

Thinking of getting a tattoo - just a little star or butterfly on my ankle - nothing "IN YOU FACE" type.

Anyone eles here have a tattoo or have thoughts about it?

Or am I just going to be a SAD OLD LADY in ten years time with a faded tattoo!!!!!!!.

I personally dislike tattoos, but that's just me. Many of my friends, my sister and my niece have them & love them.

Hey Claridge: I've been toying with this idea for years, I would love a Sanskrit 'ohm' symbol on my sacrum but have not as yet indulged this desire.

A few year ago, at 38, I went back to school and was amazed at how much ink adorned my classmates (mind you they were all around 20:)). I was impressed with the artisitic quality of most of the tatoos and liked hearing the sentimentatlity behind a certain symbol or design.

I think if you get quality work and keep on being good to your body you won't have to worry about fading or sagging.

Aww, now you've got me thinking about it again....should we or shouldn't we?????.....:) .

Take Care
I will give you my personal take. I got a tattoo roughly 13 years ago. Now this was at a time when it seemed that it was only for side show freaks or if you were in a motorcycle club. It was a fairy about 31/2" on my right shoulder blade. Within a year I got a beautiful butterfly about 1 1/2" above the fairy. Well now that I am older and wiser, I wish i would not have done it. I have had 4 or 5 lazer removal sessions and the fairy has not completely disappeared. I cannot begin to tell you how the removal hurt 10X more than getting the origanl tattoo. Grant it I have absolutely no scarring. The butterfly cannot be removed at this time because the plastic surgeon said that they have not come up with a lazer that removes the color green (or was it blue?:eek: ).
The sad truth is that we live in a judgemental world and people do judge. I have been discreet in my choice of tops in the summer time or warm weather. However, I have kids that attend a private parochial school and you can imaging the wagging tongues.
The bottom line is that it really is a very personal decision.Wait at least a couple of weeks and give it serious thought and if you have the opportunity speak with others who have them. I am sure you will get many different perspectives. BTW, sorry this turned into a sermon.
Good luck
I'm not into tattoos at all. I know people that have many and love them and others that regret ever having gotten one. It's totally a personal preference issue. Maybe you could get a henna tattoo to give it a test drive. I think they are supposed to last for a few weeks.

Good luck!
I have two tattoos in the center of my upper back, one above the other. They are the Chinese characters for Happiness and Clarity. They are very simple and took about 5 minutes each to do. My advice is to make VERY sure that whatever you pick is meaningful to you. I took years to decide on what I really wanted. The only time they can be seen is when I wear a swimsuit or a top cut low in the back. I wanted something would show only when I wanted it to. Don't worry, there will be LOTS of tattoed old ladies!!
Don't have any, and would not consider getting one. Just my personal feelings though.

I would just like to suggest that you put thought into it...not just having it on you, but other consequences. We hired a gal in our professional services group who has a tatoo (actully a lovely flower on a vine) on the side of her leg. We have a policy about tatoos showing in front of customers. So she has to always wear pants or a long skirt with boots as it is not permissable for a client to see it. In fact it's grounds for dismissal. Another person had one on the back of her neck. She has short hair and so has to always wear turtlenecks or shirts with high collars. She has now gone through 3 treatments trying to get it removed and more to follow.

I personally would never have one, but I believe it's your body and your choice. But do consider more then just what you pick or where you put it. You don't know what you'll be doing 5 or 10 years from now that the tatoo could become a problem for you.

I have a dragon on my right shoulder (back). I've had it for over 7 years and it hasn't faded at all. I love it and have never regretted getting it. Your body is your temple, so decorate it!

I wouldn't get one on my ankle, unless I never needed to look professional. That's the reason I haven't gotten a nose ring. I got it on my shoulder so it would be easily hidden and if I ever got sick of it, I wouldn't even know it was there. In fact, when I was pregnant, I pretty much forgot all about it because I wasn't wearing shirts that would show it off, and I didn't spend much time in front of the mirror without my clothes on.
I got my first tattoo about five years ago, and it took me about a year to decide what to get. I ended up with a small tribal design on my lower back in shades of purple. It is very discreet and few people know I have it.

I got a second tattoo a few months after that one on my lower left hip bone - again, very discreet and not for everyone to see. That one is a small rose.

I don't regret getting either one, but make sure it is really what you want and also make sure the design is something you can live with for the rest of your life, as removal is tedious, painful and not 100%.

I personally do not like tattoos but I too know several people who have them-some love them some don't. One friend in particular decided to get a frog on her backside and has completely regretted it ever since. Another friend loves hers.

It is a very personal decision. No matter what you decide, like the other poster said, give it a lot of thought and if you do decide to get one-make it something meaningful-and small enough where you can cover it up in certain situations because most people are VERY judgemental. In fact, according to my boss "Getting a tattoo is like putting a bumper sticker on a Mercedes - it only devalues it."

Good luck with your decision, Wendy
I LOVE LOVE LOVE mine! I have a HUGE purple orchid on my ankle. Had it for several years. DH thinks it is very sexy (ok, he's a big perv but hey that's why I love him back). DD is designing another for my lower back. DD designed her own for the middle of her back. She's 19, had it done last year. She is very proud of her tat.

If you get one, think carefully. Be sure you LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it. Don't do it on a whim. And be prepard for hurt! Tats hurt like hell when you get them & the next day when you wake up because it's dry. Don't let anyone tell you they don't hurt. If they tell you it doesn't hurt, they are lying.
I have 4 and i love them all because they are all very meaningful and special to me. i got my first one (2 cherries on my right north cheek) at 19. then at 21 i got the japanese symbol for pleasure on my tailbone after a terrible relationship ended to remind myself never to sacrifice my own happiness if it would cause me harm. i also have the zodiac sign for cancer on my left ankle. (for all of you familiar with this an imagine what everyone initially thinks it means}( it is my grandmother's sign and she is my favorite person and has had a huge impact on my life's peace and happiness. my 4th is a beautiful tribal butterfly on my right ankle to symbolize new begginings. it was when i met my dh and i knew my life would be forever altered for the better.

there have been situations where i have had to keep them covered, but that's no big deal because i always know they are there and what they stand for and that was the reason for them in the first place.

thank you for posting this. it was fun to read about everyone else's tats.


p.s. the ones on the ankle hurt pretty bad, but it's worth it :*
I may be a little weird, but I actually kind of enjoyed the pain while I was getting mine done. We got ours while on our honeymoon. We stopped in this place in Las Vegas and had a this very interesting guy, Mike - who was a Satan worshipper, do it. His "religious" beliefs provided very interesting conversation while he did his artwork.

I don't know how other artists are, but Mike was very good. He kept plopping this stuff on the tattoo as he did it (mine took about 45 minutes). The stuff was kind of like a vaseline substance and it cooled the skin. It was like, the pain would get almost too much to bear and I'd say, "can you put some more of that stuff on?" and the immediate relief it gave felt SO good! I would consider getting another one just for that sensation!

If I do get another, it will be on the small of my back. My husband and I have been kicking around some design ideas (he's an artist and I'd want it to be something he designed). Of course, it will be another dragon. I love those big fire-breating lizards!
What about temporary tatoos? You could then try out the location and type and see how you feel about it.

I have sometimes considered getting a small, non=discript tatoo in a location that noone but me and close friends would see (or maybe beachgoers, if I ever went to the beach, somewhat as an hommage to my deceased father, who had tattoos up and down both arms (from a time when he worked as an assistant elephant trainer in a circus, back in depression days, and the circus'tatooed man, who was also a tatoo artist, gave them to him), but I can't see having something that permanent on me.

A temporary tatoo of a vine or something right above the bicep muscle also sounds cool to me.
I know of people who have had tatoos done in places only hidden by clothing. I have a friend who has a tatoo on the inside of her ankle. Funny, although she is drop dead gorgeous, intelligent, and a very talented artist, I have heard her critisized for the tattoo. I have to agree that the one she has makes her look kind of dirty and unkept. I am just being honest. It is unfortunate that a tattoo can have such a negative effect on a don't seem to suffer like this. dmd
i have two tattoos and i'm getting my third one at the end of the month. all of mine can't be seen and the third one will be on my lower back. it took me a long time to decide on this third tattoo so yes, be sure its something you really want.

i love my tattoos and don't regret getting them at all.
It is so funny that tatoos on guys are sexy, and on women they denote husband said the same thing to me when I got you really want to be an eight year old with a tatoo?? Well, yeah I guess I do because I did it anyway. And yes, it does hurt...and you really need to make it meaningful to you, if you do you won't regret it. I love mine, a small size Piglet on my shoulder. I just have always loved the little guy, so like me....small and kinda cute. It has been almost three years and I still love it! Donna.
Hmmm...must be something about "Donnas" because Piglet is my favorite character from Pooh too. Have you ever read The Tao of Pooh? Piglet is a very small, meek animal with a lot of potential.

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