super slow on NPR


Active Member
anyone know where to look up more information on the super slow lifting?
NPR had a piece on it... very slow lifting 7 counts up and down to exhaustion.....
they claim one - two 20 minute workouts a week does it......very intense...

i wouldnt give up all the work i do!.. but i want to know more --find a book or articles.
The man responsible for doing the majority of research concerning weight trraining is Wayne Westcott Ph.d. I don't know if you can do a search using his name. He is affiliated with the YMCA in Maryland or Minnesota. Can't remember what state. He did this particular study you are referring to. If you can find articles or a website it will be a wealth of info regarding weight training.

Take Care, Cyndie
Me again. Did the search myself and found the article you were looking for. Go to and click on the super slow article. There's a bunch of other stuff from Wayne also. Good luck, Cyndie
Thank you Cyndie,
I have gone to the site but havent read it all..
I have read at some other sites and see mixed views.

do you have any opinions to share?
Do you think there anything special here?
or do many roads lead to Rome, and this is just one?
what kind of results should one really expect?
On the NPR interveiw they were talking with middle aged folks.... whose fitness goals might be less dramatic than mine..

I read one comment: one can get really sore and not get alot of progress with super slow...
I have even read other exercise being disparaged for those doing super slow..

And then opposite end there is the body pump kind of stuff....

what do you think?
Wayne Westcott is a name you often see in fitness related articles. he may also be seen explaining the interval concept at the beginning of Karen Voight's Energy Sprint. He is affiliated with the south shore YMCA in Massachusetts. I always remember this because I used to live on the south shore (this is composed of the towns on the coast of MA south of Boston-- he is in Quincy, I was farther from Boston). Well, I guess you didn't ask for the little geography lesson!
thanks KA...

i am skimming what i read and i see he wrote a book for fitness over 50...
I think i looked at that book recently.. maybe i should go back and peek at it again.

have a good day~

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