Thanks Cathe and friends! Baby's 16 mos old now...

I did CTX a lot before I got pregnant, and a little after I found out. Throughout pregnancy I did Yoga for Preg, Kathy Smith's 1989 Pregnancy Workout, and FitMama. Third trimester, again feeling refreshed, I did select CTX workouts, GREATLY MODIFIED; about half the time, I did them without the step (just an imaginary rectangle).

Anyway...I was concerned near the end because I'd put on so much weight--nearly 50 lbs. Sheila Watkins posted that I should not be so concerned if I was doing the right stuff. She turned out to be right!

Well...thanks to staying fit through pregnancy, I gave birth to a beautiful, healthy baby girl, Marie, on 01/19/2005, 7.5 pounds, 10 fingers and 10 toes! She's almost 16 months old now, and I **just** started back with Cathe about 3 weeks ago. Chasing that crazy kid around the house must've been keeping me in better shape than I'd thought--because it wasn't that hard to start back with Cathe workouts!!

I'm happy to say that, thanks to pre- and during-pregnancy fitness, I popped back into my pre-preg clothing (I'm 5'0", about a size 4) in just a couple of months. And I was 32 at the time. I'd really like to thank everyone at the forum for being so supportive when I was feeling bad about my weight gain.

My latest fave is the Body Blast series. I can't get enough of Step Blast!

Anyway...thanks to everyone. Life is good!
Good for you Brigette!!!
I can relate. I'm 5'3 and range from 105-110 pounds. Very petite. I gained 45 pounds pregnant with Hannah who is now 13 months. 45 pounds is a lot of weight and usually very hard for people to take off. I worked out through the whole pregnancy up to the day I delivered. But I'm not one that eats ONLY the right things and I ate lots of junk, butter, creamy things when I was prego cuz that's what I craved. Anyway after birth I started Cathe videos and got thinner than pre preg by the time Hannah was 5-6 months. And I'm not one to starve myself and carbs are my favs and I eat them without any guilt. I do eat relatively healthy. I love salads and sushi. At 7 months I got prego again and stayed very thin the first 3 months.
Cathe videos work!

This post is for all of you after births that WILL lose it all, stick to it and know you'll be in better shape than ever :D
I was 31 when I had Hannah and I'm 32 having #2;-)

I just had to post to say, good for you!! I gave birth to my twins (b/g) December 19, 2005 - one month before you did!! And I also feel that if not for Cathe, I would never have carried them to 35 weeks. (They consider that full term for twins @ 35 - 36 weeks). If I hadn't been in good shape prior to my pregnancy I don't think I would have kept my weight gain under control (about 40 pounds, good for a twin pregnancy) and I didn't have to go on bedrest. My doctors were shocked at my progress, how mobile I was able to stay, and how quickly I bounced back. I lost all the weight immediately, but of course some things had shifted & softened up!! I could only do yoga during pregnancy after the third month, so I was happy with that. Well, now that things are taking a turn towards the more predictable I'm able to get more time for me (and Cathe!). I'm feeling so excited to get toned and tightened again. And, as you said, chasing after a toddler is great for keeping you in shape until you can get back to "real exercise"!!

Good luck, I hope you enjoy your baby and keep up the good work!


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