
i did TAEBO II get RIPPED ADVANCED yesterday and did not like it. i did fill it in my upper and lower body. it is accident prone. he is even faster than cathe? how r u suppoed to pay attention to your form when its so fast? there r also no combos in the wo. example slow couple times with squat side kick the extremely fast 24x. i'm sticken with Powerstrike and kpc!

Hi Laura,
That workout is for Advanced TaeBo'ers that really have their form down.

If you are not a regular of TaeBo, I would suggest starting with the basic instructional tapes. Billy is adamant about proper form and technique in punching and kicking, and always encourages students to go through that phase first - especially if you are used to other kickboxing classes.

If you are happy with your other kickboxing workouts, then you should naturally stay with them. But if you have any interest in learning TaeBo, taking time to focus on the proper form will sculpt your muscles in a amazing way. I've been with Billy for 5 years now, and I would never dream of going with another instructor for kickboxing. IMO - it's everything else out there that opens you up for injury.
what makes billy different from powerstrike and kpc? i have always thought my form was good but i think its risky doing it that fast. i did feel it in my upper and lower the next day.

that is the full title. i got mine at amazon.com. i bought the 2 vhs for a cheaper price than getting a dvd with one workout. i do think i will try it again though i like kb with combos. it makes it more fun to me.

I finally gave up on Billy after doing his workouts for years because the man just can't keep his sides even. You do a set of 6 on one side and then a set of 16 on the other. Cathe is so good about keeping you even. I'll stick to her kickboxing workouts.

i was wondering about that too. if your an instructor and make a mistake and miscount does he say oops in his head and loose track of where he was? its hard to know for sure if he's really keeping things in line-balanced.

I love Tae-bo, and all I can say is that despite it's uneven reps. Tae-bo has done great things for my body. I say however, do what works for you. I also love Cathe and Powerstrike. Tae-bo can be fast, but like Melissa said, the advanced videos are for people who have mastered the basic videos. Once you learn the moves and proper form, moving into the faster paced videos is easier. Also, no-one says you can't slow it down, and move at your own pace. If a move feels to fast for me to execute safely, I definitely slow it down.

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