Wait just a minute! Was I lunging and squating and having a GOOD time? Am I dreaming?! Was I ice skating on my carpet with sweat trickling down my neck?
Oh my, I love the Gliding Discs. I did my Gym Style Biceps today (looove doing one body part a day, too!) and then I decided I'd try out what I've read to be the least favorite of the three workouts on the Gliding Discs DVD - Gliding Fat Burning Cardio. And did it ever burn some fat! Or well, at least it made me sweat a ton. My HRM was beeping away.
I think the fish skin made me very perky today . Okay, maybe it wasn't the fish skin, but I felt really energized through the workout, enough for me to follow the advanced exerciser!
It wasn't hard at all. It was just fun. Thanks for the suggestion, Michele!
Oh, by the way, the yogurt took the dust out of the cottage cheese and worked like a charm. Five or so big strawberries defrosted and minced, with half a cut-up apple all swooshed was dweamy.
Oh my, I love the Gliding Discs. I did my Gym Style Biceps today (looove doing one body part a day, too!) and then I decided I'd try out what I've read to be the least favorite of the three workouts on the Gliding Discs DVD - Gliding Fat Burning Cardio. And did it ever burn some fat! Or well, at least it made me sweat a ton. My HRM was beeping away.
I think the fish skin made me very perky today . Okay, maybe it wasn't the fish skin, but I felt really energized through the workout, enough for me to follow the advanced exerciser!
It wasn't hard at all. It was just fun. Thanks for the suggestion, Michele!
Oh, by the way, the yogurt took the dust out of the cottage cheese and worked like a charm. Five or so big strawberries defrosted and minced, with half a cut-up apple all swooshed was dweamy.