends-family-etc. This is becoming a favorite of mine right up there with Dr. Phil.

Just Do It! :)
I haven't seen Ab Fab in years but it was one of my favorite. Edina kills me. You can buy some of the earlier episodes (HILARIOUS!!!) on DVD.
I love this show, it's truly an original. Jennifer Saunders is inspired. But you know what/who she bases her characters on, don't you!?!?!?!

Has anyone here ever been to Harvey Nicks?

Loved Ab Fab for years and still watch it from time to time. The one about Edie turning 40 helped me turn 40 back then. After all, compared to her, I didn't seem so bad! Poor long-suffering Saphie!!
I don't think we get that channel. Any one else in the St. Paul/MN area watch it? I looked in my TV Guide and didn't see it.


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