Two summers ago I went tanning a bunch of times trying to get a nice tan. I honestly didn't get very tan! I'm fair skinned to begin with and I can tan under the sun, but for me, this was a waste of money.
Not to mention that tanning is one of the dumbest things you can do. It's basically paying for skin cancer, premature aging, etc. I definately agree that tanned skin looks better and hides flaws, but in 10 years, you'll want your soft, youthful fair skin back! I regret going tanning because I know I'll pay for it in a few years.
I just read an article about fair skin being "in." It's true that it shows your flaws, but this made me more confident- I'm not hiding anything, this is me. Think of all the beautiful fair-skinned women who don't bother tanning- Gwnyeth Paltrow, Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore, Charlize Theron, Madonna, Renee Zellwegger...
There's supposed to be a new spray-tan both at some tanning salons, like Hollywood Tans. It sprays self-tanner on you for a few seconds.